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Phylia, a land of great forests, mountains, oceans and volcanoes. The powers of Fire, Earth, Holy, Water, Wind, and Darkness can all be mastered here, but they lie within large temples, with great guardians. Only a few people ever have beaten the guardians, and fewer have truly mastered the magic. But along with the beautiful land, there was a great darkness, one so powerful he struck fear in the hearts of all people. A few brave souls stood up to him, and with their magical powers they sealed him inside a large diamond. The each took a peace of the diamond, but one remained, Darkness. They sealed their parts of the diamond away in the giant temples, Fire resting in a large volcano. Water under a great lake. Wind high above a ruined city. Earth on the highest mountain on Phylia. Holy and Darkness in two temples below Rim Elm and Sol, the most populated cities in all of Phylia, and the one who had mastered each magic stood to defend the temple. The great god of fire, protecting the volcano. The goddess of water, submerged in the lake. The earth god in the peak of the mountain. The wind goddess high above the ruined city. The Holy and Darkness magic were left un-guarded, because the gods thought no one would ever discover their places beneath the cities. Over the centuries, the Holy temple was made a church to pray to the god, Granas. And the Darkness temple was a resting place for all of the Dark Lord Valmar’s followers. Now, the diamonds that they were protecting began to crack, and a few broke. It was said that if each diamond were to break, Valmar would be released back into Phylia. Each town tried to send men and women to search for the temples, but few were brave enough. The Dark Lord Valmar’s followers were searching the land, trying to shatter the diamonds and release their dark god, before people with pure-hearts tried to restore them.
