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Kids Pets  

Welcome to the Hsu family home page.

After we were off the internet for while because our web host went out of business.  Finally, we are back online.  The first thing to do is to bring the old pages back.   This is what I did today as much as possible.  The next step, is to get newer pictures back up.   So please remeber that this website is still under construction.   If you see anything broken here, chances are that it'll get fixed soon.   Nonetheless, we would still be happy to hear from you.  Please click here to send me an email.

We set up this page so we can share photos, tidbits and updates of our growing family with our family members and friends all over the world.

Now, please click on the name of each member of our family on the panel on the left to see what's going on lately. Or, please follow the links below to see some of our favorite sites. Thank you and may God bless you according to His riches and glory.

Check out some of our favorite links:

  • Check out our e-business card (IBO Number: 2386245, password: ebiz)
  • Our Favorite Radio Station -- WAVA
  • 103.5 FM is an excellent classical radio station that we listen while commuting.
  • Guan's favorite radio program
  • Renewing Your Mind - one of the best Christian teaching program on radio.
  • AAPAC stands for "Asian American Parents Advocacy Council". This is the parent advocacy organization Guan helped to get started in 2000. Currently, Guan is serving as one of the two Co-Presidents. AAPAC's goal is to get all parents, esp. Asian American parents, to become active advocates for all of our children.