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Sir I wanted to start by thanking you for the chance to speak with you. I know your a busy man. Sir I messed up. I lost site of my core values. I have made many mistakes and I cant make an excuse for them. I can promise you this, the things I have done, have been corrected. I will admit it took a huge kick the pants to do it, and It will never happen again. Not only while I’m here, but in the operation Air Force as well. I thought being kicked out of school would be the worst thing that could happen to me but I was wrong again. I not only let the Air Force down, but my fellow Airmen as well. My suite mates were dragged into my mistakes as well. They both had to have two inspections with me over the weekend. Seeing them being punished for my mistakes was the biggest motivator for me. I consider my self a team player. I let me team down. I will never let this happen again. Technical training is not only about becoming and Eod technician. It is about becoming an airman. I have have been knocked down many times in this school. I rolled in Ground and received a auto roll. I again Rolled in Air II and was sent to an ARB. Then multiple times I have failed to be the best Airman I can be. I am a strong believer of getting up once you are knocked down. I have always gotten back up. Right now I feel like I have not only falling but buried Six feet down. I will not allow myself to stay down without even an attempt to get back up. I have never been more motivated in my life to complete something.