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The Order of the Phoenix Guild Website

House Cup for Month of August
Gryffindor - 0 Points
Hufflepuff - 0 Points
Ravenclaw - 0 Points
Slytherin - 0 Points

House Cup for Month of July
Gryffindor - 90 Points
Hufflepuff - 16 Points
Ravenclaw - 60 Points
Slytherin - 48 Points

Megan's Blog
July 30
Hey everyone! This is the new website. I changed the colors and I added a few new things, although most of the website isn't up yet.
I have updated the Sorting Hat Quiz, and made it shorter. I added some new rules to the Rules and Guidelines page,
but most of the things I added aren't really rules, they're just common sense. Hopefully the website will be finished in a few days...
but I can't make any promises. Enjoy!

Common Room Entrances
Sorting Hat Quiz
Explanations Page
Guild Rules and Guidelines
Diagon Alley
Daily Links
Daily Prophet
Sorcerer's Stone
Goblet of Fire
Grimmauld Place
Quadwizard Tournament
Mirror of Erised
Dueling Club
Hospital Wing
Guild Library
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