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This... is me!

Been Watching T.v. lately? Then you should know these two hotties that you may reconize! :D Hee hee!

Yep! This is Brandon. He's was on the Amazing race with his girlfriend Nicole. I hope you cheered for them ^_^ They came in overall third place. I was a pretty good job if you ask me!

Yes siree! Those of you's who have the pleasure of living in Canada, we got to vote for Canadian Idol! This is Kalan Porter for those of you's who don't already know! He lives in Alberta, Canada. All I have to say is: Just look at him! I know it's not just about looks... but he's the complete package! He's an awesome singer to! (It just helps that he's a complete hottie!:P)

** Petpets Galore!

Where am I?

You are at the Homepage of the guild known as, Petpets Galore! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here! We have a variety of stuff to do with the guild, only more! There are fun contests, there are riddles, a Petpet faerie and Faerie quests, and even a Petpet Adoption center! All those poor homeless Petpets will be token into account! No longer will they sit Neopetless in you shop, or in you Saftey Deposit Box! Here, will can give the Petpets great homes! This is REALLY handy if the owner of the Neopet doesnt have a lot of neopoints, then they can buy Petpets to make their Pets happy at CHEAP prices! There will be Mystery Pics and possibly even a Beauty Contest! But you have to be a member of the guild to participate in any of the events, contests, ect.!

Contests/Rules and Regulations/And Coming Attractions
    Already Have(Getting more! ^_^):
  • Free Items!
  • Monthly(Soon-2-be Regular)Raffles!
  • P*G! Money Tree!
  • Petpet Beginner Prize Packs(Selling for 150 Nps)
  • FREE items to members who participate regualry!
  • P*G! Mystery Pics
  • Short Story Contests!
  • P*G! Riddles!
  • P*G! Auctions!
  • Homes for Petpets!(P*G! Petpet Adoption Center!)
  • P*G! Petpet Faerie!
  • Petpet Faerie quests!
  • Plusie Giveaways!
    Soon To Have:
  • P*G! Monthly Beauty Contest(s)!
  • FREE Petpet Beginner Prize Packs!
  • Battledome Competitions!
  • Petpet Dating!
  • MORE free Items!
  • Kewl links!
  • And Much MUCH more!! ^_^

    Rules and Regulations Of The Guild:
  • 1. Have to be an active member(Participate reguarly)!
  • 2. NO SCAMMING! If its someone elses work, then leave it! If you didnt make it, Dont touch it!
  • 3. Be polite to new members!
  • 4. Have to be in the guild one month, before you can leave!(Ecspecially if you get a Petpet! Otherwise, you have to give the petpet back!)
  • 5. No swearing or rude language! If that happens, then you will be kicked out of the guild!
  • 6. No advertising any other guilds! You can advertise your shop, and Pets, ect, but NO other guilds, Or else you will be suspended from the guild!!
  • 7. Smile, and HAVE FUN!

Rules for contests(Previous and future!):
  • Have to Participate in the P*G! Money tree to be able to win anything! (See the rules about the P*G! Money Trees for answers to any questions!)
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!

    P*G! Money Tree
  • First, make sure that you have jumps_772 added to your neofriends list.
  • Next, send items to jumps_772. All the procedes will go towards the end of the month Raffles. ONLY PARTICIPANTS OF THE P*G! Money Tree! CAN WIN ANY ITEMS FOR THE RAFFLE!
  • Remember, each item that you give her puts your name into the raffle once. So in other owrds, the more items you send the more chances you have of winning! There is the Grand prize(Depends on the amount of neopoints raised!) and the Secondary prize(Depends n the amount of Neopoints rasied!) Then, if you dont get one of them spots, you may worry, that you wont win anything. All of the participants who participate will recieve a FREE item!
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!
    Prize Packs
  • Right now, the Petpet Beginner Prize Packs cost 150 Neopoints. They are in jumps_772 trades. When you get there, they say that they cost 200, but they are now 150 neopoints! (The price were reduced^_^)
  • Buy them quickly because the sooner i sell these, the sooner they will become FREE! And if you buy won, then you will get a FREE book!
  • However, if you dont buy won, you wont be able to get a FREE won, so go ahead and buy won!
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!
    Beauty Contest
  • This is a little tricky. First, you need to make sure that you have jumps_772 as your neofriend.
  • Next, you neomail her and ask her for permission to post a picture, and after you posted the picture, then you neomail her again, saying that you are done.
  • It is VERY important that you neomail her back telling her when you have finished. It is also VERY important that you DO NOT delete ANY pictures!!(There is a new contest for this EVERY month!)
  • We will need two other judges for this event! Neomail neoperson_cool if you are interested for this position. If you participate in the contest, then you cant judge. jumps_772 can not judge since she wants to be in the contest, but neoperson_cool is one judge.
    Judging of the Beauty Contest
  • The three judges have the LAST THREE days of every month (Be sure to be on there for it!) to judge the participants in the contest. Then they talk privatly to each other(through Neomail) about it. Judge#1 is neoperson_cool, and the other two are unknown. neoperson_cool is a permanate judge, and the other two can change is they arent quite up to the pace and dont give a final mark for each contestant(message boards!) If you arent judging, then vote for the pets in the message boards! At the end of it, the pic with the highest score, (from the judges, and the amount of votes), they will recieve a prize. So will the second and thrid placers too!
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!
    Mystery Pic
  • The mystery pic will be added to the picture section every other week(a new one every other week). Once three people guess the CORRECT answer, then the picture will be deleted and you will have to wait until the next one comes up.
  • Neomail neogurl_kool when you think you have the right answer!
  • Remember, it can be ANYTHING, if, and ONLY if it has something to do with the guild! (Ex:Petpets(any), something thats on the guild page itself(link, button) or even from here on the homepage!)
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!
    Short Stories
  • Make sure that you have neogurl_kool as a neofriend because she is in charge of this contest! (She just rejoined the guild because she had her account stolen, and then she got it back and she was in a different guild, so shes back now!)
  • Send a Neomail to her, but instead of it being a neomail, make it a...STORY! Thats right! Send a short story to neogurl_kool and she will mark it and rate it from one to ten. Then she will tell me (jumps_772) the winner and I will post it in another section of this page (Contest winners)!
  • If youhave any questions, then neomail jumps_772!
  • There will be weekly riddles posted further down this page, and all you have to do, is neomail me(jumps_772) with what you think is the right answer! The first three people who guess it correctly will win the prizes!
  • If you have ANY questions, then neomail jumps_772!
    Plushie Giveaways
  • You have to have jumps_772 and Spitfiregirlca on your neofriends list.
  • You have to be a member to have a chance of winning.
  • You have to have neofriends (so we can send you the items!)
  • There will be autions held for this guild, with some items(not sure how many). Baby_devil911 is in charge of this contest, so neomail her. She will annouce the price to me, and i will post it on the page(under the heading *Auctions*) and then you neomail her for the next price that you are offering. She will neomail you and tell you whether or not your offer was token.
  • If you are interested in an item that is up for auctioning, then you will have to wait until they start, then keep checking back here (under Auctions) for the update! I will try my best to keep it up and updated!
  • If you have ANY questions, neomail jumps_772!
  • The next auction, will be announced later. The time is going to be redated because of the battledome competition, happening on the 1st of July. Sorry for the inconvience.(But there might be one within the first week of June!!^_^
    Petpet Adoption Center
  • There will be an assortment of petpets to choose from! And if you are interested in adopting one of them, then all you need to do, is get a hold of neoperson_cool to adopt any. The petpets to be adopted will all be posted on this page.
  • I have to ask, that if any members of the guild have ANY petpets that they would like to get rid of, then please send them to jumps_772. I(jumps_772) already have LOTS of petpets, therefore i have grasiously donated a few petpets already!(Go to the Adoption Center section for details!)
  • If you have ANY questions, neomail jumps_772!
    Petpet Dating
  • As you have probably noticed, Petpets arent like Neopets, so you cant tell if they are female or male. But it doesnt really matter, what you can do, is the following.
  • If you have a neofriend in the guild, and they have a petpet, and so do you, you can just say that they are Neodating! If you wanted to, you could post it in the look-up for your Neopet, and say something like *My Petpet has a Neo boy/girlfriend! Their name is ___?___! His/her owners name is ___?___!* Or something like that! ^_^
  • Who knows, we might even have a little competition for that later, with judges and everything! To find the cutest Petpet Couple! And if you dont have a petpet, take a stop at the Petpet Adoption center!
  • If you have ANY questions, neomail jumps_772!
    Battledome Compition
  • No! This isnt for your Petpet! This is for your Neopet! There will be a battledom competition in the near future, and it will ALL BE FAIR PLAY! If not, the person who cheats will be disqualified!
  • If you have any questions, neomail jumps_772!
    Petpet Faerie
  • This Faerie, is a Petpet Faerie! Her name, is Angenete! (She has a twin named Angeleta!) This Petpet Faerie is kind of like the wishing well, only she sleeps A LOT, kind of like the oppisite of the Snowager! But shes more like the Wishing well, because she wont hurt you, or your petpets! But then, unlike the wishing well, you dont need to make a donation!
  • Now you know a little about her, but if you have ANY questions, neomail jumps_772!
    Petpet Faerie Quests
  • This is the second, and younger of the Petpet Faerie twins! However, she is VERY forgetful, and she loses her stuff quite easily! You will find out what to do in the Faerie Quest Section if you dont understand what to do! Any questions about that afterwords, then feel free to neomail jumps_772 for assitance!

    Plushie Giveaways
    Plushies (and other toys for your Neopets) will be handed out (and chosen randomly), weekly (on Monday)! Its all chance really, but you have to be a member of the guild, and you have to be jumps_772 neofriend. Thats about it, its actually pretty straight forward.
    Petpet Faerie
    This is a Petpet faerie

    Her name is Angenete! She runs, almost like the wishing well, only with her, you dont need to make a donation! But, instead of making an EXACT wish to her, what you do, is ask her for what you want(what type of item (eg, if you want some sort of book ask for *book*, if you want a plushie, say *plushie* ect.,) Angenete DOESNT like picky people! She sleeps for most of the time, but whenever she wakes up, its not for long. The first three people to ask Angenete for what ever they want, then their wish will come true!
    --Angenetes currently...Awake!--
    Well you heard me! Do what ever it say! IF shes sleeping, then dont bug her, if she awake, then tell her what u want!
    If Angenetes status is set to AWAKE then you can use this link to contact her! You can contact her by clicking here! If you try to ask her for stuff while shes sleeping, then she will get cranky! SO BECAREFUL! YOUR WARNED NOW!!

    Petpet Faerie Quests
    This is Angeleta, Angenetes younger twin sister. She is pretty mature for her age, but the only thing is, is that she has a REALLY bad memory! :( Thats why she needs YOUR help! You see, she would go out and look for them herself, but she cant go out whenever sister is sleeping! :( But she is willing to give you prizes if you get them for her! :) Its done through Neomail, but all you need to do, is when you click on the link provided, it will take you straight to the neomail, and who you have to neomail for it, all you need to do is ask *Hi. Im a member in the guild, and I would like to ask Angeleta, could a do a quest?* or something like that. YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER!! The quests will get a little harder and more expensiver each time, but instead of haveing less then an hour to do it in, you have ONE WEEK! If you dont want to do the quest, or fail it, then you will go back to the first quest! Contact Angeleta by clicking here!
    Dont forget that she DOES sleep about half the day,(Like most Petpet faeries!) But her status will appear here!
    --Angeleta is currently...Awake! Ask her for a quest now if you want to anyways, and she will get back to you as soon as she can!! ~_*--
    ~*~*Top Scavengers!*~*~
    --No Current Scavengers at the present time!:(--

    Battledome Competition
    There will be a Battledome competition happening in a little more then two months. (It starts on July 1st.) Anybody who wishes to be in the competition(obviously has to be a member!) and they have to neomail jumps_772 for registration. To registir, please send a neomail to jumps_772, saying your username, your pets name who will be competing, their stats, and their level. All members names who are competeting will be written down, and then a week before the competition starts (so you can have time to prepare) everybody who is competing with whoever will be placed onto this page(in this section!) When your battle/Rebattles/ect., are done, and you and your battling partner have determined a winner, please allow the winner to neomail me and tell me that they won the fight! That person will then go on to the next round, while the other one, who lost will recieve their participating prize then! The contest is already starting, the registration at least, but there will be prizes for the top two People/competitors. But dont worry, every one who particaptes will recieve a item, and the two winners will win a pack called, Battledome Winner Prize Pack These packs will contain about 3-6 prizes, no less, but possibly more!
    --List Of Competetors(Not who they are fighting)--

    Mystery Pic
    I know that the mystery pic is suppose to be in the picture section at the guild, but instead of that, it is going to be posted right here! But this is the place where I will also annouce the winners, or in other words, the first three people to guess it correctly! Its official! The mystery pic is now started!

    What IS that?

    If you know, or think you know what the mystery pic is, then Neomail me!(jumps_772)
    Congradulations: spitfiregirlca! You were the ONLY member to successfully identify the previous mystery pic. And I will say, that the next one, that is currently in affect, wont be quite as hard, and it will be bigger, and easier to answer, SO GET YOUR GUESSES IN! But the previous one was...
    a peice of the *doll* on the VERY top of the HOMEPAGE! Good guessing Spitfiregirlca, and I hope that more people participate in the next one! And with that, START YOUR GUESSING!

    Short stories
    This little place, is where the top three Short Story spotlights are. The name of the story is here, and the owner/creators username on Neopets as well. The three top storie at the end of every other month will recieve a prize!
    --Story Spotlights--

    Jumps_772, Wrote the story which she calls, Never Right! Which is about...Well, I will leave you to find that out. If your curious, and you want to read it for yourself, then click HERE! and ask her if she could send the first paragraph of it, and then if you like it, then ask her to send more!

    This is where the monthly riddles will be posted. The three first members to guess the correct answer will win the prize!
    --This months Riddle is:--
    Rubber, plastic, ribbons or strings,
    I can be made out of different things.
    I come in pink, and orange and blue,
    I really come in handy when you have the flew!
    I come in yellow, and red and green,
    and I have some that are made out of jean
    and I can even be glow-in-the-dark!
    I can be worn to the movies, the mall, or even the park.
    You put me in your hair,
    And I can even come in a pair!

    --What am I?-- *First 3 to guess CORRECTLY will recieve prizes!^_^*

    This is the auction section! The auctions go on for exactly 7 days (A week) for people to get the items. But I (jumps_772) am running out of items, since i need to supply for the other contests, and if you want to do this one, send me items, then I can post them and get the party started! ~_* The next auction date is unknown. Since the other contests are just as importent, yet not as confusing, this will be put off for a bit. I REALLy need help to gather items! Send them to jumps_772 and they will be put itno the raffle! I will graciously donate a few more items however!
    --Items up for Auctioning!--
    --1. Wadjet<<<>>>Type of item<<>>Starting price<<<750 Neopoints>>>Donated by:Jumps_772 --
    --2. Khnum<<<>>>Type of item<<>>Starting Price<<<1200 Neopoints>>> Donated By:spitfiregirlca --
    --3. Floud<<<>>>Type of item<<>>Starting Price<<<1700 Neopoints>>> Donated by: Spitfiregirlca --
    Dont really understand this all? Not understand what it all means? then click here, to visit the Auction Center!
    P*G! Petpet Adoption Center(P.A.C.)
    Welcome! To P*G! Petpet Adoption center! There are homeless, or more less, Neopetless, Petpets out there, and we are trying to save them! A lot of Neopet Owners cant buy the regular Petpets from shops and what not, so we have organized this Adoption Center so that they could make their Neopet happy with a new Petpet, for CHEAP prices! If you have any extra Petpets, that just sit in your Safty Deposit Box, please send them to me(jumps_772) with a neomail saying that it is an extra petpet and would like me to put it in the Adoption Center so someone who doesnt have some many neopoints can have it! Here is a list of Petpets That are currently up for adoption. The price beside them is how much is being asked for them, and the number in brackets to the left of the name of the petpet means hom many of them are in stock! Then, at the end is who it was donated by!:
    (1) Yellow Abominable Snowball*1000 neopoints. (Donated by: Jumps_772)**
    (1) Abominable Snowball*500 Neopoints. (Donated by: Jumps_772)**
    (1) Purple Abominable Snowball*1000 Neopoints. (Donated by: Jumps_772)**
    (1) Blue Abominable Snowball*1100 Neopoints. (Donated by: Jumps_772)**
    (1) Selket*650 Neopoints. (Donated by: Jumps_772)**
    Want to visit the P*G! Petpet Adoption Center? The prices for the Petpets are CHANGED in there, so go there to find out more stuff about the Petpet adoption Center, wht it does, and how it works. *Yes! I want to go to the Petpet Adoption Center!* Have fun!!

    Birthdays...Wonderful days of the year is I may say so myself! But, thats not why I put up this little section. Why did I then you ask? Well, you see, I think that everyone should get a special *Something* on their birthday. So Tell me (jumps_772) when your birthday is, and I will have a special*something* for each members Birthday!

    As you have probably noticed, there are different members who are called different Petpet Names. Now. You have to earn these names, but you can make it if you try! Below is a list of the positions, and how to get there is you can, and if it is in the guild positions, then the current keepers of the spots!

    --Guild Positions--

    Kadoatie-(FREE POSITION!)
    Blooky-(FREE POSITION!)
    Most of these spots are filled up. They are the guild council. If you wish, when a position is open (Like one is right now) you can apply for it. Make sure you have a reasonable application, and make sure there are no lies! I HATE LIERS! The last person in that position got kicked off of it becuase he lied in his application! Feel free to apply for the position though! ^_^
    Other Positions!
    Warf-Starting position.
    Babaa-Second Position-you can get to it by being a regular member, or by being in the guild for two weeks!
    Doglefox-thrid position-You can get to it by regularly participating in contests ect., or by being in the guild for two months!
    Snowbunny-fourth position-By being a regular member and paticipating regularly in contests, ect.,
    Angelpuss-fifth position-By being a regular member and paticipating regularly in contests, ect., To become an Angelpuss, you HAVE to participate in all, or MOST of the contests!
    Anyone can be any of these, but you have to do special things to become one!

    Have a great, fun, safe, Petpet Filled day!
    * *
    Thanx a BUNCH to:
    * neogurl_kool

    * neoperson_cool

    * Worldsgreatestcatfan She ALWAYS helps me out, and helps raise money for those draws and everything... And she's not even in the guild!

    If you want to contact me in any way, neomail me. Or, look me up, by clicking here!
    And dont forget to visit the guild!! Visit it by clicking here!

    This is a little something I've been working on. I know it has nothing to do with Neopets, but I like it! I think it's cute! If you'd like to comment it... Send me a neomail at jumps_772! Bye!