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The World According to ME

FIRST, THANK YOU DISNEY FOR A GREAT FAMILY MOVIE, "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN" JOHNNY DEPP RULES THE SEAS! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On this page, I would like to share (hopefully) some wit and a little bit of the wisdom that comes with age. TODAY'S SUBJECT: PREMARITAL SEX I recently heard a 16 year old girl talking about "premarital sex" and how she thinks it is a necessity because you "really need to know the person". Wow. You see, I come from the side of aisle that says YOU are the most precious gift you can give someone. How would you like it if I gave you a present that had already been unwrapped and used by someone some cases...several times..... It certainly wouldn't be very special would it? I have had this discussion with many of my friends; some agreed and some disagreed. Some said that they just HAD to know that the sex would be good before they married the man. Well, I think you are going to get a pretty good idea if you are on the same wave-length on that subject if you spend enough time sharing your lives together. People can call me old-fashioned, but I know human nature, (it's difficult enough to know about past girlfriends....past lovers are almost impossible to ignore. "Was she better than I am??" "Does he think about her when he is with me?") As a woman who waited until my wedding night and who was blessed enough to find a man who believed the same way I did, I can tell you that nothing is as special as giving yourself to someone for the first time as his wife. Thankfully, there are celebrities who will stand up and say they feel the same way. Clay Aiken and Jennifer Simpson are two very prominent young people that come to mind. Teenagers, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't buy the worn-out mantra that "everybody's doing it"...IT ISN'T TRUE!!! IT WASN'T TRUE 100 YEARS AGO, IT WASN'T TRUE 50 YEARS AGO, IT WASN'T TRUE 10 YEARS AGO AND IT ISN'T TRUE NOW!! You are precious....You are special....Trust in your instincts. They won't steer you wrong.

My Dream Men
