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Cats as Pets

i think all pets are good but the kind of pet you decide to get depends on your personality and the amount of time you have to care for them. cats are very affectionate but dont require your every wakin moment. they can care for themselves and are very clean animals. i dont want to be singled out as a "creepy cat person" cuz im not. i only have 2 cats ..not 23 strays..1 calico and a black shorthaired domestic..the calico is my baby, tammy. and the black one is tommy. he is as big as a suitcase..i swear but hes kind and gentle if u treat him well ..he is very kind and odnt pick him up wrong or he mite have to attack you...

Why are cats the best pets? They do not require constant care: one does not have to go home at lunch to let them out, one can leave them for the weekend as long as there is enough food in their bowl. They are clean. They do not smell (although if you try to have over 5 cats living in your studio apartment, there will indeed be an odor). They are generally not needy. They do not steal your cigarettes..... they dont taste good if eaten so why would they steal them?