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About This Layout

This layout is made for profassional site with lots contents. Just kidding ^_~ I used Adobe Photoshop 7 to edit this image, isn't gorgeous??? The entire layout is made from one single image ^_~ Anyway, this layout is named Touch of Beauty and it uses tables and a whole bunch of CSS coding for all those cool effects :) This layout can be viewed under any screen resolution of 800 x 600 or above, technically 1024 x 768 ir required. Since this layout also uses CSS, it requires some web browser that support CSS like MSIE 5.5 and above. Have fun and please don't forget to credits me :)

Using This Layout

  1. Unzip and upload everything in a single file into your main directory server.
  2. Open index.html edit your contents
  3. If you like to change your title, open imageH1V0.jpg, edit it with any image editor like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop or which ever one you choose, then rename the image as title.jpg
  4. To made a header with an ouline around it, use this code :)
    <p class="head" align="center">Blah Blah Blah</p>
  5. To add in a new table of navigation on the right, add in this code ^_~
    <table width=142 align="center"> <tr> <td align="Center" valign="top" class="head">Information</td> </tr> <td class="outline" align="Center" valign="top"> [ <a href="index.html">Link Here</a> ]<br> [ <a href="index.html">Link Here</a> ]<br> [ <a href="index.html">Link Here</a> ]<br> [ <a href="index.html">Link Here</a> ]<br> [ <a href="index.html">Link Here</a> ]<br> </td> </table> <br>
  6. If you have any problems editing this layout, feel free to post your questions at the Aethereality Message Board

+++ Extras +++


Link back to using this button code

Copyrights & Credits

This layout is free to use but it is link ware, If you decided to use this layout, you must provide a link back to my site. You must follow these conditions:
  1. Do not remove the link back to my site.
  2. Do not alter the link back to my site.
  3. Do not alter the HTML coding for the layout.
  4. If this layout inspire you to make a similar one, I would appreciate a link back :)
Neobishonen © Dimension5 Team :: Layout Designed by Aethereality
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