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Himitsu Akari

It was dawn, and a little girl lays curled up under a tree with cruel children throwing rocks and hitting her with sticks. Her wings were broken, beaten and bleeding. Quietly, the little girl closed her crying soft saphire eyes and after a while, opening them, the little girl slowly rose, her eyes still fixaded on them. The area suddenly exploded in a silver-blue light and the cruel children lay sprawled on the ground. The little girl walks away from the motionless bodies and washed up from a river, sitting and looking up at the bright morning sky.

Years pass, and the girl has found a couple friends, there were more.. but they werent really friends... The little girl was happy to have her friends but then suddenly they left. She was all alone, and no one stayed. The little girl pressed on and with her wings fully healed now, she took flight.

One gloomy night, she lost her energy and started to pummet to the ground. When she woke, she found a strange creature around her. She makes a quickly backs away and breaks for a run but the creature catches up and drags a slash along her back. Once again, the little girl woke up, finding the creature peering into her eyes, and suddenly she was suspended in an unknown demention. Disoriented and scared, she quickly scaned the place for a way out. Suddenly, the whole place turned dark as a large pair of cold saphire eyes peer at her, the pupils slowly turn to slits, the feeling coming from these eyes make Himitsu feel light headed as if she was losing her energy again, as if something was being drawn out of her body. Everything faded and turned white, and yet again the little girl got up but instead of meeting another creature, she was in the middle of a city. People from all around stared at her in discust. Wondering what's going, she checks herself.

" wings... hair.. eyes.. what difference am I to them? they hav- ... no wings..." A little boy walks up to her and holds his hand out with a friendly smile. They walk away from the crowd and the boy looks at the little girl, finding her cute, he asks her name. She looks at him with a little suprise but just before she answeres, they were showered with burning arrows. The villages figured the little a fallen angel, or a dark angel being that they could see her, and she was not in heaven. The two run off just as an arrow pirces through the boy's side. Quickly the little girl stares at the mob, her eyes focused on them. Slowly the pupils of her soft blue eyes turn into thin slits, the tender color hardens and becomes a piercing light blue, a sphire blue. Quickly, she dashes along the crowd, holding up her wings, the feathers acting as razors, she quickly punches at kicks them in pressure points, not missing a single one, and they all fall lifeless. Quietly, she makes her way back to the who who is sitting and trying to treat his wound.

"you better go..." he told her, he knew that he shouldnt be around her, for he might be a burden. She quietly nods and stands up. The boy quickly asks for her name. She quietly turns and smiles. "Himitsu, Akari..." the boy smiles and bows after saying
"Himitsu Akari. Secret Illiousion of the Eye of the Demon."