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Hello and welcome to the Plushie Phanatics Guild's very First Edition Guild Newspaper!

Hello and welcome to the very First Edition of the Plushie Phanatics Guild's Guild Newspaper. 

In this and in future issues, you will be able to find all sorts of cool Neopets related or special

themed stories, poems, jokes, pictures, etc.  All submitted by our fellow members of the

Plushie Phanatics Guild!  If you are a member of Plushie Phanatics and would like to have your

very own creative piece added to this Newspaper, do not hesitate one second longer!  Send it

in right away to pepsi_generation and she'll answer you back a.s.a.p!  Remember, as long as it

 is appropriate, it will be added to the Guild Newspaper!  I strongly encourage you to send in your

questions and comments concerning this Newspaper and will take them all into consideration!  If you

don't like this layout, feel free to comment on it.  I am always available.  If you have an idea of 

something that can be  added, neomail me for that too!  I want to make this the coolest Guild Newspaper ever!


Thanks again and Happy Reading!



This Week's Top Articles
The Mystery Island Plot by: pepsi_generation

Title 2 by:

Title 3 by:

Title 4 by:

Title 5 by: