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Lady.gif                   LordbyLady01.gif

-X-Lady_Dakkon-X-            -X-Lord_Dakkon-X-



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Feel free to inquire                 Feel free to inquire



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Feel free to inquire                  Feel free to inquire



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Feel free to inquire



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     1.) Please do NOT IM the painters. Let them ask you if you need an av painted or give your name to the listkeeper.


    2.) If a painter is present please ask if you can mega. If one is not present feel free to mega whenever you want.


3.) There will be absoloutely no fighting or argueing in the room. If you are going to do either of them then youwill asked to leave until the problem is resolved. 
   If you do not leave when asked then you will be banned
from ther room permanently.




Avatar Pages

Backgrounds Crow Fantasy Female
Female Gothic Female Gothic Male
Male Vampire Female Vampire Male





Freebird & Justices Creations
Eternal Paintshop

other pages coming soon
created by Jamison Grafix