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Me and my life!

Saturday, 16 August 2003

Its been a while...
Yep so today is saterday and i havent updated this shit at all since school started last monday it ws boaring as hell casue school suxs big goffer nutts!!Well i havent really been doing much xept for hainging out with my baby and that all.Well today im going to go to the movies and stuff with him i cant wait..well that is all so peace!!


Posted by magic/pixes at 1:15 PM CDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003

So yea it is like 12:43 and im not doing shittt but chillin here talking to my Jeremy( my LOVE)Well yesterday i hung out at my pawpaws and did my dogg lol ahhaa jk but i did play with her...Well ppl im going to go now and shit...I love you jermy cant wait to see u tomarrow and spend sweeet time with you baby!!


Posted by magic/pixes at 12:45 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003

Well today was cool i got to chill with my baby and do stuff lol......Well i dont really have much to say..BUt i love JEremy!!!!

Well peeps i will get back at yall on the flip side...

Love yall sluts...

Posted by magic/pixes at 9:55 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003

Well today i had to go to the dentist so the dude could look at my teeth and shit...then my baby came over to my house and we played b-ball it was cool..Well and we got high and thats all ..Well got to go peace
love yall..
Love dacia

Posted by magic/pixes at 11:23 PM CDT
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Monday, 4 August 2003

Sorry i have been away!!
Well i havent posted since friday bacause saterday i went off with my boyfreind to the mall and to the movies and stuff..Then sunday i was at my grandmothers with some people.Then today i was at my mawmaw's and slept and played with my puppy!!I didn't get to see my baby today it sux's!!

But i had fun saterday with him spending time with the one love of my life.He is one of the most speacial people in my life.I love you jeremy so much baby!!!well thats all i have to say at the everyone bunch's!!!!!


More post's to come!!!!!

Posted by magic/pixes at 10:31 PM CDT
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Friday, 1 August 2003

what a day..
Well today i slept and washed my dog and cleaned house it was so much fun lol.Well i idnt get to see my boyfreind today but i wil get to see him tomarrowHEeehhhee!!Well um yea dont have shit to say at the momment but love you jeremy!!Well peace and hair greese!!

More Lovely shit to Cumm!!

Posted by magic/pixes at 10:44 PM CDT
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Thursday, 31 July 2003

Whatt a crazy day!!
Well today i went with my boyfreind to Kaoz and got some shit and got soaked in the rain it sucked.Then all the damn lights and shit were broke it was crazy!!Then we wnet and got him a applaication thang so maybe he can get a job at Cirrcut City(lol)...Then we got stuck in the damn traffic.Well thats all the junk for now..

Love yall,Dacia

Posted by magic/pixes at 10:56 PM CDT
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Another boaring day!
Well today looks like its going to rain again just like everyday for the past 3weeks it suxs.Other thatn that i woke up today at like 2:00 and watched some t.v wich sucked cause there is never shit on the T.V.But at the moement im talking to Cody and Sid.Hopefully today i will get to see my baby(Jeremy).

Well thats all the good info i have for right now stay tuned for more shit about my insane fun filled life!!!

Love Dacia!!
MoRe PoSt'S To CoMe!!.....

Posted by magic/pixes at 3:11 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003

My day today..
Today i went and registared for school it sucked nutts lol.But when i got back i got to spend time with my boyfreind,I wanted to go and get his haircutt with him but i couldnt cause my was being mean to me.But thatsok i got to see him anyways and spend all my time with him and stuff.But my day was pretty good and i just found out thatMy boyfreinds dad is getting married OMG thats so cool (i guess)....Well gota go for now so peace..

MOre ShiT To Come!!!Love everyone bunchs..

Posted by magic/pixes at 10:17 PM CDT
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Today i have to go and registar for school...Uh i dont want to lol.Today i will hopefully get to see my boyfreind and do stuff with him.It looks like another rainy day outside it suxs:( But thats all for now so peace.

MorE To CoMe.....

Posted by magic/pixes at 12:29 PM CDT
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