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user : sparkd
pet : Expl051on
NP : 220

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New Event! BattleDome Opponent Waiting
(Scortch244 has been looking for you in t...) (show all)


12 / 35
Power 0%
0 / 28
Power 0%

Expl051onOn the last move...Scortch244

Scortch244 sneaks up behind you and stabs at you with the Lost Desert Dagger!

Scortch244 pelts you with stones from their Scarab Stone Slingshot!!!OUCH!!
You hit Scortch244 with a snowball from the Snowball Slingshot!

You sneak up behind Scortch244 and stab at them with the Lost Desert Dagger!

You defend yourself against Scortch244's physical attack by Burrowing into the ground!
8 hp
13 hp

You have beaten Scortch244!
You have won this fight!

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