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Name: Damien Myers

Age: 18


Occupation: U.S Navy Depper (Delayed Entery Program) Soon to be AN4YO (Airman Apprentice 4 years Active service) and also after my A Schooling (AB) i plan to try out BUD/s and see if i can measure up.


Things I like: Go to the Gym, PT, Ride my Bike, DragonBall, Z, GT, Star Wars, any Military movies, the Bond OO7 movies, Playing Yugioh TCG (Trading Card Game), Playing Magic, Collecting cards and DVDs (note im NOT rich, i starve myself at school to get the money to do what i like and collect stuff, my parents dont give me no money unless it is needed)


Games I like:  Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six  Eagle Watch, Rainbow Six Rogue Spear, Rainbow Six Urban Assault, Socom US Navy Seals, F/A 18, Operation FlashPoint, DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, DBZ Budokai, Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast, X wing Alliance, OO7 nightfire, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Splinter Cell


My Yugioh Stats


I play Upper Deck Rules and i also play both real life at the great mall in Pro Star Sports and Online. if you want to Duel me then just IM me at SonGokuKamehama, XwingCmrdredlead, Yugiohdueldamien. my fallowing stats are


Online Duels:

1 on 1: Wins:8  Lose:1   Draw:1


1 on 2: Wins:0   Lose:1   Draw:0


2 on 2: Wins:0   Lose:0   Draw:0


Every Man for him self: Wins:0   Lose:0   Draw:0


Real Duels:

1 on 1: Wins:15   Lose:4   Draw:3


1 on 2: Wins:0   Lose:0   Draw:0


2 on 2: Wins:0  Lose:1   Draw: 0


Every Man for him self: Wins:0   Lose:1   Draw:0


The Rule is Play by: If you want to challenge me then you must agree to these rules, i may let some lee way but this is just for you to get a good idea of how i play


1) i do play Tributes which means cards with 5 or 6 stars you have to sacrifice 1 monster and 7 or above you have to sacrifice 2 monsters. note when i do this i will simply say i "sac" and what ever monster im sacing. and also you CANT sac a monster the turn you summon it.


2) Each player gets 8,000 lp, must have 40+ cards in your deck and follow the forbidden/limited card rules


3) you can only summon 1 monster a turn (actually if you dont know how to play then go here to see the upper deck rules)


4) after every move you must ask "can you counter" before moving on.


5) after you are done say "end turn" so i know i can go ahead


6) when doing summoning or playing or traping a card, say whats it stats are or what it does, dont assume i have every card know to the dueling world memorized, because i dont.


7) i will only say the name of a monster when summoned, to make things go faster i will abbreviate like so


i summon Summoned Skull (att 2500 def 1200) in attack mode


i attack with SS (2500)


im pretty sure you get the idea


8) NO japs or God cards, In upper deck duels they are illegel and i want to be a tournament champion and dueling against cards that i will never encounter in a tournament will not help me find the weak points in my deck.


My Fav Cards:


here is a list of all the cards in the pic above; excluding a few


Blue Eyes White Dragon: att 3,000 def 2,500 (this is good for Offensive and taking down monster of all sorts)


Red Eyes Black Dragon: att 2400 def 2000 (another good Offensive card)


Dark Magician: att 2500 def 2100 (another real good Offensive card)


Curse of the Dragon: att 2,000 def 1500 (once again another good Offensive card)


Summoned Skull: att 2500 def 1200 (very good Offensive card and only 1 tribute to summon)


Spirit of the Harp: att 200 def 2,000 (very good Defensive card even though it lacks on Attack)


Serpentine Princess att 1400 def 2,000 (good in both stats, and i also like this card because it kind of looks like majin buu from DBZ lol)


Spirit Ryu: att 1,000 def 1,000 (i love this card because of the effect, for every Dragon Type monster i discard it gets +1,000 to attack and defense and that comes in handy)


Island Turtle: att 1100 def 2,000 (another good Defense monster)


Man Eater Bug: att 450 def 600 (yes i know its stats suck, but power isnt everything, this card has a very helpful  effect, i can destroy any monster regardless of position)


Card Destruction (magic card) this allows for me and my opponent to draw new cards, same # of cards as in are hand and hope for better cards


Pot of Greed: (magic card) this card allows me to draw 2 more cards from my deck and that can come in handy


Change of Heart: (magic card) this card allows me to control one of my opponents monsters on the field and do what i please with it for one turn and i mean anything from attacking or using it for a tribute to summon one of my stronger monsters.


Fissure: (magic card) this card allows me to destroy my opponents monster with the lowest attack so if they have a monster in def and it has a high def but a low attack, it destroys it.


Final Flame: (magic card) inflicts 600 direct damage to my opponent.


Scapegoat: (magic card) creates 4 trokens to defend my life points


Shield & Sword: (magic card) switches the def with the att and att with def so say i have Spirit of the Harp in play i use this and its stats become (att 2000 def 800) instead of (att 800 def 2000)


Giant Trunade: (magic card) removes all magic and trap cards back to there owners hand


Offering to the Doomed: (magic card) destroys 1 face up monster on my opponents side, i miss my next draw phase


Trap Hole: (Trap card) destroys a monster summoned with a att over 1,000


Just Desserts: (Trap Card) Inflicts 500 direct life damage for every monster he/she has on the field


just so you know these are cards i have and like, there not necessary in my deck.


Cards i like but dont Own


Dark Magician Girl: (att 2000 def 1700) i like this card because she is HOT!!!!!


I am also in a DBZ/GT RPG here is my character  profile from that site


Son Goku

Pl: 470,908,468,200 Hp: 470,904,824,400 Sp: 1,430,715,916,000

Race: Saiyan

Training: (Self 64) (Roshi 5) (Piccolo 3) (E spar 700) (Korrin 2) (Popo 2)(Kami 2)

(King Kai 1) (Yardrac 1) (Goku 3) (Vegetto 1)

Attacks: Punch, Kick, Elbow Strike, Knee Strike, Hammer Fist, Ki Blast, Fly, Kamehameha, Chou Kamehameha, Mega Kamehameha, Ultra Kamehameha, Super Kamehameha, Master Kamehameha, Huge Ki Blast, Rapid Ki Blast, Heat Seeking Ki Blast, After Image, Double After Image, Triple After Image, Self Destruct, Destructo Disk, Solar Flair, Spirit Bomb, Instant Transmission, Energy Shield, Tri Form, Dragon Fist, Power Shot, Ki Detect, Kaia

Charges: 62

Transformations: Super Saiyan

Power Ups: Standard, Medium, Super, Mega Growth

Kaioken: 1/20, Super Kaioken

Inventory: Flying Nimbus(1), Power Pole(1), Spaceship w/ Gravatron(1), 190 lbs Weighted Clothes(1), Limitless Weight Bands(100)(4), Dragon Sword(1)

Gravity: 500x

Zeni: 14,974,400

Job: Trainer/Z fighter

School: Roshi

Signature Move: Kamehameha

Battles Won/Lost: 5/0

Tournaments: 3/4

Alignments: (Good)

AIM SN: songokukamehama

Status:  Alive on Earth

History: After Beating Tycho on Namek, Goku decided to start up the Earth Special Forces to help combat evil all over the univarse. after becoming a Super Saiyan, he has never trained harder, he wants to master his skills and maybe even surpass a super saiyan, for now its all just spars and self trainings, but he can feel in his gut that a huge problem is soon coming.



Fav Sites:


Son Gokus DragonBall Z/GT RPG


Gathering Ground


Yugioh TCG Site


Yugioh Chat (note im not always in here, so check if me on, and IM, me, dont rely on me being in this chat all the time)