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Enter the Realm
Tell a Friend about Perinymph's Fantasy About Perinymph's Fantasy Help and FAQ Page (Under Construction) Rules of the Guild and Realm Neopets Login and Sign Up Recruit new members to Perinymph's Fantasy Perinymph's Fantasy Links Member of the Month (Under Construction) Shop at Mystique! The Guilds official Shop! Allies of the Guild and Realm Magic: The Gathering (Under Construction) About Sorcery and links to great sites! (Under Construction) About Fairies and links to great sites! (Under Construction) About Dragons and links to great sites! (Under Construction) About Witches and links to great sites! (Under Construction) A great game where you can become a monster and eat people! Other mythical creatures and great site links! (Under Construction) Links to your Sites! Post here for free! Free Images made by the Creator of the Guild and Realm (Under Construction) Find Secret Pages and win a FREE item on Neopets! About the greatest RPG series ever created and links to great cheat sites! (Under Construction)
The Realm
The Realm Home Page Perinymph's Fantasy the Guild Home Page Sign the GuestBook or GuestMap Extended Photo Upload Extended Message Center Realm Online Chat Role Playing Games Center

Greetings! Welcome to The Realm, a division of Perinymph's Fantasy. This site is currently under construction, but there are a few links that are working. Above is the Orb Table. There are six links that currently work in this table, and they are the Realm Home Page (the pink orb), the Guild Home Page (the black orb), the Guest Center (the blue orb), the Photo Upload (the green orb), the Message Center (the purple orb), and the Online Chat (the red orb). To the left is the Main Table. There are ten links that currently work in this table, and they are the 'Tell a Friend','About','Rules','Neopets','Recruit','Links','Your Sites','Secret Pages','Mystique','Monster' link. Why not check them out to see what's new? At the very end of this webpage is the Information List. There are four working links. These links are 'E-mail', which allows you to contact me; 'Realm Home', which takes you back to this page; and 'Guild Home', which takes you to the Guild; and 'Strategy Guide' where you can order the upcoming SG for the new RPG! (coming soon)

If you place your mouse over any of the image links, a small window will pop up that describes where that link will take you.

Please keep checking back at the Realm to see the changes to the site that will be taking place in the near future. For updates about the Realm, please visit the Guild often.

2003 Perinymph's Fantasy ~ enter the realm
All images were made by the creator of the Guild and the Realm unless otherwise specified.
E-Mail | Site Map | Realm Home | Guild Home | Strategy Guide