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Nymarl Silvertree's Story

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City of the Elves
Chapter 1

Brudaer Ironhand shouldered his bow and turned to call his boarhound, Bear. Bear came running around the corner of the room and placed himself in front of his master. Brudaer was a young man in his mid twenties with curly brown hair that hung around his face. He was a very large, strong man. His boarhound, Bear, was groomed very well and always seemed to be wearing a smile. He was very loyal to Brudaer and Brudaer was sure that Bear would never run away.
“Come, Bear.” Brudaer said, “We must find some meat. We are running low.” Bear wagged his tail happily at his master and ran past him out the door. Brudaer whistled the overexcited hound back to him. Bear came running back. He was soon very calm, for his master had taught him how to hunt. Bear knew that he had to be very quiet to track a deer or a hare or any other number of wild creatures.
Brudaer started through the forest surrounding his home. Bear followed quietly, sniffing the fresh morning air for scent of an animal. After half an hour of finding nothing, Bear stopped and whimpered to his master. A large buck was standing in a small clearing just off the side of the trail. Brudaer quickly and silently notched an arrow to his bow and shot it. His aim was perfect. The buck went down with the arrow straight through its heart. Brudaer joyfully patted Bear on the head and went to retrieve the fallen buck.
“Good boy, Bear!” he said.

A lone rider stood next to his horse, his cape blowing in the wind. He stood overlooking a large army of goblins, their self-appointed king in the middle. The rider mounted his horse and rode back to his city, to warn them of the battle to come.
Once he arrived at the gates of his elfin city, he was stopped by an old elf who welcomed him with enthusiasm.
“Tadriv! How long have you been gone?” the elf cried. Tadriv Silvertree removed his hood and greeted the elder with a smile. He turned out to be a young elf with long silky black hair. He was very respected in his city.
“It has been a long time, Divlar. I must speak with Lord Dilves. Something has come up. It is very urgent.” he said. Divlar bowed and led Tadriv into Lord Dilves Goldenwood’s home. It was not much larger than the other elves’ houses, but fancier. As Tadriv was admitted into the home, he could see the beautiful tapestries that decorated the house’s sitting room. One interested him very much. It seemed to have a few different frames, like a cartoon. The first depicted a young boy being taught by an older man, obviously a barbarian. The next showed the boy a little older. He looked to be a strong warrior. The last showed him as some kind of hermit with his disused weapons lying around.
Lord Dilves entered the room and noticed Tadriv staring at the certain tapestry.
“Hello, Tadriv. Lovely to see you again. I see you have noticed my new tapestry. It is a legend. The boy is supposed to be the strongest warrior in the world. Some believe it, but I am not sure if I do.” Dilves said. He was a handsome elf, about the same age as Tadriv, and a new leader of the city. Like Tadriv, he was very respected.
“It would help, my lord, if that legend was true.” Tadriv replied. Dilves appeared baffled. “Do not speak in riddles, my friend. What do you speak of? We live in peaceful times.” he said. Tadriv just shook his head.
“Not for long,” he said, sadly, “There is an army of goblins headed this way. I heard them saying, ‘Take the elves’ wonderful city, take their gold, take it all.’ I can only think they were talking about us.” Dilves’s eyes flashed.
“Then we shall prepare ourselves,” he said. Tadriv shook his head again.
“This army is bigger than normal. We will have to prepare well,” he sighed. He left Lord Dilves to his own thinking and went home to visit his sister.

Nymarl Silvertree sat at the window, her unusual sense telling her something was wrong. Nymarl was a beautiful slender elf with straight black hair that was always in a braid. When she saw her brother’s face as he walked up the path to the home, she knew she was right. He appeared troubled. Nymarl met him at the door.
“Tadriv? Is something wrong?” she said. Tadriv laughed.
“What a wonderful way to greet your brother!” he exclaimed. Nymarl laughed along with him as she guided him to the couch. He lay down exhaustingly. “Actually, Nymarl, something is wrong.” Tadriv began, “There is a large army of goblins coming to take over the city. We must fight them soon.” Nymarl sighed.
“Which means you will send the females, children, and old ones to the caves,” she said. Tadriv rolled his eyes.
“We always get into this argument. It is not my decision,” he replied. Nymarl smiled playfully. “Then you cannot stop me from fighting,” she said. “You know what the punishment is if they find out.” “But then I will have lived my life to its fullest being the first female in a battle.”
“Nymarl!” After frustrating her brother thoroughly, Nymarl flitted out the door.

Brudaer had skinned the buck and given the odd bits and pieces of the animal to Bear. Bear had stuffed himself and was sunning in the yard. Brudaer cut and put away the meat and began to start on the buck’s hide. He cleaned it and then placed it on his bed. “Ready for winter,” he said to himself. Bear lifted his head.
“Winter will soon be blasting its cold air in our faces, Bear,” Brudaer said. Bear whimpered and laid his head on the dry grass. He hated the cold and Brudaer could tell he was trying to soak up as much warm sun as possible. Brudaer liked the winter months better than he liked the sun. He enjoyed sitting by the fire on a cold winter night curled up in the skins of the animals he had killed. But now the sun still teased him with its scorching heat.

Nymarl’s eyes took in everything. All of the elves in the city were asleep. She stole around the side of the armory. Females were not allowed in the elves’ armory, but Nymarl had decided to take a chance. She pulled out a thin metal pin and picked the lock on the door. Rows and rows of armor hung on the wall of the armory and piles of swords were in one corner.
“I do not think I can handle a bow. I do not want a sword. Where do they keep the daggers?” Nymarl asked the darkness. She began to search for her weapon of choice. She saw a stack of ivory-handled daggers, their blades gleaming in the moonlight. Nymarl’s face lit up. She pulled out two especially long daggers and tested their point. Well cared for, Nymarl thought as she gently ran her finger along the blade. She barely touched it, but she could fell its sharpness. After sliding the daggers back into their cases, she set them in the bag she had with her. She chose a set of armor and made sure the helm would cover her hair. She would have to disguise herself as a male, so hiding her normally braided hair in the helm was a good idea. She started towards the door and then stopped. What about Lynra? Nymarl’s best friend, Lynra, had trained with a bow since she was ten years old. If she knew that Nymarl was going to stay and fight, she would want to stay and fight too.
Nymarl lifted a long bow off a hook on the wall, picked up a quiver of arrows, and chose another suit of armor with an equally large helm. She slipped the new items into her bag and snuck out the door of the armory.

Nymarl met with her two best friends the next day, Lynra Amberleaf and Filurl Truesilver. “Okay, I am going to stay and fight. Lynra, I have retrieved a bow and suit of armor if you would like to stay too. Filurl, I know you are leading the females, children, and old ones to the caves, so I did not get you anything.” she addressed them. Lynra grinned with anticipating glee. Filurl appeared a little downcast, but tried to hide it.
“Sorry, Filurl. I wish you could stay too.” Nymarl said. Filurl smiled weakly.
“Please be safe and do not do anything foolish,” she sighed. She hugged her friends warmly. Lynra tried her best to cheer Filurl up.
“You may help us choose some names. I am positive that Lynra and Nymarl are not male names.” she suggested. Nymarl agreed wholeheartedly. This was the one thing that had been bothering her.
“I do not know of any names you can use,” Filurl admitted.
“One of us can use the name Larell,” Nymarl said. One of the elves on the lord’s council passed by as she said this. Nymarl went silent.
“I will use it, since it sounds so much like my name,” Lynra replied when the council elf was out of earshot.
“Then Nymarl can use Jynar,” Filurl said.
“I thought you said that you did not know any male names for us to use,” Nymarl said slyly. Lynra laughed.
