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Elronds Head thingy

The search for elronds missing headpeice By Arwen Evenstar.
It was walking along in Rivendell when daddy came up to talk with me..
He said that someone had taken his favourite headpeice he wore at the council and asked me to look for it. First i said no, saying that it was a waste of time and that he could always get another one. But i thought maybe this would convince him to let me marry aragorn...
And so my search began...
I looked high and low but there was no sign of the darn thing
I decided to ask around, but the responses were all the same. But i stil had one more person to ask, Aragorn.
But he said he hasn't seen it, so i asked if he could help me find it. He was meant to say yes, but he said he had joined the fellowship. Well, Gee! That was stupid! Please remind why i decided to marry this guy....
later that night dad comes back and thanks me for my efforts and told me it just fell under his bed. ARGH! I'll never do this sort of thing for him again! And then he said that he won't let me marry aragorn, *sob* i tried to compromise and knowing typical dad, he said:"i won't have my daughter marrying a man who doesn't take frequent showers."
I'm still very angry with this...