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    Please send in Theories! I would really appriciate it!

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  • News and Updates

    June.5.2004 - I'm looking for a graphic maker who can make layouts that are on sites like ( for free and buttons similar to go with the layouts.

    June.5.2004 - Today, I'm adding the PoA review, it will be in the PoA section under Site, keep an eye out for it! Dont read it unless you have seen the movie or you might get some spoilers unless you dont care.

    June.3.2004 - Ok, its about time, the new HP movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I'll be first inline, and I'll add a review to the PoA section when I get back home!

    May.29.04 - I added an error page so when you go to a wrong URL, its better than the plain old one... Also, remember, go to the contact section to sign up for the newsletter!

    May.24.04 - Reminder, go to the contacts section to sign up for the newsletters, there is also the PoA section, have a look at that if you feel the neeed, and I am working on our new encyclopedia, I've been for awhile, I quit thought, I wanted to get it up.

    May.19.2004 - If you click on "Contact" It will take you to the page, there you can sign up for the newsletter, or e-mail me, Megan, or Ginny! (I added them because they run the sister site...) I will e-mail everyone if they sign up for the newsletter when I will be sending them out, I'm going to wait about a month before the first newsletter so I can send you all a review of the PoA movie, I might be able to get to a pre screening! So sign up to get the review when I send it!

    May.11.2004 - Okay, today I added a Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban section under the "Site" menu, check it out, right now, its featuring alot of the posters, fan made, and just the regular posters, if you have any fan made, please send them to me! (Just click on the link to e-mail me, have your e-mailing program open, and you can change the subject if you need to for various other parts of the site!) Oh, and also, look at the "Books" section, if you can send in any of those, or theories, please do so! I would soooo apreciate it!