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Heya! Welcome to Pink Teardrop, my blog/personal site! If you want, to contact me then do send me an e-mail! Or, sign my g-book! Flames are accepted, just as long as their not too offensive. *wink, wink*

July 08, 2003 - 7:16 PM
LoL, it's been nearly a week since I last blogged! Super busy with school and life! Whew! I think I can relax for a day or two, and to blog, HeHe. Well, the talent show was today in school, sOoOoO much fun! Damn! Our act (Jackie, Bonnie, Harriet, Tara, Iya and I) was dancing to Stacey Orrico's song, "I could be the one". It went great, except the part where I acidentally missed a step, but I bet it wasn't even noticable; plus, I smiled the whole time so if I messed up big time then it wouldn't be as if I was so f*cked up over it! The matching shirts we had to wear were freakin belly baring!!! I was so self-concious the whole time I was wearing it (which was from 7 am to 2:15 pm!) coz I still have some 'baby fat' around my tummy since I was chubby when I was younger, I was like whining if I could just wear another shirt until the show starts. The gals kept saying no and telling me it was fine, I knew it really wasn't, I mean, my tummy is average size, but the baby fat is still there so it's so DAMN anoYING!!! Iya knew I didn't like to wear belly baring stuff, that's why she suggested they should be like that, she's such a freakin b*tch! Just because she's got a flat tummy, geez, well she's amazingly short, so I feel a little better.
OK, I feel really bad now, coz Jackie and Andy are leaving to go to Aussieland permanently tonight at least they'll visit....but, I cried when I knew I wasn't goin to see Andy as much anymore, and I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to Jackie too! WoW, I don't think I've ever been this sad in my whole life, I'm heart-broken basically, and I think I'm gonna remain like this for a week or two. Gods, I'm really gonna miss the guy, as in 24/7! Oh ya, I'll also try and post pics of me and the gals in the show today here! But for now, I want to post a couple of pix of the guy I'm in love with Andrew here, since a) he's so hot/cute and b) I'm gonna miss him with all my heart! Even if he doesn't feel the same way I do (maybe he does, who knows?), I'll still like (love?) him!

^Patrick (left, his older bro), Jackie (his twin sis) and him!^

June 30, 2003 - 5:30 PM
Wahaha! Lookie, it's the year 10 class pic (my class)! I once again look totally messed up! Ya, everyone looks a bit weird actually coz the pic is so small, LoL! I'll try to make a bigger pic next time, and add a link for it, it's dark nasai minna-san! (sorry everyone!)

Bottom row starting from left: Harvey, Albert, Raf, Matt, Tom and Andrew. Second row starting from left: Adam, Jackie, David, Wei, Joker and Kyle. And top row startting from left: Iya, Bonnie, Ralph, Marilyn, me, Lauren and Farah. Oh, n the dude on the far left, is our homeroom teacher Mr. Mclucas aka MM. LoL! Good news, Good news! Tomorrow is Sports Day in school! YaY! No lessons at all, just sports! Year 10, 9 and 11 are gonna compete in soccer, b-ball, swimmin, etc. Thank God I'm with the super athletic people like Jackie, Albert, Iya n Andrew, coz we all belong to the 'Luzon House'! GO LUZON!!! KICK VISAYAS AND MINDANAO's BUTT!!! hEhE! I'm also gonna take loads of pix tomorrow, and gonna put it here! (wow, I do put a lot of pix here don't I?!). Anyways, the package I mentioned yesterday is here now! It's the BR book! YaY again! I was really hoping it was gonna be the loose sox, but WTH! This book is sooooooooooooooooo kewl! Buy it at Amazon, great deal too! In Math Class today, me n Jackie were listening to the Stacey Orrico CD (her CD rox!) and the substitue ddnt know a thing! How stupid! The CD player was in my bag, and we just brought the headphones out. David tried to bust us by saying it loudly, but the subs. thought he was just making noise and busted HIM! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Also in Math, Albert n Farah were teasing me that even if Andrew messed up my work, I wouldn't get mad at him coz I "lab him"! LoL! So, Albert was singing these stupid love songs, whatever! Kyle kept saying that I got the hots for Albie...umm, no? Geez, how idiotic can Kyle get?! Possibly, not anymore! How can some ppl just not accept what's what? Makes me so annoyed! hAhA! Well, pray that the sox get here before friday so I can wear it when I go to G4 with Jakie, Bonnie n Marilyn!

June 29, 2003 - 1:12 AM
Haven't blogged in a while, super busy with schoolwork! Hate it...well, who loves it anyways?! LoL! Quite a lot has happened the past few days, firstly, a package arrived for me! HaHa, I know it sounds silly, but I've been waiting for one of my orders online for weeks now. It's either the loose Japanese socks I ordered or the Battle Royale novel I got from Amazon, I really, really hope it's the socks!!! Jackie will be leaving on like Friday and we both are supposed to wear them together for school! LoL! I planned a party at a Japanese restaurant for last Saturday, but loads of people couldn't make it, so I had to cancel! ::cries:: Oh well! Anyways, I cried in class on Friday because of some f*cking idiot called Raf!!! I already got this really low score on my physics test, ok? Which made me feel sooo depressed coz I studied hard for it! Then, I try to make myself happy by teasing Raf abou his idol, 2pac, in a ligh-hearted way! I mean, we always do that to each other, tease our idols in a nice way, he does that to me by teasing Ayumi and Utada. When I did it, he loudly said (in a serious tone), "Fuck you bitch!". I couldn't take it, I sunk to the floor crying! Many of my friends consoled me, but I still cried, Farah told Raf to apologise, but he continued to swear at me. So, the teacher allowed Marilyn to take me to the bathroom so I can relax. Raf is so0o0o0 busted on Monday! The jerk, I'm never speaking to him again! On to better news, I added a few pics here to let you get a peek of my world! LoL! Enjoy people!

^Me (left) and Iya (right) at my house!^
[Why do I look sooo messed up here?!]

^Adam (left) and Andrew (beside him), both feeling Jap!

^Bonnie (left) and Jackie (right) at my house!^

June 25, 2003 - 5:20 PM
Just had a French test today, and I forgot to study for it coz of all the hwk we get! SoOoOoOo sleeeepy....LoL! I think I passed my test today though, it was kinda easy-ish. or NOT. HaHa! Iya was being her usual bitchy-self today and last night (not surprised), on MSN she kept asking me who I liked in our class, like I would tell her of all people. She kept using her lame excuse of, "But we've been friends for 5 yrs, you can trust me!" wtf? Even I knew her for 20 years, I still wouldn't trust her! I know the moment I tell she'll start blabbing it around...grr...However, she admitted to me that she liked Albert, not surprised! She's so sweet to him that it's so obvious already! DuH! I guess she's kinda pissed at me that I didn't tell her who I liked coz she ignored me today, LoL! Don't care! But, Andrew was pretty sweet again last night, coz my whole class made a good-bye video for Andy and Jakie since their moving to Australia and I was in it too of course. I told him, "Ei, sory if I messed up the vid w/ my presence! LoL!" and he said that I made it better actually! WoW! HahaHahaHa! Kewl! And, major flirt alert with Albert today! He was having fun pushing me around and smiling at me n, talk about flirting! Moving on, I'm planning a party for this Saturday and I'm gonna invite a bunch of my class, we all agreed to go to a Japanese restaurant. Me n Jakie sed that we would wear our loose Japanese socks and short-ish pleated skirts together! YaY! All du girls in ma class have this "genius" way of passing notes in class, we write our message in a blank notebook and pass it to whoever we need the message to get to. The teachers don't notice it, and if they do, they think it's school notes! HAHAHA! Oh ya, gez what?! Jakz n Bonnie are friends now! Well, I think they are! So fast! I even wonder, "Did they even fight in the 1st place???"

June 24, 2003 - 8:37 PM
AcK! Stupid PC totally busted yesterday!!! I was just typing my hwk then it just shut off, so I called some technician guy to come over our house n repair it, he said he has to take it away for a day to fix it, so I only got it like now... But, I'm kinda pissed coz my msn 6 isn't working since I downloaded the beta version, I have to find the real one off the net and download it again which will take me like 3000 freakin years! wtf?! Now, I'm using the older version for the moment which totally sux coz no pics and stuff. What the hell! HeHe! I had my interview with Ms. Bodenham just yesterday after class to talk about how the English class is going and stuff and what I feel about it, she told me that I put a tremendous amount of effort into my work and I show good points bla bla bla! Ya rite! LoL! I just nodded and stuff, I listened a bit though, it was like a 15 min interview. Forgot to mention, I got a solid B on my Math report yesterday!!!!! YaY!!! My mom n dad were like happy since I usually suck at Math! Albert got an A+ and he kept giving me the smile that said, "I got a higher grade than you!" I told him (jokingly), "Doesn't make you God!" LoL! Im serious, he kinda flirts with me loads, don't want to sound to proud or anything, but even Marilyn n Farah say they see it too. I don't get it, coz he says he likes this girl near his house n he kissed her already, so...umm...what's with the flirting?! I sometimes flirt back, but I try to ignore him coz I don't want Andrew to get the idea I like Albert not him! I'm so confused when it comes to love/crushes! HaHa!OMG, Jackie n Bonnie just had a huge fight today, they were swearing at each other in the hall (no one was there though, only me), it was so weird coz their like always together and now their really fighting. Read her post, you'll see what I mean:

Me, Moi, I

Name: Arian Yupangco
Age: 15
B-day: 22 April, 1988
Where am I?: Manila, Philippines
Stuff I like: Anything Japan related (anime, J-pop, clothes culture, etc.), texting, MSN, dancing, surfing the net, boys [hehe] and other stuff!
Stuff I hate: Bossy/Fake people, homework, bad hair days, 404's, etc.
Email me: here
G-book: here

As of now...

Feeling: *Chatty*
Eating/Drinking: Pineapple juice!
Listening to: Stacey Orrico
Worth: $1,692,000.00
Plugged in: here!

The compass!

Sites I love (visit 'em!)

Jackai- Andy- Ryn- Bonni- Cazz- Babz- Lori- Celoine- Iyae- Shi

Link me plz!


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Layout made by Shi of Angelic Wings