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NAE LogoNorthwest Association of Educators
Proud Partners in Public Education

About NAE    Bargain Board    Links

The Northwest Association of Educators represents almost 500 professional educators in the Northwest Local School District.  Schools where our members teach include Bevis, Colerain, Houston, Monfort Heights, Pleasant Run, Struble, Taylor, Weigel, and Welch Elementaries; Colerain, Pleasant Run, and White Oak Middle Schools, as well as Colerain and Northwest High Schools.  For more information about our quality schools, please click here to visit the district's website.


What's New?

An affiliate of NEA


Negotiations Update


and the OEA


Money Saving Ideas Money from Mailbox


and the SWOEA President's Message


This page was last edited on 06/29/2003 22:16 -0400.
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