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X2 Complete Script

Key: CAPITAL LETTERS = character or setting (V.O) = Voice over (O.S.) = Off Screen (CONT'D) = continued speaker INT. =Inside EXT. = Outside *Things in stars* = What is happening X Men 2: X Men United *BLACKNESS* Pierced by the deep, rich voice of : XAVIER: (V.O) Mutants. Since the discovery of their existence, they have been regarded with fear, suspicion, and often hatred. Across the planet, debate rages: Are mutants the next link in the evolutionary chain... *The void is slowly illuminated by millions of points of brilliant red and white light. They appear first to be stars and galxies, but soon reveal themselves as the shapes of places closer to home...* XAVIER: (CONT'D) ...or simply a new species of humanity, fighting for their share of the world? Either way, one fact has been historically proven: Sharing the world has never been humanity's defining attribute. *The lights coalesce, taking on a slightly human image, as we suddenly rush towards and through a tunnel of white lightning...which quickly becomescold and metallic--- leading us into a giant round room: Cerebro.* *In a rush of music and light, words fill the screen: X-MEN 2 *Credit sequence ends with the slamming of Cerebro's armored door. An image forms in the door's crystal lock. An image of: The seal of the White House* INT. WHITE HOUSE--TOUR ENTRANCE--MORNING *Close on the seal as we hear a yound female tour guide* TOUR GUIDE: "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break the bonds of our affection." *The camera pulls back to reveal the seal printed on a placard below a portrait of ABRAHAM LINCOLN.* TOUR GUIDE: (CONT'D) Lincoln said that in his first inaugural address as our nation's 16th President. It's oneo f my favorites. *The tour group approaches a secturity checkpoint.* INT. WHITE HOUSE---SECURITY CHECKPOINT---CONTINUOUS TOUR GUIDE: So, if you'll please have your tickets ready, we can begin the tour... *One man is standing in the back. He wears a baseball cap pulled down over his dark, shadowed face. As the others go through the checkpoint, he steps to the side and turns a corner. He stares at a Janitor's Closet, just past security. The door is opened slightly.* THE WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME PRESIDENT MCKENNA---*distinguished, late 60's, sits at the desk, signing paper, next to his assistant, JACKIE. PRESIDENT MCKENNA: Jackie, could you clear my schedule this evening? I'm going to have dinner with my son. JACKIE: Yes, Mr. President. INT. WHITE HOUSE---OTHER SIDE OF THE CHECKPOINT---SAME TIME *BAMF! A flash of light and smoke appears under the closet's doorjamb. The door cracks open and the man steps out* *As he veers away from the tour group, a hand grabs his shoulder. The man turns to see an agent staring him down* CHECKPOINT AGENT: I'm sorry, sir. Are you lost? *The man nods and looks up, finally revealing his face--- Under a thick cover of white make-up...he has the face of a demon: The recognition of skin so blue it appears black. His eyes are yellow, dilated, and glazed over. This is KURT WAGNER, A.K.A NIGHTCRAWLER. The agent gasps and reaches for his pistol, but from behind the agent's head, a forked tail emerges behind Nightcrawler. The agent rushes Nightcrawler. His tail wraps around the gun and throws it to the ground as he flips over the agent and darts down the corridor.* CHECKPOINT AGENT: (CONT'D) Perimeter breech at visitor's checkpoint! AROUND THE CORNER *Nightcrawler darts past Agent Soltis---as the man turns to fire--- what appears to be another Nightcrawler darts through a second corridor.* AGENT SOLTIS: Multiple subjects! INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME *Two agents rush in the office.* AGENT FABRIZIO: Mr. President, security breech. Jackie, leave! *They grab the President and start to move him out of the room. AGENT FABRIZIO: (CONT'D) Let's get him out to the car! INT. WHITE HOUSE---HALLWAY---SAME TIME *Nightcrawler launches through the hall, vaulting through a doorway, kicking an agent to the ground.* INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME *Three more agents swarm into the room, surrounding the President. AGENT MORRIS: The exit's not clear--we don't know how many there are! INT. WHITE HOUSE HALLWAY---SAME TIME *Agent Vanscoy walks down the hallway, gun raised, speaking into a mic:* AGENT VANSCOY: Post five, secure. *Nightcrawler emerges deom a ceiling beam and swings down, kicking Vanscoy to the ground. Another agent aims as Nightcrawler launches off his back. At the end of the hall, Agent Graham, turns to see Nightcrawler, taking to the walls, running at him full speed---teeth bared like an animal. Graham aims and fires! BAMF! Nightcrawler literally disappears into thin air, teleporting in a cloud of blue smoke. The agent stares, amazed. BAMF! Nightcrawler reappears, only a few feet from him, flying at him feet first. The agent raises to fire, but is kicked through a set of doors. BAMF! Nightcrawler disappears again. BAMF! Nightcrawler reappears on the other side of the door, leaving behind more smoke.* INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME More agents rush into the room--the sounds of shots and screaming from the corridors. AGENT CARTWRIGHT: There's something in the corridor! AGENT FABRIZIO: Shelter! *The agents rush President McKenna toward an adjoining room, just as the door opens, spilling more agnets in SWAT gear into the Oval Office.* SWAT AGENT: Negative! NOT CLEAR! INT. WHITE HOUSE---CORRIDOR---SAME TIME *Nightcrawler peeks through a slightly open door---the pasty white make-up hiding his blue face is now running down his neck, revealing his true appearance. He sees two agent come around a hallway, guns drawn Nightcrawler bursts out, charging towards then on all fours. And just as they raise their guns to fire...BAMF! BAMF! He reappears behind them---kicking one to the ground, and wrapping his tail around the other, tossing him into a wall. wo more agents, Peters and Harris, come around the corner. Agent Peters raises his wrist, speaking into a mic:* AGENT PETERS: It's in the private hallway. INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE AGENT FABRIZIO: LOCK THIS PLACE DOWN! *Immeadiately, agents close all of the doors in the room. We rush through a peephole, into:* INT. WHITE HOUSE OVAL OFFICE ANTEROOM---SAME TIME *...where a dozen agents watch the hallway door, guns ready.* INT. WHITE HOUSE---CORRIDOR---SAME TIME *Agent Harris spins and...BAMF! Nightcrawler emerges. He spin kicks, flipping Harris into the air. BAMF! He disappears and reappears in mid-air in time to kick Agent Peters to the ground. He flips down the hallways. Agent Walters raises his gun to shoot...BAMF! Nightcrawler appears on the wall beside him, slamming the agent through a door into:* INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE ANTEROOM---CONTINUOUS BAMF! Only Angent Walters lands in the room, blue smokewafting through the doorway.* AGENT WALTERS: Don't shoot! *BAMF! Nightcrawler appears on the opposite wall, hanging by his tail. The agents spin and fire. BAMF!* INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME *Agents surround the President, hearing the sound of shooting, bamfing, and screaming. They raise guns, watching the door. Silence. The agents suddenly look up, hearing the sound of footsteps on the roof. BAMF! They turn towards the door. Tow agents step towards the door... The west door bursts open, slamming one agent to the ground---revealing a room filled with stumbling, coughing agents and thick smoke. A tail pulls Agent Morris into the room. BAMF! BAMF! Nightcrawler appears on the ceiling, dropping Morris to the ground. BAMF!* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: My God... *In slow motion, Nightcraler systematically teleports around the room: He appears infrom of an agent---kicks him across the face. BAMF! Nightcrawler appears next to another and hurls him across the room with his tail...BAMF! BAMF! BAMF! ---taking out all of the agents in a flurry of flips, kicks, and throws. BAMF! BAMF! BAMF! Nightcrawler lads on the ground, staring at McKenna. He leaps and pins the President on top of his dek. McKenna looks up to see Nightcrawler looming over him. His eyes glazed over, his face emotionless. With a flick of his tail, the mutant pulls a knife from his boot and flips it into his clawed hand---tied to its hilt is a long red ribbon. Nightcrawler raises the knife---BANG! A shot rips straight through his shoulder. Screaming, his eyes suddenyl dilate huge, then snap back to normal. He shakes his head as if eaking from a nightmare...suddenly realizing where he is. BAMF! Nightcrawler disappears. Agent Fabrizio lowers his gun. Close on: The knife sticking straight up from the center of the desk, a ribbon hanging from the handle. Push in on the ribbon: Three words are written in gold: MUTANT FREEDOM NOW* AN ENDLESS PLAIN OF SNOW *Pierced only by a long line of footprints, leading up to Logan, A.K.A. Wolverine, trekking through:* EXT. ALBERTA WILDERNESS---MORNING *Logan reaches the top of a mountain crest. He stares across the snow at a hydro-electric dam, and an old, weathered sign: ALKALI LAKE INDUSTRAL COMPLEX. He takes it in. Then, Logan sees it, on a small hill above him: An abondoned military-type building, half buried in snow, rusted and corroded from years of neglect. Logan stares at it. A wolf appears through the doorway, watching him* EXT. ABANDONED MILITARY BASE---MOMENTS LATER *Dwarfed by nature, Logan approaches the front of the abandoned building, what was once a grand arched entrance. Now, the door flaps open and closed with the wind. The wolf stands inside, silently watching. Logan steps forward. The wolf runs inside. Logan looks around---this may be it. He passes through...* INT. ABANDONED MILITARY BASE---CONTINUOUS *...entering an open courtyard. He glances around, seeing that the building lies around him in bits and pieces. It's just a set of ruins. The largest piece of the wall that he just passed through is nothing more than a decaying facade. Logan looks around, realizing that there is nothing left of this place.* INT. SCIENCE MUSEUM---DAY *Push in on: A diorama of a winter landscape---a mother wolf, blood on its teeth angrily protects its young from a Neanderthal hunter.* STORM: Neanderthals. It was once believed they were wiped out by years of conflict with a more advanced breed of humanity... *Wider: To reveal an exhibit on Human Evolution.* STORM: (CONT'D) ...called Cro-Msgnon man. But new evidence in our DNA suggests... *At an Ice Age display, twelve-year-old Artie stares at a woolly mammoth. A Kool-Aid-stained little girl glares at him.* STORM: (CONT'D) ... that these two species may have interbred... *Artie looks at her and smiles. She scowls and sticks out her tongue. Artie returnes the gesture, but his tongue is black and forked. The little girl whines and runs to her parents.* STORM: (CONT'D) ...eventually evolving into modern day humans. In other words, into us. *A shdow looms over Artie, and he looks up to see Storm, staring down at him. He smiles innocently. STORM: (CONT'D) Not here, Artie. *Storm takes him by the hand and continues her lecture, a group of kids behind her. They are Professor Xavier's Students. They're just like normal kids on a field trip, but their appearance is...different. Most are in their early teens, a few are a young as eleven.* ARTIE: *loudly* Bit Miss Munroe, aren't we mutants? *Storm checks to see if anyone heard, then kneels down. STORM: *whispering* Yes, but mutants are only people with some extra active genes. We're still human. *Artie smiles. As Storm stands back up, she sees the other kids are gone. They're off to the side, staring at: An Exhibit on Mutation. Filled with illustrations and photographs of hideously deformed mutants. A timeline tracks mankind from the ape-like Homo habilis to Homo sapiens---and the the line suddenly splits into a second group labeled: UNCLASSIFIED. Pan Across: The children, who look confused, horrified, and hurt.* STORM: (CONT'D) Come on, children. Let's go. INT. ANOTHER PART OF THE SCIENCE MUSEUM---SAME TIME *Jean Grey smiles, watching a group of Xavier's students gathered around a dinosaur display. Her smile fades as her attention drifts to the surrounding crowd of museum visitors. Mental whispers from the crowd fill her mind, building into a chorus of voices. Jean grimaces and shuts her eyes---they're overwhelming. Behind her, the TV and computer monitors begin to flicker widely, as if hit by a sudden power surge.* CYCLOPS: Jean? *Jean opens her eyes. The static stops. The voices fade. Scott Summers, A.K.A. Cyclops, is standing with a young irl holding a sketch pad with a dinosaur on it.* CYCLOPS: (CONT'D) You okay? JEAN: Yeah...I'm fine...just a headache. *Cyclops seems skeptical. The girl tugs at his sleeve.* GIRL STUDENT: *impatient; to Cyclops* You were talking about the extinction of the dinosaurs... CYCLOPS: *points to a display* I need to talk to Miss Grey real quick. Can you draw me a picture of that big cat? GIRL STUDENT: It's a saber-toothed tiger. CYCLOPS: Right. *The girl nods and scampers off. Scott move closer to Jean. Touches her hand. She looks away.* CYCLOPS: (CONT'D) It's not just a headache, is it? *She sighs, shakes her head. Cyclops hesitates, but he needs to get something off his chest.... CYCLOPS: (CONT'D) I wasn't sure how to say this...but ever since Liberty Island you've been... JEAN: Scott... CYCLOPS: ...different *Pause* JEAN: My telepathy's been off lately. I can't seem to focus. I can hear...everything. CYCLOPS: A month ago you had to concentrate just to levitate a book across the room. Now when your having nightmares, the entire bedroom shakes. It's not just your telepathy. *Jean definately doesn't want to talk about this. She stares vacantly across the room.* JEAN: The dreams are getting worse. I keep feeling something terrible is about to happen. *Cyclops embraces her.* CYCLOPS: I would never let anything happen to you. *Jean rests her head on his should, comforted, but staring off...still dwelling on something we don't see. STORM: Are we interrupting again? *Jean and Cyclops look up to find Storm, followed by her students. They all hide knowing smiles.* STORM: (CONT'D) was the giant squid? JEAN: The kids liked it. Scott was bored. CYCLOPS: It was boring. *Storm is distraced. She does a quick head count of the kids.* STORM: Have you seen Bobby and Rogue? *Pause. Jean concentrates, a look of concern fills her face.* JEAN: Something's happening in the food court. INT. SCIENCE MUSEUM---FOOD COURT *Wider to reveal the lighter in the hand of John Allerdyce, A.K.A. Pyro. He's sitting at a table, staring at somethingoff-screen. Bobby Drake and Rogue sit across from him, looking worried, white Pyro wears a cocky grin.* TEENAGER 1: *angry* I'll ask one more time. *Two thuggish teenagers are looming over the X-Kids, their anger focused on Pyro. Teenage 1 is holding an unlit cigarette. TEENAGER 2: It's a simple question. PYRO: And I'll give you a simple answer. TEENAGER 1: *slowly; angry* *Pyro pretends to think about the question, flicking his lighter on and off again.* PYRO: Sorry, pal. Can't help ya. *Bobby and Rogue look frustrated* ROGUE: *quietly; to Pyro* Knock it off, John. BOBBY: *firmly* Please. *Pyro twirls his lighter and winks at Rogue.* PYRO: Sorry, guys. Besides the fact that this is clearly marked as a non-smoking environment...*points at sign* ...I couldn't bear knowing that I contributed to this young man's slow, tumor-ridden death. *Just as Pyro flicks his lighter closed, teenager 1 snatches it from his hand. Pyro reaches doe his lighter like his life depended on it, but teenager 2 steps in front of him.* TEENAGER 2: What are you gonna do? *pause* TEENAGER 2: Not so tough, anymore, are you? *Teenager 1 finally lights the cigarette and blows the smoke in Pyro's face. Push in on: Pyro, anger brewing as he stares at the glowing embers of the cigarette. Pyro's eyes narrow and the flame of the cigarette expands, setting the teenager's jacket and clothe on fire. He screams, and drops to the floor, furiously trying to pat out the flames. The entire food court stands up, staring at the commotion. Pyro smiles. Bobby sends a stream of frost towards Teenager 1 and the fire is quickly snuffled by ice. Everyone looks at the X-kids in awe. Then he suddenly freezes---not in ice, but in motion---like time is suspended. The kids stare in awe. Everyone in the food court is completely motionless. Angle on: A mother screaming at her kids, a girl on her cell phone, an ice cream machine atill running, over flowing a cone...all perfectly motionless. Pyro bends down and picks up his lighter. The kids look past the crowd---at Charles Xavier. He slowly wheels into the food court, staring at his students with a look of anger and disappointment. Jean, Cyclops, Sotrm, and the rest of the kids are behind him.* XAVIER: The next time you feel like showing off...don't. *Suddenly, a sound in the quiet room catches Xavier's attention. He looks up at a television mounted on a nearby wall. The others follow his gaze. On a wall-mounted tv: an image of the White House surrounded by army troops, and the disturbing words "MUTANT ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT" REPORTER: *on television* ...coming to you live from Washington with reports of an assassination attempt on the President, which took place in the Oval Office less than an hour ago. Details are still sketchy, but we do know that the President is alive and uninjured... *The X-Men look horrified by the news* REPORTER: (CONT'D) ...While an official description has not been released, several eyewitnesses have claimed the assassin was a mutant. The suspect is still at large and is considered armed and dangerous... CYCLOPS: Professor, I think it's time to go. *Xavier looks at the frozen crowd---at the broadcast.* XAVIER: I think you're right. INT. SCIENCE MUSEUM---MOMENTS LATER *The entire museum suddenly comes back to life. People continue looking at the exhibits, unaware, that anything at all has happened.* EXT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GARDEN---DAY *A girl, Siryn picks a flower near the fountain and smells it. She holds it up to a boy standing next to her. He leans over, takes a sniff, and sneezes. He suddenly multiples into thirty more copies of himself. Startled, Siryn shreaks---above her, the outdoor lights shatter. She runs away. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---STAFF LOUNGE---DAY *Cyclops is staring out the window at the kids. He turns to Jean, Storm and Professor Xavier.* CYCLOPS: My opinon? Magneto's behind this. JEAN: No, I don't think so, Scott. XAVIER: While Eric might have organized something like this from prison, for him the gesture is far too...irrational. It only hurts his goal of mutant prosperity. CYCLOPS: You mean superiority. XAVIER: You're right, if Eric had his way. STORM:You know how the government will respond to this. They'll re-introduce the Registration Act. XAVIER: Or worse. JEAN: Do you think the assassin was working alone? XAVIER: The only way we'll find him is if we find him before the authorities do. INT. OVAL OFFICE---DAY *Close on: The knife mark, still left in the President's desk. Pull back to reveal: William Stryker---60's, wealthy, tailored--- rubbing the mark with his finger.* STRYKER: It was close, wasn't it? Closer than anyone's admitted. *President McKenna is pouring two glasses of Brandy.* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: What do you need, William? STRYKER: Just your authorization...for a special operation. *The President sighs, takes a sip. He saw this coming* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: And somehow I thought you were here to talk about school reform. STRYKER: Funny you should say that. *An assistant lets in Senator Kelly. He's just as suave as we last saw him, but something about him is different...almost feminine. PRESIDENT MCKENNA: Senator SENATOR KELLY: Mr. President. Thanks for having me. *They shake hands* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: I don't believe you two have met. Senator Kelly, this is William Stryker. His department has been dealing with the mutant phenomenon since...before my time. STRYKER: As I recall, you were a staunch supporter of the Registration Act, Senator...but it seems your ideas on the mutant problem have changed recently. SENATOR KELLY: For the best, I hope. PRESIDENT MCKENNA: I thought the Senator's point of view would be worthwhile...particularly during this crisis. STRYKER: If you think that's appropriate... SENATOR KELLY: So, what are you proposing, Mr. Stryker? INT WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME *Yuriko Oyama---a beautiful Asian woman wearing light sunglasses (that show her eyes, but not the color) sits in the reception area. She cracks her knuckles, loudly. A secretary looks over, bothered and a little intimidated.* INT. WHITE HOUSE---OVAL OFFICE---SAME TIME Stryker begins to place surveillance photos of Xavier's Mansion on the President's desk. STRYKER: We've managed to gather evidence of a mutant training facility in the Salem region of upstate New York. PRESIDENT MCKENNA: Where did you get this information? STRYKER: Interrogation of one of the mutant terrorists from the Liberty Island incident. SENATOR KELLY: Eric...Eric Lensherr? You have access to him? STRYKER: My group developed the technology that built his plastic prison---but it appears I'm not the only one with access to him. *He throws down a photo of Charles Xavier* STRYKER: (CONT'D) This is Charles Xavier, leader of this training facility, and a longtime associate of Mr. Lensherr. Apparently, Xavier has friends in the Justice Department and has paid Lensherr several visits. *He continues to hand the President photos and files. Kelly looks at him suspiciously.* SENATOR KELLY: This facility is a school. STRYKER: Sure it is. *Stryker throws down more photos. In some of them, the basketball court opens up to reveal the X-Jet.* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: What's that? STRYKER: It's a jet. PRESIDENT MCKENNA: What kind of jet? STRYKER: *as if talking to a child* We don't know---but it comes up out of the basketball court. *The President looks uncertain* STRYKER: (CONT'D) If we'd have been allowed to do our jobs before this incident... *McKenna holds up a hand, he's heard enough. He turns away from the others, thinking. Kelly looks nervous.* PRESIDENT MCKENNA: Listen, William...You enter. You detain. You question. But the last thing I want to hear is that we've spilled the blood of an innocent mutant child. You understand? STRYKER: Hey...only if they shoot first, Mr. President. INT. WHITE HOUSE---MAIN HALL---LATER *Stryker and Yuriko leave walk through the main hall, which is being repaired from the attack. Senator Kelly rushes to catch up to them.* SENATOR KELLY: Mr. Stryker... *Stryker turns around to see Senator Kelly.* STRYKER: Senator Kelly, this is Yuriko, my personal assistant. *Yuriko shakes Kelly's hand tightly. A little too tightly, and for a little too long.* SENATOR KELLY: That's quite a handshake. *They continue walking* STRYKER: What can I do for you? SENATOR KELLY: Eric Lensherr's prison. I'd like to arrange a visit, if possible. STRYKER: It isn't a petting zoo, Senator. In this conflict he is the enemy, and you're just a spectator. So why don't you just sit this one out, alright? SENATOR KELLY: Mr. Stryker, are you really trying to turn this into some kind of war? *Infuriated, Stryker stops and turns around* STRYKER: I was piloting Black-Ops missions into the jungles of North Vietnam while you were suckling your mamma's tit at Woodstock, Kelly. Don't talk to me about war. This already is a war. *As Stryker and Yuriko leave, Senator Kelly rubs his fingers together, and his eyes eerily flash yellow...Mystique yellow.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MAGNETO'S CELL---DAY Angle on: A book: T.H. White's "The Once and Future King," partially obscuring the face of Magneto. The door opens, and a big, obnoxious guard by the name of Mitchell Laurio enters. MAGNETO: Mr. Laurio. How long can we keep this up? LAURIO: How long is your sentence? MAGNETO: Forever. *A series of cameras in the prison suddenly click off* STRYKER: Not necessarily forever, Mr. Lensherr. Just until I've got all that I need. *Stryker struts in like he owns the place.* MAGNETO: Mr. Stryker. How kind of you to visit. Have you come back to make sure the taxpayers' dollars are keeping me...comfortable? *Stryker calmly sits at the table, facing him. He removes a small pipette of yellow liquid. Magneto looks at it, genuine fear in his eyes. He tries to stand and Laurio quickly forces him back down, pressing his face to the table. Stryker watches, amused. Laurio bends Magneto's head down. And that's when we see it: a small circular scar on the back of his neck. Using a small pipette, Stryker puts two drops of the yellow liquid on the back of Magneto's neck, right on the scar. Angle on: The yellow liquid as it bubbles and sinks into magneto's neck--- forming a perfect circle. Magneto looks up---he eyes are wide and dilated, just as Nightcrawler's were in the White House. He's in a daze. Calm.* STRYKER: Now, Mr. Lensherr...I'd like to have one final talk about the house that Xavier built---and the machine called Cerebro. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---TV ROOM---DUSK *Rogue sits on the couch next to Bobby and a few other kids, watching television. They're thumb wrestling, looking at each other softly...flirting. Behind them, Peter Rasputin, A.K.A. Colossus---six feet eight inches of hard muscle, is drawing at a table with a young, much smaller boy, Flea. He pushes the drawing over, letting Flea take a look. It's a drawing of Bobby and Rogue. Their lips are touching, and Bobby looks like the life is being drained out of him. Flea laughs. On the couch, Bobby stops trying to win. He lets his thumb down, and she looks up at him. They're faces push together...closer...closer...they're about to touch...* ROGUE: *nervously* I don't want to hurt you. *Suddenly, the sound of a roaring motorcycle fills the mansion. Rogue smiles, then gets up and runs toward...* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---FOYER---CONTINUOUS *...where Logan emerges from the front door.* ROGUE: Logan! LOGAN: Miss me, kid? ROGUE: Not really. *She throws her arms around him. He looks up to see Bobby* LOGAN: Who's this? ROGUE: This is Bobby, he's--- BOBBY: Her boyfriend. *They shake hands. Crackling ice and vapors rise from the handshake. Rogue rolls her eyes at the macho display* BOBBY: (CONT'D) They call me Iceman. LOGAN: *unimpressed* Right...Boyfriend? *Pause* LOGAN: (CONT'D) How do you guys...? BOBBY: We're working on that. *Rogue glances away. Logan looks at her.* LOGAN: So, where's the Professor?" STORM: Look who's come back... *Logan sees Storm walking down the stairs, smiling at him* STORM: (CONT'D) And just in time. LOGAN: For what? STORM: We need a babysitter. LOGAN: Babysitter? *Storm kisses him lightly on the cheek* STORM: Nice to see you, Logan. *She pulls back, and Logan sees Jean on the staircase, walking down. They stare at each other, smiling, trying to hide their nervousness.* JEAN: It's good to have you home LOGAN: How good? *Logan and Jean smile at each other warmly. Storm awkwardly watches them flirt---sharing a moment. She backs up slowly, pointing toward a door.* STORM: I'm...I'm gonna get the jet ready... *Bobby starts to pull Rogue back to the lounge* ROGUE: Bye, Logan. *Logan looks at Jean* LOGAN: You look good. JEAN: So do you. Storm and I are heading to Boston. The Professor wants us to track a mutant who attacked the President. We won't be gone long. LOGAN: But I just got here. JEAN: And you'll be here when we get back...unless you plan running off again. LOGAN: I can probably think of a few reasons to stick around. *They stare at each other, both wanting to say more...* CYCLOPS: Find what you were looking for, Logan? *Jean looks up to see Cyclops standing by the stairs. Logan doesn't look at him---keeps staring at Jean.* LOGAN: More or less. *She nervously glances back and forth between them, an awkward triangle. JEAN: I'll see you boys later. CYCLOPS: Be safe, okay? *She smiles and kisses Cyclops---pulls away, looks at Logan.* JEAN: You, too. *Jean smiles, leaving Cyclops and Logan alone in the room. The two men watch her leave, then stare at each other uncomfortably. Logan tosses Cyclops the keys to the motorcycle. LOGAN: Your bike needs gas. *Cyclops throws the keys back to Logan.* CYCLOPS: Then fill her up. *Cyclops walks away* LOGAN: *to himself* If you say so. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---CEREBRO---MINUTES LATER *Xavier sits at the console, adjusting the controls.* XAVIER: Logan, my repeated requests about smoking in the mansion notwithstanding, continue smoking that in her...and you will spend the rest of your days under the belief that you are a six-year-old girl. *Reveal Logan standing in the entrance, a cigar in his mouth.* LOGAN: You'd do that? XAVIER: I'll have Jean braid your hair. *Logan puts out the cigar with his palm, and puts the rest in his shirt pocket for later. Logan steps forward onto the platform and the door closes. Xavier puts on the helmet. As Cerebro hums to life, Logan looks around, sketchy.* LOGAN: You want me to leave? XAVIER: No. Just---don't move. *A deep throb quickly builds and the walls fall away with the Cerebro effect. The Cerebro POV abruptly pulls straight down with stomach lurching speed, rushing through blackness with hits of light. In seconds, both Logan and Xavier are standing inside a giant image of the earth, rotating above them. The mental whispers of billions of people fill the chamber. Ghostly images float around them---a woman carrying groceries. A man hailing a cab. A child riding a bike. They're holographic representations of people going about their daily routine. Some are tinted white, others a deep red. There are billions of them. Logan stares in awe. In the distance, dotted across the continents are sparkling red and white lights, like stars fallen to Earth. The white lights far outweigh the red ones.* XAVIER: (CONT'D) Those lights represent every living person on the planet. The white lights are humans... *Suddenly, the white lights fade, along with the white holographic figures, leaving only the red ones.* XAVIER: (CONT'D) ...and these are the mutants. You see, we're not as alone as you think. LOGAN: I found the base at Alkali Lake...there was nothing there. *Xavier is focused on the lights, which again fade, leaving only a red line along the East Coast.* XAVIER: This broken line represents the path of the mutant who attacked the President. I'm finding it hard to lock on to him. LOGAN: Can't you just...concentrate...harder? XAVIER: If I wanted to kill him, yes. *Cerebro zooms in closer, revealing a blinking red light in Boston. Cerebro zooms in even closer revealing the holographic image of Nightcrawler, crouched on his knees, praying. XAVIER: (CONT'D) looks like he's finally stopped running. There. *Xavier closes his eyes---he has found what he needs. Suddenly, the Cerebro effect collapses on itself, and we're back on the catwalk. Logan has no interest in talking about his. He's frustrated. LOGAN: I need you to read my mind again. XAVIER: I'm afraid the results will be the same as before. LOGAN: We had a deal. XAVIER: Logan, the mind is not a box to be simply unlocked and opened---it's a beehive with a million separate compartments. I don't doubt that your amnesia and...skeletal enhancements are connected, but... LOGAN: Spare me the lecture. I'm not one of your students. *Xavier puts the helmet down* XAVIER: Logan, sometimes there are things the mind needs to discover for itself. *Logan is more pissed off than disappointed.* XAVIER: I promise we'll talk more when I return. If you'd be so kind to watch over the children tonight, Scott and I are going to bay an old friend a visit. *Xavier leaves the room, leaving Logan behind. He scowls and relights his cigar.* INT. NEW YORK AIRSPACE---DUSK *The X-Jet soars through the clouds of Westchester.* INT. X-JET---COCKPIT---DUSK *Jean and Storm are at the controls, both in uniform. Jean is staring at the console, lost in a daze. Storm is on the radio with the Professor.* XAVIER: *on radio* I'm sending the mutant's coordinates to you now. Once you land, you'll have to rely on your skills to track him. *Jean stares at the controls, concentrating. Lights brighten. The air speed indicator begins to increase. The engine roars louder...* STORM: Let's hope he cooperates. *...The jet is racing faster...faster* XAVIER: *on radio* Yes, for his sake. Good luck. The transmission ends. The roar of the engine peaks and BOOM! The jet breaks the sound barrier* STORM: Jean?! *Jeans jolts like she was just caught napping* JEAN: Sorry. *Jean slows the jet down. Storm looks at her, worried.* STORM: What's wrong? JEAN: Nothing. I'm just feeling a *Storm is skeptical. She teases:* STORM: Maybe it's just that Logan's back in town. EXT. FEDERAL BUILDING---DUSK *Senator Kelly approaches a non-descript federal building. He walks behind a series of large columns and briefly disappears from sight. But instead of the Senator emerging from the other side of the columns, it is Yuriko Oyama.* INT. FEDERAL BUILDING---LOBBY---DUSK *Yuriko enters the building, passing by employees on their way out for the night. She walks past a janitor vacuuming the floor, and presses her palm against a hand scanner. The door unlocks.* INT. FEDERAL BUILDING---STRYKER'S OFFICE *As Yuriko shuts the door and walks past a glass wall, we watch as she transforms into Mystique---just as beautiful and dangerous as we last saw her. Mystique sits in front of the computer and turns it on.* *On the monitor: VOICEPRINT IDENTIFICATION PLEASE. MYSTIQUE: *in Stryker's voice* Stryker, William *On the monitor: ACCESS GRANTED.* *She selects "Recent Items" from a menu and finds a folder labeled "LENSHERR." Inside it, she opens a series of files: A mugshot and profile of Magneto, layouts of the plastic prison, and a series of employee photos---finally settling on Mitchell Laurio. Mystique smiles and hits a key. A printer next to her hums to life. As the files print, Mystique's eyes wander to another folder labeled "143." Curious, she opens it. Her smile fades. On the monitor: Surveillance photos of Xavier's mansion, files about Nightcrawler, diagrams of Cerebro, and finally a map showing the layout of a massive base. Mystique scrolls down and finds the location labeled CLASSIFIED. She hits "PRINT" again.* INT. FEDERAL BUILDING---LOBBY---SAME TIME *The real Yuriko presses her palm against the hand scanner* INT. FEDERAL BUILDING---STRYKER'S OFFICE *Angle on: The printer, the last page finally comes out just as the office door clicks. Mystique looks up, startled. Yuriko enters, and walks to the desk. Nothing appears out of order. Mystique is gone. She unlocks a drawer with a set of keys then pulls out some files, and ID badge, sunglass, a plastic gun, and puts everything into a briefcase. She suddenly hears a noise behind her and whips around to see: A janitor, holding a trash can full of paper. She glares at him.* YURIKO: What are you doing in here? JANITOR: Estoy eliminando la basura. *Yuriko looks at him, still puzzled.* JANITOR: (CONT'D) Garbage. *The janitor apologetically backs out of the room. INT. FEDERAL BUILDING---LOBBY---MOMENTS LATER *Mystique/the janitor walks down the hall carrying a wastebasket full of freshly printed files. As he leaves, he passes the identical janitor, who stares, dumbfounded.* EXT. ABANDONED CHURCH---NIGHT *A gothic church looms above. Scaffolding and graffiti covers the spiraling towers. Title Card: BOSTON.* INT. ABANDONED CHURCH---MOMENTS LATER *Close on: A series of stained-glass windows. Suddenly, the wooden doors swing open from a gust of wing. Pigeons fly from the rafters as Jean and Storm cautiously enter the church.* JEAN: These are the coordinates. *They continue inside and spot some graffiti on a nearby wall, which reads: CLEAN THE GENE POOL, KILL MUTANT SCUM. Storm stares at it, anger brewing. She clenches her fist---thunder rumbles above.* STORM: They'll never let us live our lives. *As Storm and Jean walk down the aisle, a statue in the shadows seems to turn---watching them. A demonic voice echoes from behind the altar: VOICE: *whispering* Gehen sie raus... *Close on: a lit candle sitting at the base of the altar. An open Bible next to it. The small flame if blown by a gentle breeze. The voice speaks from the balcony.* VOICE: Ich bin ein bote des Teufels! *Storm and Jean turn, trying to follow the voice. STORM: We're not here to hurt you. We just want to talk. The voice now speaks from the rafters above...a dark figure climbing in the beams.* VOICE: Ich bin die ausgeburt des bösen! *Jean smiles* JEAN: He's a teleporter. Must be why the Professor had trouble locking onto him. VOICE: Ich bin ein däemon! JEAN: Are you bored yet? STORM: Oh yeah. *Storm concentrates. Lightning twists and coils up the columns and strikes the rafter, sending the figure falling. BAMF! The figure disappears in a cloud of smoke. Jean holds up a hand and BAMF! He reappears, frozen in mid-air, held by Jean's power.* STORM: (CONT'D) You have him? *Nightcrawler tries to teleport, but only manages to create weak puffs of smoke.* JEAN: He's not going anywhere. *to Nightcrawler* Are you? NIGHTCRAWLER: Please don't kill me! I never intended to harm anyone! STORM: I wonder how people got that impression. What's your name? *Nightcrawler eyes them nervously.* NIGHTCRAWLER: Wagner...Kurt Wagner. INT. CHURCH TOWER---LATER *Nightcrawler has turned a small room inside the Church's tower into a home. Old Bibles, Hymnals, and other religious objects are scattered next to blankets and food. Pan Across: A series of old circus posters with images of Kurt advertised as "THE INCREDIBLE NIGHTCRAWLER" Nightcrawler nervously clutches a Rosary, while Jean tends to the bullet would near his shoulder. He winces a little as she wraps a bandage around it. Storm curiously stares at a series of tattooed symbols covering his dark blue face and body.* NIGHTCRAWLER: There was so much screaming...such fear...and then there was only pain. I could see it all happening...but I couldn't stop myself. It was like a bad dream. *points to crucifix* Perhaps He is testing me. STORM: And before you were in the White House, what do you remember? NIGHTCRAWLER: Nothing. I was here. *Storm glances to Jean, hoping she can read his mind* STORM: Jean? JEAN: *nervously* I'd rather get him back to the Professor. NIGHTCRAWLER: Professor? STORM: *points to the scars* What about these? Did you do them your self? NIGHTCRAWLER: *quietly* Yes. *Jean notices a circular scar on the back of his neck.* JEAN: What about this? *Storm looks at the's just like Magneto's.* INT. LOGAN'S NIGHTMARE---A MONTAGE OF IMAGES *Horrifying, bleak, torturous---we're bombarded with snapshots of a medical experiment. Logan led into a dark lab by soldiers---marks drawn on his skin. Distant voices fill his head...* DOCTOR #1: (V.O) His healing ability is remarkable... *Logan is lowered into a surgical tank filled with water---scalpels---a container filled with bubbling metal---a female doctor holding a large syringe.* DOCTOR #2: (V.O) ...ready the Adamantium...gently...into the bone marrow first... DOCTOR #1: (V.O) ...the metal will bond with his entire skeleton...he'll be indestructible... *A lab assistant inspects a set of metal claws* DOCTOR #1: (V.O) ...a perfect killing machine... *Logan awakens inside the tank---he rises out of the water---a violent struggle---doctors running for their lives... DOCTOR #2: (V.O) And his memories? DOCTOR #1: (V.O) He won't remember a thing. *Logan screams* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---LOGAN'S ROOM---NIGHT *Logan's eyes slam open as he bolts out of bed---sweaty, agitated---getting his bearings.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---HALLWAY---MOMENTS LATER *Logan wanders the mansion. Hearing the sound of a TV, he walks into:* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---TV ROOM---CONTINUOUS *...where Jones sits on the couch watching TV. Logan stands behind the couch. Slowly, his eye is drawn towards the boy. Whenever Jones blinks his eyes, the channel changes. And Jones is blinking his eyes a lot.* JONES: Can't sleep? LOGAN: How can you tell? JONES: 'Cause you're awake. LOGAN: Right. How about you? JONES: I don't sleep LOGAN: Right. *Pause* You guys got any beer? JONES: Try the kitchen. *Logan looks at Jones curiously-he smiles. Jones continues blinking---the TV still changing channels.* *Logan enters the kitchen to find Bobby Drake sitting at a small table, eating out of the ice cream container. He heads straight for the fridge and opens it---no beer.* BOBBY: *nervously* Hi. LOGAN: Hey. Got any beer? BOBBY: This is a school. LOGAN: So, that's a "no"? *Logan opens a cupboard and finds a six-pack of soda bottles. He pulls one out, walks over, and remains standing at the table. He takes the lid off, and is about to drink it, and then hands it to Bobby. He blows into it, and the bottle becomes frost-covered. Bobby hands the bottle back to Logan.* LOGAN: Handy. *Bobby smiles* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---SECURITY CHECKPOINT---NIGHT *Xavier, now in a plastic wheelchair, enters the security area with Cyclops who is wearing his visor and a long coat over his uniform. Laurio and two guards stand in the room---they eye each other suspiciously. Laurio steps between Xavier and Cyclops.* LAURIO: I'll take it from here. *Pause. Laurio and Cyclops stare each other down.* XAVIER: It's alright, Scott. Cyclops steps away, letting Laurio push Xavier toward the metal detection area.* LAURIO: Nice shades. CYCLOPS: Thanks. INT. PLASTIC PRISON---PLASTIC TUBE *Laurio wheels Xavier down the plastic tube and enters:* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MAGNETO'S CELL---CONTINUOUS *Magneto is turned away from Xavier. Laurio leaves them.* MAGNETO: Charles Xavier. Have you come to rescue me? XAVIER: Sorry, Eric, not today. MAGNETO: To what do I owe the pleasure? XAVIER: The assassination attempt on the President. What do you know about it? MAGNETO: Nothing. Just what I read in the papers. You shouldn't even have to ask. *Magneto turns towards him, revealing bruises.* XAVIER: What's happened to you? MAGNETO: I've had frequent visits from William Stryker. You remember him, don't you? XAVIER: William Stryker...I haven't heard that name in years. MAGNETO: His son Jason was once a student of yours, wasn't he? XAVIER: Yes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to help him. At least, not in the way his father wanted me to. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---TV ROOM---NIGHT *Jones sits on the couch, blinking, the television changing channels---the TV sound filling the room. Through the window, helicopters silently drop below the horizon and land in the mansion backyard.* EXT. XAVIER'S MANSION---MOMENTS LATER *Soldiers silently creep through the mansion grounds. One cuts a series of electrical wires that run down an exterior wall.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---SECURITY CHECKPOINT---SAME TIME *Cyclops watches Magneto and Xavier from a small window. Laurio and the other guard exchange nervous glances.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MAGNTO'S CELL---SAME TIME MAGNETO: And now you think that taking in the Wolverine will make up for your failure with Stryker's son... *Xavier doesn't respond* MAGNETO: (CONT'D) You haven't told him about his past, have you? XAVIER: I've put him on the path, but Logan's mind is still fragile. MAGNETO: Is it? Or are you afraid you'll lose one of your precious X-Men? *Magneto sighs deeply. He looks away from Xavier. Push in on: Xavier concentrating---reading Magneto's mind. His demeanor suddenly changes---he's shocked.* XAVIER: Eric, what have you done? MAGNETO: I'm sorry Charles. I...couldn't help it. XAVIER: What have you told Stryker? *Pause* MAGNETO: Everything. *Xavier sits back, horrified. Magneto looks away. The information runs through Xavier's mind. A slight hiss catches Xavier's attention. He looks up at the small holes along the cell's wall. Gas is streaming in.* XAVIER: SCOTT!! *Magneto hears the gas, too. He knows what is coming.* MAGNETO: The war has begun. INT. PLASTIC PRISON---SECURITY CHECKPOINT *From the window, Cyclops sees Xavier scream.* CYCLOPS: What the hell is going on? *THWAP! A small dart slams into Cyclops' back. Cyclops jolts, but that dart hasn't penetrated the uniform beneath. He spins around to see Yuriko Oyama holding a dark pistol. Cyclops fires an optic blast---it hits Yuriko, destroying the dark pistol and slamming her into a wall. She hits her head, and blood trickles from a large wound. Laurio and the other two guards rush Cyclops. He manages to blast one, but Laurio pulls Cyclops' hand away from the visor. They struggle. Angle on: Yuriko's head, the wound quickly healing...just like Logan's might. Cyclops snatches the nightstick from the other guard and swings it into Laurio's stomach. He drops, gasping for air. WHAM! Cyclops smashes the club into the other guard's face. Cyclops looks up just as Yuriko leaps across the room with catlike agility slamming him into the door---each foot crushing his hands. In one fluid motion, she launches backwards and twists, kicking Cyclops across the face and knocking him to the ground. Yuriko stands over the unconscious Cyclops---and cracks her knuckles.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MAGNETO'S CELL *Xavier panics. The air suddenly gets thicker, and they both begin to cough. They fall to the floor, chocking, and the room fills up with gas. Magneto stares at Xavier---his eyes full of remorse* MAGNETO: *weakly* You should have killed me when you had the chance. *Finally, after struggling for air, Magneto and Xavier pass out.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---TV ROOM---NIGHT *Jones sits on the couch. He blinks, and the TV changes channels again. Behind the background. A shape slowly creeps towards him. Jones sees the reflection of the eyes on the TV screen. He nervously turns around to see: A man. Staring at him. Dressed in black battlegear. His face is completely covered, with two goggles over his eyes. At first glance, he could easily pass for one of the X-Men in uniform. His name is Lyman. Jones gets off the couch...and walks towards him.* JONES: Hi. Three small darts are stuck in his neck. His eyes flutter...the TV changes channels behind him. Lyman silently motions to the other soldiers, who begin to flood the mansion.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---UPSTAIRS HALLWAY *A dozen soldiers rush up both staircases to the upstairs hallway. They quickly disperse, two soldiers entering each room.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---KITCHEN The soda bottle is almost empty. Bobby's ice cream has melted. BOBBY: Actually, my parents think this is a prep school. LOGAN: Hey, lots of prep schools have their own campus, dorms, and... BOBBY: Jets? *Logan smirks* LOGAN: So, you and Rogue, huh? BOBBY: What? Oh, yeah...It's not what you think. I mean, I'd like it to be... *Logan gives him a stern look. Bobby almost jumps out of his pants, stumbling to clarify...* BOBBY: (CONT'D) It's just that it's not easy---when you want to be closer to someone, can't be. *Pause. Logan knows what he means.* BOBBY: You know, I've seen the way you look at Dr. Grey. LOGAN: Excuse me? BOBBY: Nothing. *Suddenly, a faint noise echoes from the hall. Logan and Bobby both look up, alarmed. Logan gestures for him to be quiet, and sneaks out the back door. Bobby looks around, nervous.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GIRLS' BEDROOM *Siryn and Kitty Pryde sleep silently in a room, when the door cracks open, revealing two soldiers, weapons raised. Kitty's eyes open just as the soldier fires a dart at her. She immediately phases through the bed, dropping out of view.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY---CONTINUOUS *Kitty Pryde falls from the ceiling, landing just next to a couch at the end of the hall. Two soldiers turn to look at her. She runs, phasing through the wall.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY---SAME TIME *Bobby sits alone, not noticing a soldier silently creeping in the doorway---aiming a dart pistol right at him.* From behind, an arm wraps around the soldier's neck---it's Logan. He squeezes the soldier in a choke hold.* LOGAN: You picked the wrong house, Bub. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GIRLS' BEDROOM---SAME TIME *Siryn's eyes snap open---and just as the soldier turns to fire at her, she takes a large breath...and screams. Not just an everyday scream, but an ear-piercing sonic blast. A mirror shatters. The soldiers cover their ears in pain. The entire mansion is rocked by her cry...* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---BOYS' BEDROOM---SAME TIME *Colossus and a boy bolt upright, clutching their ears.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---PYRO & BOBBY'S BEDROOM---SAME TIME *Pyro wakes up flailing and falls out of bed.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---ROGUE'S ROOM---SAME TIME *Rogue's eyes snap open.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---KITCHEN---SAME TIME *Hearing Siryn, Logan jolts, staring at the ceiling. The soldier uses the moment to wrench free of Logan and pull out a rifle. Bobby dives behind the counter. Startled, the soldier aims and fires at him just as Logan knocks the gun away. Bullets shatter the window and ceiling where Bobby just stood.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GIRLS' BEDROOM *THWAP! Three small darts stick in Siryn's neck, fired from one of the soldiers on the ground. They turn to see Colossus in the doorway, carrying two unconscious soldiers. He flings them to the side and steps into the room, as organic-looking armor forms in plates around his chest and arms. Terrified, the soldiers fire dozens of rounds, but the bullets just bounce off him.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---UPSTAIRS HALLWAY *SMASH! The wall explodes---the two soldiers hit the floor hard. A group of kids come running around the corner---they stop and gawk as Colossus steps out of the wall carrying Siryn. Suddenly, a helicopter appears in the window behind them.* COLOSSUS: This way! *They take off running* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---KITCHEN *The soldier pulls out a large knife and lunges at Logan. He grabs the soldier's wrist, trying to push the knife away, but it inches close to Logan's face, finally cutting a gash in his cheek. SNIKT! Logan pops his claws. The soldier stares in fear as Logan starts to get the upper hand, his claws getting close and closer... he gawks as Logan's wound starts to heal.... Behind the counter: Bobby keeps low, listening to the battle. Suddenly the noises stop. Pause. He slowly peers over the counter and sees: The soldier pinned against the refrigerator---both sets of Logan's claws are buried in his chest. SNIKT! The claw retract. The soldier slumps to the floor, leaving six gashes in the door.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY---MOMENTS LATER *Logan and Bobby run into the hall. At the far end, they spot two soldiers preparing to carry off Jones---a few more troops are between them.* LOGAN: STAY HERE! *He puts Bobby into an alcove across from the elevator. Logan silently races down the hallway and stabs a soldier in the shoulder. He spins and slices two more. Logan races towards the end of the hall, raging.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY---MOMENTS LATER *Push in on: Bobby as he watches Logan---and hears the screams of the kids upstairs. He darts across the hall and into the elevator.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---OUTSIDE TV ROOM---SAME TIME *Two soldiers are in the midst of lifting up Jones. The first soldier drops Jones' legs and fires a dart at Logan. THWAP! They stick in his shoulder---but it doesn't slow him down---it just pisses him off. The second soldier lifts his gun, ready to fire---Logan slices it from his hands---he turns and slices off the first soldier's mask, stabs him, and throws him to the ground. The soldier hits the floor, clutching his bleeding face. Logan sneers at the motionless troops sprawled on the ground. The TV is still changing channels. Dazed, Logan pills the darts from his arm and shakes off the effect. Logan retracts his claws, then bends down and gently picks up Jones. He sees the darts, and yanks them out from Jones' neck. The boy mumbles...alive but unconscious. Logan looks relieved. He looks back to see that Bobby is gone. Suddenly, more screaming echoes above. Still carrying Jones, he runs upstairs.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---UPSTAIRS HALLWAY *A helicopter rumbles outside, shining a spotlight into the windows. Screaming children run from their rooms. Bobby exits the elevator and steps out into the chaos of kids running through the hallway. Bobby grabs a panicked, coughing Pyro. BOBBY: John, where's Rogue?! PYRO: I don't know BOBBY: I'm going to find her. *Bobby takes off---Pyro looks around and decides to follow him---They both run down the hall against a wave of terrified kids.* EXT. XAVIER'S MANSION---NIGHT---SAME TIME *Wide on the mansion---as six helicopters approach. A few land, while other hover above, shining spotlights into the windows.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---UPSTAIRS HALLWAY---CONTINUOUS *Colossus runs down the hallway carrying an unconscious Siryn, a dozen kids following him. They stop at a wall and press on it, as if they're looking for something.* COLOSSUS: Get back! *He hands Siryn to another boy and pounds a fist against the wall. A panel opens revealing a secret passage. The kids make their way inside. Logan emerges from the other end of the corridor and hands of Jones to Colossus.* LOGAN: Take him. *Logan heads down the hallway, sensing approaching soldiers.* COLOSSUS: I can help you! LOGAN: Help them. * Logan stops at the end of the corridor---two soldiers are approaching around the corner, the flashlights on their guns lighting their way. Logan waits against the wall. Pause. SNIKT! He spins around the corner, raging. Gunfire and screams fill the air. The flashlights flicker and shake. Pause. Silence. A single flashlight rolls across the carpet.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---ROOM (THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL) *Kitty darts across a hall, barely avoiding two soldiers, and phases through a wall. Kitty's POV passes through the various materials and layers inside the mansion walls. We emerge from the wall, entering another room. She keeps running and phases through a billiard table, then through a fire place... INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---HALLWAY---CONTINUOUS *...crossing the hallway and...* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---ROOM---CONTINUOUS *...into another room, phasing right through a soldier. He jolts, disoriented, as she phases through him---heading towards the far wall. The soldier spins and aims. Kitty is almost out of the house, just a few more feet... The soldier fires his rifle---a bolt of electricity harmlessly hits the wall, just after Kitty phases through, escaping outside.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---UPSTAIRS HALLWAY *Rogue runs down the hallway, followed by two younger girls. They reach the end of the corridor and Rogue presses her hand against a section of the wall near a large bay window. A small door slides open. She puts the girls inside the passage.* GIRL: Aren't you coming? ROGUE: I have to find someone first. You know what to do. Just like Storm taught us, okay? *The younger girl pauses, frightened/ Rogue gently wipes a wisp of hair from her face. She smiles.* GIRL: Okay. *The girl ducks inside---Rogue shuts the door. She turns and runs back down to the end of the hallway. Through the noise of helicopters and screams, she hears a distant voice:* BOBBY: ROGUE! *She sees Bobby and Pyro rounding a corner at the far end of the hall. They run to meet her. ROGUE: This way! *Just as she turns to lead them toward the secret passage, a helicopter spotlight fills the bay window at the end of the hall, briefly silhouetting two soldiers swinging in front of it---attaching small grenades to the edges. Bobby pulls Rogue back around the corner to safety, just before the window explodes, sending glass and wood everywhere. The soldiers swing through the debris and land.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---ESCAPE TUNNEL *Colossus and twelve other kids run through a tunnel, looking back to see if they're being followed. Finally, they reach the end of the tunnel and enter...* EXT. FOREST---CONTINUOUS *The kids flee into the forest* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---FOYER *Bobby, Rogue, and Pyro reach the bottom of the stairs and something catches Rogue's eye: the bodies of two soldiers laying on the floor. She gasps just as four more soldiers burst through the front door, guns raised. They're trapped. The guns are aimed right at them. Suddenly, a primal scream echoes from above. They look up just as Logan leaps off the balcony, claws bared and arms spread wide. SLASH! He stabs his claws through the soldiers of two troops, pinning them to the floor, Before the other two can even fire, Logan jams his claws into their legs, and flips them onto their backs. * LOGAN: Let's go. *A helicopter spotlight shines through the front door. They hear the sound of more troops approaching. They turn and run back inside.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY *Logan, Rogue, Bobby, and Pyro round a corner. Pyro opens up a secret passage and they head inside. Logan suddenly stops, listening to the approaching soldiers.* LOGAN: Keep going. ROGUE: Logan... *He stares at her, the animalistic gleam still in his eye. No arguing. The passage door shuts.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY---CONTINUOUS *Logan turns around and SNIKT! extends his claws. Suddenly, through the smoke, a dozen green lasers focus on Logan's head and body. A dozen soldiers surround Logan in a semi-circle. Logan's raging:* LOGAN: YOU WANNA SHOOT ME?! SHOOT ME! *Logan pushes forward, about to cut into them when... VOICE: (O.S.) DON'T SHOOT HIM. *A man steps into the hall, emerging through the smoke. The soldiers part to let him pass. Hearing the voice, Logan instinctively freezes.* VOICE: (CONT'D) ...Not yet. *Logan tries to peer through the darkness at the approaching figure.* VOICE: (CONT'D) Wolverine. How long has it been? *pause* Fifteen years? And you haven't changed a bit. Me, on the other hand... *William Stryker steps into the light* STRYKER: ...Nature. *Logan searches Stryker's aged face, triggering a vague memory. Involuntarily, Logan's claws slowly retract...* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---SECRET PASSAGE---SAME TIME *Rogue stops as they start to head down the passage. ROGUE: Wait. You've got to do something. They're going to kill him. *Pyro is backing away* PYRO: He can handle himself. Let's go. ROGUE: Bobby, please! *Bobby glances at both of them, torn, afraid. INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---HALLWAY *Stryker moves closer to Logan* STRYKER: I must admit, this is the last place I thought I'd ever see you, Wolverine. I didn't realize Xavier was taking in animals. Even animals as...unique as you. *Logan looks at him hard* LOGAN: Who are you? STRYKER: Don't you remember? *Angle on: Logan, eyes wide-searching for recognition... Suddenly, the space between Logan and Stryker starts to fade, as if a thin wall of white fog is forming in the room. Logan slowly fades from view, obscured by mist. Stryker steps forward, reaches up, and puts a hand on the wall of thick ice that now separates him from Logan.* BEHIND THE ICE *Rogue and Bobby emerge from the passage---Bobby has his frost-covered hand on the wall. Logan jolts.* ROGUE: Logan, come on. LOGAN: Go, I'll be fine. ROGUE: But we won't. Please. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ICE WALL *Stryker sneers, steps back from the ice wall. He quickly grabs a grenade from Lyman's belt, and jams it into the ice. The soldiers step back and avert their eyes. The wall explodes. The ice collapses. The mist clears. But Wolverine is gone. Stryker grins, amused.* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---ESCAPE TUNNEL *Logan, Pyro, Bobby, and Rogue run down the dimly lit tunnel. They reach an intersection, Pyro starts leading them toward the tunnel on their left.* BOBBY: No, this way. *Bobby leads them to the tunnel on their right* INT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GARAGE *They come up from the tunnel into a large garage. The lights turn on and they gawk at a dozen exotic and expensive cars. They pile into a small sports car close to the garage door. Pyro tries to get into the driver's seat.* PYRO: I'm driving. *Logan pulls him away* LOGAN: Maybe next time. INT. SPORTS CAR---CONTINUOUS *Logan is at the wheel. Rogue rides shotgun, while Bobby and Pyro are in the back.* BOBBY: This is Cyclops' car. LOGAN: Oh, yeah? *SNIKT! One claw shoots out, piercing the ignition. With a quick twist, the car starts. Logan hits the gas.* EXT. XAVIER'S MANSION---GARAGE---CONTINUOUS *The garage door opens, and the car speeds away.* INT. SPORTS CAR---NIGHT *Logan drives fast, agitated and pre-occupied. The others try to regain their breath.* PYRO: What the hell was that back there? *Push in on: Logan, as his eyes flicker---his mind is trying to piece together what he just saw...* LOGAN: Stryker...His name is Stryker. ROGUE: Who is he? LOGAN: I...don’t remember. *He stares straight ahead, then turns to Rogue, watching her play with something on her wrist. It’s his dog tag. She notices and looks up at him. He turns back to the road. Rogue pulls the dog tag off and hands it to Logan. Logan pauses for a second, then reaches out and grabs the tag---rubs his fingers over the imprinted metal. Pyro reaches up and starts fiddling with the radio.* ROGUE: *annoyed* What are you doing? PYRO: I don’t like uncomfortable silence. *Pyro hits a button and bad techno music blasts through the speakers. The group cringes. Logan grips the wheel, annoyed. The music only gets louder as Rogue and Pyro fiddle with the controls. Pyro finally presses the EJECT button and a tray slides open, revealing a small oval-shaped disk. He grabs it, but the music continues to blare. Rogue reaches over and hits a button, stopping the music. Pyro looks at the disk closely, then presses a button. It clicks open, revealing a sleek communication device, a hi-tech cell phone.* PYRO (CON’D) I don’t think this is the CD player. *Logan grabs the disk from Pyro, looks at it curiously, and pockets it.* PYRO: (CONT’D) So, where are we going? LOGAN: Storm and Jean are in Boston. We’ll head that way. BOBBY: My parents live in Boston. LOGAN: Good. EXT. ROADWAY---NIGHT *The car drives off into the distance* INT. XAVIER’S MANSION---UNDERGROUND HALLWAY---NIGHT *The elevator door opens, revealing Stryker and Lyman. They walk down the corridor.* LYMAN: Sir, most of the mutants escaped through tunnels that weren’t in the schematics, but we have several in custody. STRYKER: How many? LYMAN: Six, sir. STRYKER: Pack them up. *They stop and turn their attention to the door to Cerebro...the real prize. Two soldiers are setting up a small device on a tripod in front of the blue crystal lock, at the exact height Xavier’s eye would be. They turn the device on and it hums to life. The blue laser emits from the lock and hits a small crystal on the front of the device. Angle on: Stryker, curiously watching from a distance. Close on the device: As the blue laser is split into a set of smaller beams. The crystal rotates back and forth, changing the shape of the laser, trying to find proper configuration. Finally, the device beeps. The blue laser shuts off and the heavy metal door to Cerebro slides open.* CEREBRO VOICE: Welcome, Professor. *Stryker grins* INT. XAVIER’S MANSION---CEREBRO *Stryker walks down the platform to the center of the room. He looks around, impressed, and turns to leave.* STRYKER: Gentlemen, take what we need. INT. RURAL BAR---NIGHT *Laurio sits at a table, an empty mug of beer in front of him. He’s still in uniform, tie undone and shirt hanging open. He listens to the television behind him, where a debate rages:* DR. SHAW: *on television* ...The Registration Act provides a sense of security similar to Megan’s Law. A list of potentially dangerous mutants living in our communities. DR. HANK MCCOY: *on television* Megan’s Law is a database of known felons, Mr. Shaw, not innocent people who might commit a crime. What people seem to forget is that mutation is evolution, so if it weren’t for mutants, we’d all be sitting in trees picking bugs from each other’s hair... LAURIO: *sneering* Turn that shit off, Lou. *Lou, the bartender, wipes a glass and turns off the TV.* GRACE: (O.S.) Got a lot on your mind... *Laurio turns to find the most beautiful woman to ever come within ten feet of him, standing at the bar.* GRACE: (CONT’D) *looks at his name tag* ...Mr. Laurio? *Laurio smiles blearily, eyes wide with disbelief.* GRACE: (CONT’D) I’m Grace. LAURIO: Um...uh... GRACE: Want another beer? *She sits across from him and slides a fresh mug over.* GRACE: (CONT’D) Of course you do. *Push in on: The bottom of the beer mug, where two small white pills are almost completely dissolved.* INT. RURAL BAR---BATHROOM---LATER *The door swings open and Laurio and Grace stumble in. He sloppily tries to drink and kiss her at the same time* LAURIO: I never hooked up with anyone like you before. GRACE: I know. *She pushes him into a stall. Laurio sneers, looking at its filthy, stained walls. LAURIO: Kind of dirty, isn’t it? GRACE: That’s the idea. *She plops him down and fumbles with his pants. GRACE: (CONT’D) Velcro. Nice. *Laurio leans back and raises his mug.* LAURIO: Bottoms up. GRACE: I certainly hope so. *Grace looks at him, smiling...and just as Laurio is about to inhale the last gulp of beer, he drops the mug---it smashes. Laurio’s head rolls...his eyes flutter...and he passes out. Grace looks down at the sleeping Laurio, both figuratively and literally, the grabs Laurio’s belt and flips him over on the toilet so his ass is in the air. She opens her purse, revealing: a syringe filled with metallic liquid. She takes it out, inspects it, at squirts a little. In a flash, Grace shifts and becomes Mystique.* MYSTIQUE: Bottoms up. *She plunges the syringe into Laurio’s ample behind.* INT. STRYKER BASE---XAVIER’S CELL---NIGHT *Xavier sites in his wheelchair, wrists tied to the armrests. A high-tech band is wrapped around Xavier’s head. The room is dark and cramped, only a single door in front of him. Xavier closes his eyes and tries to focus, using his power to reach out, when— The headband buzzes. Xavier jolts as sharp pain fills his skull. Chuckling off-screen. Xavier opens his eyes to see:* STRYKER: I call it the Neutral Inhibitor. *Stryker strolls into the cell, followed by Yuriko. He touches his head.* STRYKER: (CONT’D) It keeps you out of here. XAVIER: William. STRYKER: Please, Xavier, don’t get up. XAVIER: What have you done with Scott? STRYKER: Don’t worry. I’m just giving him a little re-education. *pause* But you know all about that, don’t you? *It takes every bit of Xavier’s strength just to form a coherent thought.* XAVIER: You wanted me to cure your son, William. But mutation is not a disease. It’s... STRYKER: *cutting him off* You’re lying! You were more frightened of him than I was. *Yuriko cracks her knuckles. Her breathing becomes erratic. Yuriko’s expression slowly changes from a blank slate, to one filled with emotion. Xavier eyes her, sensing something.* STRYKER: (CONT’D) You know, just one year after Jason returned from your school, my wife, unhinged by constant contact with him, took a power drill to her left temple in an attempt to bore out the images he was projecting into her mind. *pause* My boy, the great illusionist. *Yuriko begins to shake her head slightly, as if awakening from a daze. She looks around the room, at her hands...confused. Xavier notices.* XAVIER: (Re: Yuriko) For someone who hates mutants, you certainly keep strange company. *Stryker looks at Yuriko, sees her slowly “waking up.” He’s surprised, even amused by Xavier’s observation.* STRYKER: They serve their purpose...for now. *He removes a vial of yellow liquid from his pocket and approaches Yuriko. Close on: the back of Yuriko’s neck, as Stryker places two drops on a circular scar. As the liquid sinks in, Yuriko’s breathing steadies. She becomes calm again. Stryker whispers into her ear. She nods, and leaves the room. A look of realization and horror fills Xavier’s face.* XAVIER: You arranged the attack on the President. STRYKER: And you didn’t even have to read my mind. *pause* You know, I’ve been working with mutants as long as you have, Xavier, and the most frustrating thing I learned is that nobody really knows how many even exist...or how to find them. *pause* Except you. *Stryker holds up the vial.* STRYKER: Unfortunately, this little potion won’t work on you, will it? *Stryker backs up, and puts the vial back in his pocket.* STRYKER: No, you’re much too powerful for that. Instead, we’ll go right to the source. *The door behind him opens, revealing: A grotesque shell of a man, shriveled and emaciated, sitting in a wheelchair. Syringes and tubes run from his head into clear containers on the back of his chair---continuously collecting the yellow fluid from his spinal column. Yuriko and a guard named Smith wheel the man into the room. We realize---Stryker’s potion isn’t a drug, but a chemical extracted from the unfortunate person in front of us.* STRYKER: Allow me to introduce Mutant 143. *Xavier looks at Mutant 143’s face. One bright blue eye and one bright green eye...and a giant scar running across his forehead.* STRYKER: (CONT’D) The fluid extracted from his brain acts as a controlling agent. But that’s just the beginning. *Xavier looks closer at 143, then recognizes him.* XAVIER: Jason...? *pause* My God, William...this is your son. What have you done to him? *Stryker looks at Mutant 143, shaking his head. STRYKER: No, Charles. My son is dead. *Stryker and the others turn to exit.* STRYKER: (CONT’D) Just like the rest of you. *The door slams shut. 143 lifts his head and focuses on Xavier, who suddenly gasps in pain.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---MORNING *At the door, Logan, Rogue, Pyro, and Bobby stand on the porch, still in their nightclothes. Bobby grabs a key from the top of the doorjamb and opens it. They walk into the foyer. * BOBBY: Mom? Dad? Ronny? Anybody home? *No answer* BOBBY: (CONT’D) *to Rogue* I’ll try to find you some clothes. *to Pyro* Don’t burn anything. *Pyro shakes his head.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---BOBBY’S ROOM---LATER *Rogue ties her hair into a ponytail and thumbs through some of Bobby’s CDs. Snowboarding posters line the walls. The door opens and Bobby walks in with some clothes. He averts his eyes---even he hasn’t seen this much of her. * BOBBY: *nervously* Hey. i think they were my mom’s...from before I was born. ROGUE: Groovy. *Bobby approaches apprehensively, and hands her the clothes. He steals glances as she slips out of her nightgown and puts them on.* BOBBY: Oh...and these were my grandmother’s. *He holds up a pair of beautiful long opera gloves. She stares at the gloves...and at Bobby. As Rogue reaches for them, Bobby tries to gently touch her finger. She flinches, pulling back. They stare at each other.* BOBBY: (CONT’D) You know I would never hurt you. *Rogue just looks into his eyes. He inches closer to her.* ROGUE: I know. BOBBY: And you won’t hurt me. *They look at each other...excited, frightened, and eager. Finally, they close their eyes---and kiss. It’s warm and gentle...everything Rogue ever wanted. A small flash of light appears on their faces as a trickle of energy passes from his lips to hers. They pull away, staring at each other. Rogue exhales, and her breath is cold and frosty.* ROGUE: Wow. *They kiss again. Longer. Deeper. Suddenly, Bobby’s veins bulge as Rogue absorbs more energy. He pulls his face back, about to scream. The pain and fear is unbearable. He yanks away hard. Rogue snaps out of it---sees Bobby in pain. She’s mortified.* ROGUE: (CONT’D) I’m sorry. BOBBY: *looking away* It’s...okay. *Rogue sits on the bed...staring at the gloves.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---LIVING ROOM---MINUTES LATER *Pyro flicks his lighter, staring at a series of family photos on the wall, his eyes full of envy.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---KITCHEN---SAME TIME *Logan is visibly agitated---playing with the Com device. He pushes a button and it slides open.* LOGAN: Hello? Hello? *under his breath* Jean, where are you? *There’s nothing but static. He puts the device back in his pocket and spots a fridge behind him. He opens it and grabs a beer. As he shuts the door, a house cat leaps onto the counter. Startled, Logan jumps, and...SNIKT! The claws shoot out. But the cat doesn’t run approaches Logan, licking his claws. He smiles. The front door opens, revealing William and Madeline Drake, with teenage son Ronny. Logan quickly retracts his claws.* WILLIAM: Who the hell are you?! *Logan freezes, still holding the beer. Bobby and Rogue come running down the stairs.* MADELINE: Honey, aren’t you supposed to be at school? WILLIAM: Bobby, who is this guy?! BOBBY: Mom, Dad...This is...Professor Logan. *They stare at him, still skeptical.* BOBBY: (CONT’D) *nervously* Uhh...there’s something I need to tell you. INT. PLASTIC PRISON---SECURITY CHECKPOINT---DAY *A guard stands by the door to the catwalk, while another sits at the scanning console. Laurio enters carrying a tray of food, smiling wide.* GUARD 1: What’s that on your face, Mitch? LAURIO: Satisfaction. *The console guard grimaces at the thought of it, and scans Laurio’s body for metal. A faint BLIP on the monitor flashes “DETECTION” but it disappears as quickly as it appeared. The scan ends, and the monitor reads: “CLEAR.” * GUARD 1: You’re clear. INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MOMENTS LATER *Magneto is still asleep. Suddenly, his eyes spring open...sensing something approaching. Something familiar.* LAURIO: Have a nice sleep, Lensherr? *Laurio enters and outs the food on a table.* MAGNETO: There’s something different about you, Mr. Laurio. *Magneto sits up* LAURIO: Yeah, I was actually having a good day. *Magneto stands, staring at Laurio like a hungry animal.* MAGNETO: No, no...It’s not that. LAURIO: Sit down. MAGNETO: No. *Laurio withdraws his billy club.* LAURIO: Sit your ass down or I’ll— *Magneto holds up a hand. Laurio freezes and drops the club.* MAGNETO: What could it be? *Laurio is slowly lifted off his feet, hovering a few inches above the ground. Terrified.* LAURIO: What’s happening— MAGNETO: Ahh. There it is. *Magneto slashes his hand in a sharp gesture and a fine mist of blood bursts from Laurio’s entire body.* MAGNETO: Too much iron in your blood. *The red cloud falls away, leaving the ultra-fine particles of metal hovering in the air. Magneto squeezes his hand into a fist, and the metal compresses into three marble-sized balls. Drops of blood ooze from each. They begin to move, orbiting over Magneto’s palm.* MAGNETO: (CONT’D) Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman. Especially one that is interested in you. *Laurio slumps to the ground. The balls smash through the plastic wall. Alarms ring. Faster than the eye can see, the balls whiz through the cell, shattering the walls and security cameras. The cage holding the world’s most dangerous mutant swiftly falls apart.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---SECURITY CHECKPOINT---SAME TIME *The alarm blares. Lights flash. Guards panic. Guard 1 hits a button and the catwalk begins to retract from Magneto’s cell. As it retracts, the clear plastic door slides down over the entrance.* INT. PLASTIC PRISON---MAGNETO’S CELL---SAME TIME *Magneto watches the catwalk pull away, revealing the chasm below. He smiles. One of the balls glides to his feet and flattens to become a large, thin silver disk. He steps on top of it, hovering over the chasm. As the other two balls orbit around him, Magneto floats across the abyss, towards the plastic door on the other side. The guards behind it run for their lives. Magneto’s eyes narrow. The two balls orbiting around him suddenly shoot forward and shatter the door.* INT. X-JET---COCKPIT---AFTERNOON *Storm and Jean are at the controls. Storm is trying to contact the Mansion, but there’s only static on the radio. She’s obviously frustrated.* STORM: No one’s responding. JEAN: Why don’t you take a break? I’ll keep trying. *Storm gets up and heads toward the back of the jet, when a faint whisper catches her attention. As she walks further into the cargo hold, she finds Nightcrawler, thumbing at his rosary, deep in prayer. He eyes are closed tight, hands folded. Storm sits next to him, staring at the tattoos on his face.* NIGHTCRAWLER: They are angelic symbols... *He turns to her and opens his striking yellow eyes.* NIGHTCRAWLER: (CONT’D) ...passed on to mankind by the Archangel Gabriel. STORM: They’re beautiful. How many do you have? Nightcrawler: One for every sin. So, quite a few. *Nightcrawler looks around the jet, at Storm’s uniform.* NIGHTCRAWLER: (CONT’D) *skeptical* You and Miss Grey, you’re both...schoolteachers? STORM: Yes, at a school for people like us. Where we can NIGHTCRAWLER: Safe from what? STORM: Everyone else. NIGHTCRAWLER: You know, outside of the circus, most people were afraid of me, but I never hated them. I pitied them. Do you know why? *Storm shakes her head* NIGHTCRAWLER: (CONT’D) Because most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes. STORM: I gave up on pity a long time ago. *He caresses her cheek. She doesn’t move away.* NIGHTCRAWLER: Someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t be so...angry. STORM: Sometimes anger can help you survive. NIGHTCRAWLER: So can faith. *Pause* JEAN: (O.S) Storm. *Storm turns toward the cockpit.* JEAN: (CONT’D) I found an active com device. STORM: Where? INT. DRAKE HOUSE---LIVING ROOM---LATE AFTERNOON *The Drake family sits on a couch across from Rogue and Bobby. Pyro is leaning on a nearby table, twirling his lighter. Logan is in the doorway drinking a beer, while Madeline sips a cup of tea. Ronny stares at the floor, unable to look at his brother. It’s silent. A clock ticks. Finally...* MADELINE: *nervously, to Bobby* So...when did you first know...that you were PYRO: *flicking his lighter* A mutant? MADELINE: *re: Pyro’s lighter* Could you please stop that? WILLIAM: You have to understand, we thought Bobby was going to a school for the gifted. ROGUE: Bobby is gifted. WILLIAM: We know that. We just didn’t realize that he was... MADELINE: We still love you, Bobby. It’s just that...the mutant problem is very... LOGAN: *offended* What mutant problem? MADELINE: ...complicated. WILLIAM: *flip* Excuse me, what exactly are you a professor of, Mr. Logan? LOGAN: Art. *Pause* And it’s just Logan. *The air thick with tension, Rogue tries to lighten the mood.* ROGUE: You should see what Bobby can do. *The Drakes look at Bobby. He reaches across the table, and they flinch, pulling back. Bobby smiles. He gently touches his mother’s tea cup---and it’s covered in a thin layer of frost. Madeline turns the cup over...* MADELINE: BOBBY! *...and the frozen tea plops onto the saucer. The cat leaps onto the table and gently licks it. William is amused, almost proud. Madeline is not amused. Neither is Ronny.* BOBBY: I can do a lot more than that. *Ronny gets up and storms upstairs.* MADELINE: Ronny! *He doesn’t stop* MADELINE: (CONT’D) Oh, God, this is all my fault. PYRO: Actually, they’ve discovered that the males are the ones who carry mutant genes and pass them on to the next generation, so actually...*points to William*’s his fault. *William looks mortified.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---RONNY’S ROOM *Ronny storms into his room. He’s on the phone.* 911 OPERATOR: 911, what is your emergency? RONNY: I need the police. 911 OPERATOR: Alright, tell me what’s happening. RONNY: There are people in our house...and they won’t let us leave. 911 OPERATOR: Are they armed? RONNY: They’re mutants. ON RONNY’S TELEVISION: A reporter stands in front of the White House. REPORTER: ...the manhunt for the President’s would-be assassin continued as authorities raided underground mutant shelters across the country. One such raid occurred at the stronghold of a mutant paramilitary group based in Westchester, New York, which was allegedly disguised as a private boarding school. It’s unknown if the group has any connection to the assassin, but several suspects were taken into custody, while up to a dozen or more may still be at large... INT. DRAKE HOUSE---LIVING ROOM MADELINE: *to the others* And’re all “gifted”? *They nod. Madeline tries to put on a happy face. Something beeps. The others stare as Logan pulls the communication device out of his pocket.* LOGAN: That’s for me. *Logan exits through a sliding glass door into the backyard* MADELINE: Bobby, have you tried...not being a mutant? *Bobby sighs* EXT. DRAKE HOUSE---BACKYARD---LATE AFTERNOON *Logan turns the com device on.* LOGAN: Professor? JEAN: *on com device* Logan, thank God... *Logan’s face lights up.* INT. X-JET---COCKPIT---SAME TIME JEAN: We couldn’t reach anyone at the Mansion. LOGAN: *on radio* No one’s left, Jean. Soldiers came. *Jean looks at Storm, horrified.* STORM: *distraught and upset* And the children? LOGAN: *on radio* Some of them escaped, but I’m not sure about the rest. *Push in on: Storm---she’s furious. JEAN: *looking at Storm* We haven’t been able to reach the Professor or Scott either. EXT. DRAKE HOUSE---BACKYARD---SAME TIME STORM: *on com device* Where are you? LOGAN: Boston, at Bobby Drake’s house. STORM: *on com device* Alright, we’re on our way. LOGAN: And Storm? *Logan looks towards the house---at the family drama inside* LOGAN: (CONT’D) Make it fast. *He shuts the device off, and steps towards the sliding glass doors. Logan slides them open...and stops. Sniffing. He slides the doors closed again, and sees it: the reflection of police officers creeping through the yard. Logan bolts inside.* INT. DRAKE HOUSE---LIVING ROOM *Logan locks the door behind him. The family looks up, startled.* LOGAN: We have to go, now. ROUE: Why? LOGAN: NOW. *The kids look at him, apprehensive. He’s serious. SNIKT!* ROGUE: Logan, what’s going on? EXT. DRAKE HOUSE---FRONT PORCH---CONTINUOUS *The front door opens, and just as the step onto the front porch...CLICK! Two cops step from each side of the porch, and cock their guns---pointed at Logan and the kids. They freeze, seeing two more cops emerging from cruisers on the lawn.* BOBBY: *under his breath* Ronny. INT. DRAKE HOUSE---RONNY’S ROOM---SAME TIME *Ronny stares out the window at the situation, a small smile on his face.* EXT. DRAKE HOUSE---FRONT PORCH---SAME TIME COP 1: GET DOWN ON THE GROUND AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! *The cops advance towards them.* LOGAN: What’s going on here? *Bobby and Rogue are scared to death---Pyro pensively flicks his lighter open and and closed...* COP 1: Put down the knives. Slowly. LOGAN: Hey, bub, this is just a misunderstanding. INT. DRAKE HOUSE---LIVING ROOM *Three cops are pounding on the glass door.* COP 2: Open the door! *Bobby’s parents, bewildered and terrified, don’t move. They watch as one cop takes out his nightstick and smashes open the door. They storm into the living room. * COP 2: (CONT’D) AGAINST THE WALL! NOBODY MOVE! *One cop stays with the parents as the other two slowly make their way toward the front door, guns raised.* EXT. DRAKE HOUSE---FRONT PORCH COP 1: PUT THE KNIVES DOWN! LOGAN: *getting enraged* I CAN’T *Logan raises his arms to show the claws are attached to his hand, when BANG! He’s shot in the head and falls. Rogue screams. The kids stare, devastated. Pyro looks back at the officer, whose gun is still smoking. Throughout the neighborhood, people gather onto the scene. On the porch, the kids see the cops advancing, guns raised. ON THE GROUND: Logan’s eyes are closed. The bullet is flattened against his metal skull. The flesh begins to heal. Rogue and Bobby slowly start to kneel, hands behind their heads...but not Pyro. He remains standing, flicking his lighter faster and faster. COP 2: We don’t wanna hurt you, kid. PYRO: You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news? *Pause* I’m the worst one. *Pyro lowers his hear and flicks the lighter—the small flame quickly grows into streams of fire, one shooting to the right, on to the left—one racing behind him, through the house, blasting toward the cops in the living room, knocking them down.* OUTSIDE THE COLUMNS OF FIRE Two panicked cops dive for cover. Close on: Pyro, as he narrows his eyes. Streaks of flames sneak behind two cruisers toward the exhaust pipes... BOOM! The cars explode, tumbling and spinning in the air, cops running for cover. Only one cruiser is left, surrounded by swirling flames. The two officers inside try to radio for backup, as pieces of their car melt before their eyes. Push in on: Pyro staring at the remaining cruiser with a sardonic look in his eye. He’s sweating hard, living the moment. He will never be the same again. INSIDE THE CRUISER: Windows are scorched Smoke is filling the car. Two cops see Pyro— his furious glare focused squarely on them. He twirls his lighter with his fingers...and smiles. Angle on: Melting tires—cracking glass—flames surrounding a burning car—a melting dashboard. Angle on: Rogue, horrified. She stares at Pyro for a moment and starts to pull off her gloves. Angle on: Logan, his wound still healing. The flattened bullet dislodges and falls to the ground. He opens his eyes. Close on: Pyro. He holds up his lighter...and: Rogue pulls up Pyro’s pant leg and grabs his bare skin. Light flashes as energy passes from Pyro to Rogue. Pyro’s eyes widen. He gasps and drops the lighter. Stumbling, he slumps to the ground, as if the wind is knocked out of him. Rogue holds up a hand and concentrates. Immediately, the flames recede, leaving nothing but smoldering debris. Rogue lets out an exhausted and relieved sigh. Bobby and Rogue get to their feet. Pyro groans. Still a little dazed, he grabs his lighter and stands up to see his extinguished flames. Finally, Logan stands. The wound now completely healed. The kids stare at him, amazed. BOOM! Thunder echoes from above and the lawn is blasted by heavy wind. The cops look up. Angle on: Rogue, Pyro, Logan, and Bobby, watching the X-Jet descend from dark clouds. It lands in the street and the ramp lowers. Logan and the kids run across the lawn. As his comrades stare in awe, one cop pulls out his gun and aims, his hand trembling. Logan stops, and stares back—defiant. Pause. Logan keeps walking.* EXT. X-JET RAMP—CONTINUOUS *The others run up the ramp, but Bobby stops and turns back. Angle on: The Drake family, watching from an upstairs window. William is dumbfounder. Ronny is wide-eyed. Madeline is crying. Bobby stares at them for a beat, then turns around and heads up the ramp.* INT. X-JET—CONTINUOUS *Logan and the kids strap themselves into seats.* IN THE COCKPIT *Storm and Jean turn and see Logan. She smiles. He winks. Nightcrawler pops up from behind a chair. The kids scream.* NIGHTRAWLER: Guten Morgan. LOGAN: Guten Abend Who the hell are you? NIGHTCRAWLER: *flamboyantly* Kurt Wagner, but in the Munich circus I was known as “The Incredible Nightcraw— LOGAN: Save it. Storm? STORM: We’re out of here. *Storm pulls on the stick, and they lift off.* EXT. SUBURBAN STREET—COURTYARD—SAME TIME *Two more cruisers pull up in front of the house. Cops and neighbors watch in awe as the jet roars away.* INT. XAVIER’S MANSION—XAVIER’S STUDY—AFTERNOON *Xavier is looking out of an open picture window that displays a panoramic view of the mansion’s large, beautiful gardens. Below him, a chess set is in the middle of the game. He blinks, letting tears spill from his eyes. Looks outside. He lifts up a hand and rubs his head. Then, he looks down, at his legs. He’s standing. Xavier’s smile fades. He thinks deeply, as he gets very angry. XAVIER: Jason, STOP IT! *Push in on: Xavier, as he closes his eyes and grits his teeth. Suddenly, something happens. The room begins to ripple, it fades and the background drops into: INT. STRYKER’S BASE—XAVIER’S CELL—SAME TIME *Xavier sits in his wheelchair, still directly across from Mutant 143, who stares deeply into him. Xavier opens his eyes and remembers where he is. He’s still wearing the neutral inhibitor. It begins to buzz wildly. He grits his teeth, bearing the pain. Barely able to speak:* XAVIER and MUTANT 143: You must help me. *Then, 143 moves. His hands slowly reach for Xavier’s throat, as if to choke him. The Professor doesn’t move, he continues to stare deep into 143’s blue and green eyes. The Inhibitor continues to buzz. Xavier grips his chair, straining...* XAVIER and MUTANT 143: Stand... *And Mutant 143 gently stands up— the spinal connecter pops out of place. Yellow liquid leaks from the small wound in the back of his neck. Mutant 143 reaches forward and tenderly lifts the Inhibitor from Xavier’s head. Both Xavier and 143 exhale with relief, the pain now gone.* XAVIER and MUTANT 143: *mumbling* Thank you, Jason. *Xavier reaches up and caresses 143’s cheek, releasing him. 143 relaxes, his face once again becomes a blank slate. He sits back down. Xavier wheels towards the door. He concentrates.* XAVIER: Mr. Smith, are you there? *The door opens, to reveal: INT. STRYKER’S BASE—OUTSIDE XAVIER’S CELL *Soldier Smith stands outside Xavier’s cell. Under Xavier’s control, he renters the cell and removes the arm restraints.* XAVIER: I arrived here with a friend. *firm* Take me to him. INT. STRYKER’S BASE—CYCLOPS’ CELL—LATER *The door opens, revealing Xavier and Smith. In the corner, Cyclops is restrained with a metallic band covering his eyes.* XAVIER: Remove his restraints. *Smith bends down and carefully removes the band.* CYCLOPS: Professor... XAVIER: It’s going to be alright, Scott. *Cyclops gets to his feet.* XAVIER: Tell me, what is the quickest way out of here? SOLDIER SMITH: The helicopter. XAVIER: Take us there, now. INT. X-JET—LATE AFTERNOON *Logan heads toward the cockpit.* LOGAN: How far are we? JEAN: We’re coming up on the mansion now. *Suddenly, a monitor beeps, and displays two red blips. STORM: I’ve got two signals approaching. EXT. AIRSPACE—LATE AFTERNOON *Two F-16 Fighters roar through the clouds, coming up behind the X-Jet.* INT. X-JET—COCKPIT—SAME TIME *Through the window, Storm and Jean see the fighters flanking them on either side. The radio crackles.* F-16 PILOT: *on radio* Unidentified aircraft, you are ordered to descend 20,000 feet and return with out escort to Hanscom Air Force Base. Failure to comply will result in the use of extreme force. STORM: Somebody’s angry. *Logan glares at Pyro* LOGAN: I wonder why. ROGUE: What are we going to do? STORM: They’re falling back... *A loud beep goes off. STORM: (CONT’D) They’re marking us. They’re going to fire. LOGAN: What?! STORM: HANG ON! EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *The X-Jet banks and dives, trying to shake off the fighters as the F-16s each fire a missile. The X-Jet banks hard, and barrel rolls, just barely dodging the exploding missiles. The fighter jets are still on their trail.* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *The kids are trying not to panic. Nightcrawler makes the “sign of the cross.”* LOGAB: Don’t we have any weapons in this heap? *Jean glances over to Storm. Storm nods. Her eyes burn white.* EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *Dark rumbling clouds begin to form in front of the X-Jet. Lightning flashes. They head straight into the eye of the growing storm, the F-16s right behind.* EXT. STORM CLOUD—SAME TIME *Whispy clouds begin to swirl, faster and faster, twisting into long, thin funnels. One forms, and another, until the sky is filled with a dozen roaring tornados. They writhe like giant serpents, allowing the X-Jet to pass between them. The F-16s aren’t as lucky—they dart and weave, trying to avoid Storm’s wrath.* INT. F-16—SAME TIME *The fighter pilot has a lock on the X-Jet. He’s about to pull the trigger when—* EXT. STORM CLOUD—SAME TIME *BOOM! Two tornados slam into the F-16 from above and below. It’s yanked up and hurled across the sky, tumbling like a toy. The pilot ejects. The remaining fighter skillfully swerves around the funnel clouds, still in pursuit.* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *Jean and Logan look at the beeping radar screen, then nervously to Storm. Push in on: Storm—getting angrier.* EXT. STORM CLOUD—SAME TIME *The remaining F-16 banks and rolls, avoiding the tornados., quickly gaining on the X-Jet. Suddenly, the clouds around the F-16 begin to swirl...until it’s completely encased in a long dark tunnel—a tornado stretching across the sky. The F-16 begins to roll wildly inside the tornado, losing control— but manages to fire two more missiles, just before the tornado bends and hurls the F-16 to the ground. The pilot ejects, but the missiles continue on their warpath, easily passing through the storm.* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *Storm yanks the stick back. Jean stares at the radar screen: two blips rush towards them. Her stare becomes more intense as she concentrates...* EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *The X-Jet’s wings fold up as it flies faster out of the storm, the tornados dissipating behind it. Both missiles roar towards the jet...but suddenly one missile begins to wobble...* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *Storm stares at the radar— the blips are getting closer, but one of them starts to veer away. Storm looks over to see Jean, staring at the radar screen, lost in a trance. Logan watches, astonished.* STORM: Jean? *Jean holds her head tightly, concentrating...this isn’t easy.* EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *Close on the missile: It wobbles, a few lights on its surface blink off—it suddenly veers straight up—and explodes.* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *Rogue is frantically trying to buckle herself in. She pushes one buckle in—the opposite one pops out. She tries another—another. Finally, two hold. She presses the third—it snaps in. She puts the fourth and final buckle into the mechanism, and all three fall out. Rogue tries again, looking nervously towards the cockpit... Angle on: Jean Grey using all of her powers trying to stop the remaining missile. Concentrating so hard that everything else drops out. She closes her eyes. The X-men wait... On the radar screen the second missile is getting closer... Jean opens her eyes, terrified.* JEAN: *quietly* Oh God. EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *BOOOOOM! The missile explodes—the X-Jet disappears in a cloud of fire and smoke.* INT. X-JET—SAME TIME *A large hole is blown in the roof of the jet. It decompresses—everyone’s screams are drowned by shrieking wind. Rogue is instantly ripped out of her seat—sucked out of the hole.* EXT. AIRSPACE—SAME TIME *She falls, screaming, into the quiet night. The jet speeds away high above her. Nightcrawler suddenly appears and grabs her. BAMF!* INT. X-JET—MOMENTS LATER *BAMF! Rogue and Nightcrawler reappear in a haze of smoke, falling to the ground. The X-Men stare at them in awe. IN THE COCKPIT: Storm and Jean work the control, trying to stabilize the jet. Through the windshield, the Earth rises to meet them with dizzying speed. Storm strains, trying to pull out of the nosedive. The altimeter shows their descent—3000 feet, 2500, 2000... Jeans hand reaches over and grabs Logan’s. She turns to him, eyes tearing up. Logan stares back, surprised. The plane is getting lower, lower. Storm closes her eyes. This is it.* NIGHTCRAWLER: Uh, Storm? *Storm turns...Nightcrawler is pointing at the hole in the roof, which is bending and twisting, slowly repairing itself. The screaming wind dies down to a whistle, as the hole closes completely. The, the falling jet begins to slow. STORM: Jean? *Jean stares at the controls. She’s just as stunned.* JEAN: It’s not me. *The ground is getting closer. And with a slight jolt, they stop. The mutants stare at each other, confused and shocked. They look out the windshield. Below them, a forest clearing, and two figures staring up at them...* EXT. FOREST CAMP—ROADWAY—DUSK *The X-Jet hovers in the air, nose down, only fifteen feet off the ground. Magneto stands in front of the jet, holding it in place with an outstretched hand. Mystique is next to him.* MAGNETO: When will you people learn how to fly? EXT.—FOREST CAMP—CAMPFIRE—LATER *Logan, Jean, and Storm are on one side of the campfire, Magneto and Mystique on the other. They stare at each other. The silence redefines uncomfortable.* MAGNETO: His name is William Stryker. *Logan reacts visibly to the name.* JEAN: What does he want? STORM: That’s the same question we should be asking Magneto. *Magneto sighs. This is going to be a long night.* STORM: (CONT’D) So what is it? What do you want? MAGNETO: When Stryker invaded your mansion he stole an essential piece of its hardware. JEAN: *shocked and frightened* Cerebro. *Jean and Storm stare at each other, terrified.* JEAN: (CONT’D) But Stryker would need the Professor to operate it. MAGNETO: ...which is the only reason I think he’s still alive. *Logan sees the fear in Jean and Storm’s eyes.* LOGAN: Wait, what are you so afraid of? MAGNETO: While Cerebro is working, Charles’ mind is connected to every living person on the plant...if he were made to concentrate hard enough on a particular group...let’s say mutants for example—he could kill us all. EXT. FOREST CAMP—TENT AREA *Bobby finishes setting up a tent, and walks over to Rogue, who is trying to light a small portable stove. Pyro sits to the side, staring at the horizon. Bobby takes a match and tries to light the stove.* ROGUE: *to Pyro* You could help, you know. *Pyro tilts his head slightly, and the stove erupts into a large flame. Bobby dives back and shoots Pyro a dirty look. Frustrated, Rogue walks away and sits down next to Nightcrawler. He’s staring at the X-Men in the distance. She looks at him, trying to think of something to say, finally...* ROGUE: (CONT’D) Thank you. *He’s caught off guard, but flattered.* NIGHTCRAWLER: You’re welcome. *Pause. Rogue sees the X-Men by the fire.* ROGUE: Can you hear what they’re saying? NIGHTCRAWLER: I could get a closer look. *He smiles, and BAMF, disappears in a cloud of smoke. Rogue smiles, impressed.* EXT. FOREST CAMP—CAMPFIRE—LATER *High above the group in a tree, Nightcrawler hangs upside-down by his tail. No one seems to notice.* STORM: But how would Stryker know what Cerebro is, or how to find it? *Magneto pauses. We slowly drift around to his back. In reflex, he lifts an arm and rubs the back of his neck, exposing the circular scar. Magneto seems embarrassed, reigned, boiling...* MAGNETO: Because I told him. I helped Charles build it, remember? *Pause. Ashamed, he turns* Mr. Stryker has powerful methods of persuasion. Even against a mutant as strong as Charles. JEAN: Who is Stryker anyway? MAGNETO: He’s a military scientist who has spent his life looking for a solution to the mutant problem. But if you want amore intimate perspective, why don’t you ask the Wolverine? *All eyes fall on Logan* MAGNETO: (CONT’D) You don’t remember. *Logan glares at Magneto, perplexed.* MAGNETO: (CONT’D) William Stryker is the only other man I know who can manipulate adamantium. The metal on your bones? It carries his signature. LOGAN: But the Professor... MAGNETO: The Professor trusted you were smart enough to discover this on your own. He gives you more credit than I do. *Logan closes his eyes, slowly putting the pieces together—Stryker did this to him. Mystique stares at him curiously.* STORM: Why do you need us? MAGNETO: Mystique discovered plans for a base that Stryker’s been operating out of for decades...but we don’t know where it is. *pause* And I believe one of you might. LOGAN: The Professor already tried. *Magneto sighs* MAGNETO: Once again, you think it’s all about you. *Magneto turns his gaze upward. The others follow, looking at Nightcrawler in the tree above.* MINUTES LATER *Nightcrawler sits on the ground, nervous, across from Jean. Storm puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.* NIGHTCRAWLER: I...I didn’t mean to snoop. JEAN: Relax. *He flinches as she puts her fingers on his temples. His eyes roll back slightly. She concentrates hard. His hair stands on end. Push in on: Jean, as she grimaces as blurry flashes from Nightcrawler’s mind flicker in her eyes: FLASH!— soldiers holding Nightcrawler on the ground—being held in the back of a truck—entering along, dark tunnel from above ground—a massive lab—the flash of a camera— Jean pulls away, exhausted.* JEAN: (CONT’D) Stryker’s at Alkali Lake LOGAN: That’s where the Professor sent me...Nothing’s left. JEAN: There’s nothing left on the surface, Logan. The base is underground. EXT. FOREST CAMP—NIGHT, ESTABLISHING *The X-Jet rests on the ground surrounded by a few tents being set up by Bobby. A thick layer of fog created by Storm gathers overhead. Magneto sits by the fire, alone.* EXT. FOREST CAMP—UNDER THE X-JET *Jean stands on the ramp, working on the jet’s underbelly. She spots Logan, looking noticeably distraught—still dwelling on Magneto’s revelation about Stryker.* JEAN: Hey. You okay? LOGAN: Yeah. How are we doing? *Pause. Jean knows he’s not in the mood to talk about it.* JEAN: Not good. It’ll take four or five hours before I can get it off the ground. LOGAN: That’s not what I meant. *Jean sighs* JEAN: I’m just worried...about Scott. LOGAN: I’m worried about you. That was some display of power up there. JEAN: It obviously wasn’t enough. * A long pause. Their faces are moving closer...* JEAN: (CONT’D) *convincing herself* I love him. LOGAN: Do you? *closer* JEAN: *flirting* Girls flirt with the dangerous guy, Logan, but they don’t take him home. *Pause* They marry the good guy. *closer* LOGAN: I could be the good guy. JEAN: Logan, the good guy sticks around. *The kiss passionately...but Jean pulls away.* JEAN: (CONT’D) Please—don’t make me do this. LOGAN: Do what? *She walks up the ramp. Logan hangs his head and sighs.* EXT. FOREST CAMP—SAME TIME *Mystique stares at Logan in the distance. Nightcrawler comes up behind her.* NIGHTCRAWLER: They say you can imitate anybody? Even their voice? *Mystique speaks in his voice:* MYSTIQUE: Even their voice. *Nightcrawler jumps.* NIGHTCRAWLER: So why not stay disguised all the time? You know...look like everyone else. MYSTIQUE: Because we should have to. *Nightcrawler grins wide. He likes that answer.* INT. LOGAN’S TENT—MOMENTS LATER *Logan is lying awake, staring at his aged, dirty dog tag—Magneto’s revelation still eating away at him. Suddenly, the tent flap quietly slips apart, and a female figure enters. It’s Jean. She sits on his sleeping bag. He eyes her curiously, about to speak— When she presses her finger to his lips: “No.” She crawler on top and begins to passionately kiss him. He kisses back, sliding his hand under her shirt, when— SNIKT! Logan’s claws press against Jean’s jugular. Close on: Logan’s hand, his fingers on three claw-scars on her abdomen. He looks at her. She looks back and smiles—her eyes turn yellow as she transforms into Mystique. Her mouth travels languidly to his ear.* MYSTIQUE: No one ever left a scar quite like you. LOGAN: What do you want, an apology? MYSTIQUE: You know what I want. *Mystique bites his ear, hard and sexy. She sits up.* MYSTIQUE: (CONT’D) But what do you want? *...and she suddenly transforms. From Mystique to Storm—to (with a smile) Rogue—finally back to Jean... Logan throws her to the ground.* MYSTIQUE: (CONT’D) What do you really want? *And then, she flashes...Stryker, then back to Mystique.* LOGAN: I want you to get out. *She sneers and leaves. Push in on: Logan’s face, as we dissolve to the roar of...* EXT. FOREST CAMP—THE NEXT MORNING *...The X-Jet lifting off into the orange morning sky.* INT. X-JET—LATER *Bobby and Rogue stare at an X-Uniform hanging inside of a sleek locker in the back of the jet. Logan is changing into a uniform nearby.* BOBBY: Where’s ours? *Logan finishes zipping up* LOGAN: On order. Should arrive in a few years. *Logan shuts the locker. Rogue turns around to find Magneto and Mystique staring at her, whispering to each other. They suddenly stop. Magneto grins.* MAGNETO: We love what you've done with your hair.

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