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First Blog - Experimentation
Monday, 30 June 2003
Cinderelly, Cinderelly
Wow. Can you say, tired?! I was cleaning ALL day today, it just pisses me off. My mom expects me to always be right by her side and clean up after her. Like, jeez - I've got a life too. I don't need to be catering to YOU all day. But, yeah that didn't work out the way I planned. I was cleaning for 5½ hours today. Yeah, I know. I woke up at 12 and was cleaning until 5:30 then took a shower and did my makeup and everything and then took a break to eat and watch those lovey dovey TV sitcoms. Ahh.... finally I can take a break. This TV show is funny as hell that I'm watching, it's called Meet My Folks. The guy these 5 girls are fighting over is SEXY lol. But now my older brother is here, so I need to get going. I'll post back later.

Posted by magic/pieisgood at 10:00 PM EDT
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Today was interesting. I had a fight with my best friend. She was complaining about something I told my friend. I told her that my favorite colors were baby pink and baby blue and she said that those were "her" colors and that SHE used the word "baby" instead of "light pink" or "light blue". She was just being an all out biotch. Then she came over to my house because my twin sister and her are friends. I tried my hardest to stay out of the same room with her. Eventually she left, thank goodness. This morning I Lynn, my real good friend, was at my house swimming but it was way too cold so we didn't stay at my house long. So I went to her house because her pool is heated. Then for the rest of the day I updated my site.

Posted by magic/pieisgood at 12:44 AM EDT
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Friday, 27 June 2003
First Entry
My first entry in a blog - pretty neat :) I hope to get used to this quick - so far it's pretty cool. Today was boring, I just sat home and pretty much did nothing. We took our dog to the groomer - but that was the only exciting thing. I'll write back later when I get used to this... and when I acutally HAVE something to write about... lol

Posted by magic/pieisgood at 9:48 PM EDT
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