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My Story For Snoogle

1)Privet Drive The sun broke through the clouds as it shown down upon 4 Privet Drive. The house looked like any other house on the street. It was similar in everyway expects in that house ,unknown to all others, lived one of the most famous wizards of all time. In the house a boy of 14 was scurrying around trying to hide all his books before his uncle and aunt woke up. He was trying to make sure they didn’t know he was doing his homework in the night. He crept slowly back into his bed waiting for his aunt to yell for him to come down stairs. He laid in bed for a couple minutes before the shrill voice of his aunt rang throw the house to tell him to come down stairs. He slowly creeps out of bed having no intention of having to face his aunt until he really had to. He crept down the stairs and into the kitchen to find his aunt giving his now massive over sized cousin Dudley more bacon. He took 3 steps into the kitchen before his aunt started yelling at him.
“I wanted you down here 5 minutes ago. I don’t know why we even keep you any more.” she said.
“Sorry.” said Harry.
“You better be. Anyway I want you to clean those dishes and make sure sweet Dudley’s bacon is properly cooked.”
“Yes madam.”
“Don’t give your aunt attitude. You hear me.” yelled Uncle Vernon. Harry didn’t answer and went over to the kitchen and started to cook the bacon while they argued on what to do about Dudley’s grades. They had been slipping ever since he started but Uncle Vernon thought that Dudley wasn’t being challenged and blamed the school. Uncle Vernon came into the kitchen and put away his plate and refilled his mug before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV. Dudley soon joined him delightfully. All through the summer all Dudley did was eat and watch TV. He sat in that couch of his so much Harry started to see an indent of Dudley’s butt into the couch itself. As Uncle Vernon flipped the channel Dudley would squeal at different times when his favorite show would appear, but Uncle Vernon would ignore him and keep flipping until he reached BBC news. After some time listening to a report on restaurant safety he turned off the TV and muttered something. Harry slowly a cumbersomely was washing the dishes while his attention was divided between watching a garden snake try to fight off a squirrel and hoping to know anything about the world outside of the Dursley’s house. During the whole summer the Dursley’s had been trying to keep him confined to the house and preventing him from going outside. It had been a nightmare stuck in the house having to do meaningless chores. His only bright spot was his birthday which was coming in 2 days. Hopefully by then Dumbledore would let Harry stay at Ron’s house and at least he would get gifts from people who actually cared for his well being. After finishing the dishes at the exact moment his aunt and uncle were distracted Harry left the house in hopes of getting away from having to do chores. When he got out it felt like freedom. Finally he could at least move around a little bit and not have to worry about getting beat up by Dudley. Harry made it only 3 steps before his aunt yelled for him to get into the house. His aunt was talking to his uncle when Harry came in.
“Yes” Harry said hoping not to get yelled at.
“Harry, We want you to do something” Harry’s Aunt said.
“Which is??” asked Harry.
“We want you to Dudley lose weight.” said Harry’s Aunt before bursting into tears. Harry could barely keep a straight face and Dudley was distressed. He shouted and screamed about how life is unfair and ran upstairs into his room.
“Now listen hear boy. You better not harm him or I will personally kill you.” said Uncle Vernon venomously.
“Yes, sir” said Harry barely able to restrain himself from laughing.
“Good, You start tomorrow morning.” said Uncle Vernon before going over to comfort Harry’s Aunt. Harry went outside and decided to take a walk in the neighborhood thinking that his aunt and uncle wouldn’t mind. Harry walked for a while through the different style homes until he decided to go to the park. He had never been to the park before. His aunt and uncle had always deterred him from socializing and kept him close to the house. As Harry strolled toward the park he saw many kids of various ages coming and going. He mostly saw little kids leaving with their parents but as he got closer to the park he say more kids of his own age. Never since he started at Hogwarts did he ever see this many muggles in one place. As he walked over to the basketball courts he noticed 5 kids around his age. Harry started to go over to them but relieved that he didn’t know how to play basketball and what to say to them. He was about to turn around but one of the kids say him standing there and came over.
“Hi, dude. You want to play some b-ball?” asked the kid throw a basketball toward Harry. Harry grabbed the basketball barely and nervously pondered what to say. Harry finally said “Okay but I’m not that good.”
“No problem. Oh almost forgot my names David.” said the boy stretching out his hand. Harry shock his hand.
“My name is Harry”
“Cool. Come on I show you the rest of the guys.” said David motioning for Harry to follow.
“Okay” said Harry trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. The other 6 kids came over and David introduced them.
“This is John and Richard” said David pointing to the two kids in wearing green.
“Are they twins?” asked Harry.
“Yup, and over there is Mike” said David pointing to the kid farthest away from Harry. Mike just looked at Harry and stared. I have to be careful around him thought Harry.
“Next to me is Patrick” said David pointing to the him.
Patrick said “Hello” and smiled.
“On my right is Hakim.” said David pointing to the kid tying his shoe laces. Hakim stood up and shook Harry’s hand.
“Can we play now.” said Mike irritated.
“Let’s play. So I can cream you guys.” said Hakim taking the ball from Harry and going up to dunk.
“Show off” said David.
“I’m not that good” said Harry.
“Don’t worry. When dunking boy over there first started he could barely shot.”
“If you don’t mind me asking. Are you British?” asked Harry curiously.
“No man. Me, mike, and Hakim are from the States. We best friends with the twins and Patrick.”
“Oh. Cool.” said Harry before following David onto the court.
“Yo everybody Harry is on my team.” yelled David.
“I wonder if he can even shoot.” said Mike sarcastically.
“Like you can.” said Hakim.
“Oh shut up.” said Mike.
“Let’s just play guys.” said David taking the ball.
“Okay Harry the teams are You, Me, David, and Richard vs. everyone else” said John beforing getting passed to from David.
“Let’s play all ready.” said Patrick.
“Get ready to lose.” said Hakim before going up to cover John. During the beginning of the game Harry stayed back and watched them play for a while but soon got passed to. Oh no. What do I do now thought Harry.
“Pass it.” said David. So Harry passed it to David but he was covered and Hakim easily got the ball and made a dunk. Harry was so embarrassed. They are probable going to make fun of me thought Harry. He remembered his gym days when he was ridiculed by his classmates. Instead David said “That’s okay.”
“We all suck in the beginning.” said Mike.
“Yea. Epically Mike here. You should have seen who bad he was. He could barely dribble. Once he gave the ball to the opposite team.” said Hakim jokingly. Everybody laughed and Harry didn’t feel so nervous. Harry played with them for another 2 hours before the sun started to set.
“That was fun” said Richard.
“Damn straight.” said David exhaustedly. “Oh Harry that means 2:00” said Mike before leaving with Patrick. David and the twins said goodbye before leaving and Hakim said goodbye before chasing after them and yelling for them to wait up. Harry slowly started to walk home having no intention on getting there quickly. That was the best day I have ever had at the Dursleys thought Harry. Harry reached the house just before it got dark and jumped the fence to enter through the back door. Harry tried to sneak upstairs but Uncle Vernon saw him and yelled for him to get over here.
“Where have you been?” asked Uncle Vernon furiously.
“Umm.. At the park.” said Harry slowly.
“What!!!” shouted Uncle Vernon as his face turned deep red.
“What’s going on?” asked Harry’s Aunt.
“Harry has been at the park.” said Uncle Vernon stabbing his finger at Harry.
“Oh my god. What if someone say you.” she said. Dudley crept up behind his aunt and made faces at Harry.
“No one --” said Harry before being interrupted by Dudley.
“Who did you meet there?” asked Dudley curiously.
“Some people.” said Harry.
“Was it one of your freak friends?” asked Uncle Vernon.
“No.” said Harry slightly angry at his uncle.
“It better of not been.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Very well but I am watching you. Also remember you have to exercise Dudley tomorrow.”
“Okay.” said Harry annoyed.
“Now go to bed.”
“But I haven’t had any supper.”
“That’s what you get for leaving. Now go to your room.” yelled Uncle Vernon pointing toward the stairs. Harry stomped up the stairs and went to bed, hungry.
*** ***
“What is wrong master?” asked a shaking and fearful voice that hid itself in the shadows out of fear. “I feel something new growing. My instinct tells me it will challenge me like never before.” said a chilling and scary voice. “But you are the Lord Voldemort. Nothing can defeat you.” “Do no blind yourself like that. I have considerably more power to gain before I can ever reach my peak. This time it will be harder for the last time I was a unknown and it was easier to manipulate others. But do not worry Wormtail. My followers are doing my biding as we speak and with patience I will win.” *** *** The rain had been pouring and pouring for the last couple of days. The city of London was drenched. The city spurred on and the rain was considered a slight nuisance. However what might be a nuisance for others could be the perfect time for some. The rain had caused visibility problems at the most severe of times and had also caused large amounts of fog. It was the perfect cover. No stranger could see what was going on and it provided the perfect cover to slip away. Three muggles in raincoats with there hoods covering there faces walked into a small aisle. At the end of the aisle they waited. 30 minutes later 2 men and 3 women came down the same aisle. They had umbrellas and one had a little shopping bag. The 2 men took point outside the entrance of the aisle and the 3 women walked toward the 3 men. One of the woman took out her wand and muttered some spells. After she said something to what appeared to by the leader and backed away. “So you have it?” asked one of the men. “Sure.” said the woman on the right. “Let’s see it.” “You first.” said the woman. The man motioned to one of his accomplices. He took out a large bag that made a jingling sound. “All 3000 galleons of it’s there.” said the man. “Open the bag” said the woman. One of the men opened the bag and took out a handful of shining gold coins. He then put the money back in and tucked the bag away. “Let’s see the goods.” said the man. The woman took out a pure red stone from her purse. “There’s four more stones in the bag.” said the woman. “Let’s see if it works.” “Very well.” She took out a small mouse from a metal cage and then touched the stone to the mouse and said a couple words. Almost instantly the mouse died. “Very Good. Let‘s get this transfer over with.” The man motioned for one of his associates to give the money to the women. The women also came forward and in unison the man and women switched goods. Almost instantly 6 agents burst out of hiding wands drawn. “Freeze” shouted one of the agents. The muggles had there guns raised and ready to fire on the intruders and the three women had their wands out pointed straight at the muggles. “My name is Oliver Wood and I work for the Ministry of Muggle Relations, and you are in violation of code 375 section 4 the prohibited selling of dark magic artifacts to muggles.” shouted Oliver “So what are you going to do curse me.” said the man rhetorically. “No. You are under arrest so put down you’re weapons.” “To hell with you all.” said the man before all three of them opened fire. The bullets hit the three women in the head and chest area. The MMR agents shouted out curses hitting two of them but the third man took out a grenade and said “You’re not taking me alive.” before blowing up himself, his parteners and the two of the closet agents. *** *** The room was almost pitch black. The 3 motionless candles illuminated the center of the room. There a man was sitting in a padded leather chair. In front of him was a small desk about 4 by 4 feet large. The man couldn’t see anything else. Of to the right side he saw the openning of a door and with it came in 3 men. Two of the men looked very big while the man between them was small and thin. “Hello Mr.Wood.” said the smallest man. “Hello. Umm…They never gave me your name.” said Oliver. “Names Richard.” “But you’re the head of the MMR.” “Exactly. Don’t worry Mr. Wood this standard procedure.” he said reassuringly. “Oh.” “Well it’s not exactly standard. We only do this in the extreme case when one of our missions turns out to be a failure.” “But we got them.” “No you didn’t. As this report shows.” he said waving a thick pack of papers in front of Oliver. “But…” “You see Mr. Wood. Under your orders 5 of our agents are dead and 2 others are wounded. That is what we in the Ministry call a failure. I know it’s your first mission in command but it has been a failure and a severe one at that. So instead of punishing you the board has decided to let you keep your position but you will be supervised by an veteran of the ministry. I also thinks it’s best if you regain the confidence of your subordinates.” “I fully understand.” Oliver said bowing his head in shame for what had happened. “Very good. You will be released in 30 minutes.” said Richard before getting up and leaving the room. Oliver looked down at the ground. He felt ashamed and deeply saddened. He promised himself he would try to do everything he could to never fail again. *** *** Knock Knock. A sharp echoed through the room. A women in her late 20’s briskly walked in. She had black hair that went down to her shoulder level, and looked very beautiful and fit. However, she seemed short of breath and looked worried. The women surveyed the room. It was just like always. The room was painted a cream color , had paintings and awards hung up in across the wall. The room was quite plain except for the handcrafted bookcase of to her left and the finely finished cherry table where a man was sitting doing something. He was in his 40’s and had brown hair but some white was visible. Also he was thin and almost lanky. The man had not once looked up but knew who it was. Only one person who worked for him would barge into his office like that. “Hello Jennifer. What is it you want?” asked the man. “Hello, Director. I have some important news about the operation to retrieve the crystals.” said Jennifer. “Is it so important that you had to stampede into my office.” said the director. “Sorry, sir.” said Jennifer getting slightly red. “Very well. Tell me what happened.” “The mission was a failure, sir. Our men were setup.” “Body count?” “We lost 3 agents but they lost 5.” “Sad. Very sad. Anyway continue.” “We couldn’t retrieve the crystals but the Ministry doesn’t know we exist. It appears that the people we were in contact with have also disappeared and the people at the exchange point were also the Ministry’s agents.” “Interesting. I didn’t think the Ministry would care much for the operation. Also I am slightly surprised at how much man power they could attain. I thought they would be too caught up in catching Voldemort.” “It appears they aren’t sir. Our sources within their government tell us that the Minister Fudge is discrediting what Dumbeldore has been saying.” “Well this could still help us. I need more information before we can act. Contact our man in the ministry. Tell him I am giving him the go ahead to get deeper. Also we will need to watch Dumbeldore. He is too tricking to blind our selves from. He can harm you in the most unexpected ways. Now, I have a special assignment for you.” *** ***