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                                                  babii i l0ve y0u so0o much n i dunn0 wut i wuld d0 with0ut y0u .. 
                             cuz y0ur alwayz there f0r me n y0u alwayz find a wa 2 make me smile n happy..
                                             truly, y0u mean the w0rld to me n nuttin will ever change that 
                                                        cuz u put that special feelin in mah heart <3 .. 
                                                          da feeling dat no1z eva given me but y0u 
                                                                       <3 ya babii .. MuUaAhH..

babii.. im glad that i finally f0und my tru l0ve.. p0rque te amo mucho n ever since y0u came into my lyf.. everything makez m0re sense and i wuldnt trade 0ur l0ve f0r anything else in the w0rld.. and all i do is think of you lyk crazii cuz i cant picture lo0sin y0u cuz i l0ve everything about y0u..y0ur cute wayz.. y0ur cute smile.. y0ur sweet w0rdz
and I hate when we fight because I l0ve y0u so0o much and sometimes I sit and cry tearz ov worry and fear that u might leave m one day and fall in l0ve wit s0me1 else.. but then I smile because I kn0 n pray that w0nt ever happen bcuz y0ur my baby.. my l0ve f0r n0w n always!
and i treasure everything you have taught me and all the things that u been thru with me has made me ready to conquer anything in this world and make me look at everything in a completely different perspective.. and i know that sometimes we might argue n fight ab0ut stupid shyt.. but n0ne ov that matterz.. cuz i l0ve y0u so0 much and thoze things only make us str0nger..andat times i think that ur too good 4 me but wheh i sit and think..i realize that you are the perfect one for me and all i culd d0 is dream.. think and l0ve y0u.. y0ur my one n only love
y0ur the 0ne i will care f0r thru thick n thin whether u r there 4 me or not and i kno i cant picture myself l0sin u.. and n0thing n0r nob0dy culd ever c0me between us.. i l0ve y0u.. y0ur my man n we will b t0gether til death d0 uz part
te am0 mucho y te quiero! MuAhz! xoxo  *jesenia-n-ray* 5-17-03 
-written wit l0ve: y0ur babii *jesenia*-


babe i l0ve y0u soo much n im so0 glad f0r finally have f0und that right guy 'y0u'
n even th0 i alwayz th0ught it wuld b imp0ssible to ever find that special guy
but i guess we culd never say never n anything is p0ssible
bueno babii.. i really dunno wut t0 say n i dunno where to start
cuz sumtimez i try t0 find the right w0rdz to tell y0u but they d0nt c0me 0ut right..
but baby i juz wanna tell y0u that even th0 we havent been g0in out f0r sucha l0ng time
it feelz lyk if i kn0wn y0u my wh0le lyf.. n i h0pe we be t0gether f0rever n n0thing OR n0b0dy ever getz in between 0ur l0ve
i sumtimez still cant believe that i actually have y0u n that ur actually mine
cuz i never th0ught that thiz m0ment wuld happen well i l0ve everything ab0ut y0u n
i thank g0d everyday f0r givin me sucha special n great guy lyk y0u
cuz u truly r '0ne in a million' n im so0 happy to have y0u.. ever since y0u been in my life.. everything has been different
and everything makez a lil m0re sense.. n babii even th0 times might get ruff sumtimez.. we g0nna stay str0ng n we culd overc0me anything that happenz cuz 0ur l0ve iz tru.. babii i wuld truly d0 absolutely anything to have y0u f0rever cuz i d0nt ever wanna lo0se y0u
i seri0usly d0nt kn0 wut my lyf wuld b with0ut y0u .. papi..all i d0 lately iz think b0ut u all day fr0m the m0ment i wake up im already w0nderin if y0ur awake yet.. if y0ur 0k.. if ur thinkin b0ut me to0.. if u l0ve me az much az i l0ve y0u..until i g0 t0 bed wit a smile 0n my face cuz i have the best b0yfriend in da wh0le w0rld..i luv everything ab0ut y0u..[everything!] hehe.. i l0ve y0u..i want y0u..i wanna kiss y0u..i wanna h0ld y0u.. n baby sumtimez i can't sleep juz thinkin b0ut ur smile n everything b0ut y0u ..bo0 i really care f0r y0u n everything i tell y0u i truly mean it n i h0pe that u mean everything y0u tell me .. n i wuld d0 anything f0r y0u to understand that i l0ve y0u wit everything i have n that i've never felt thiz serious b0ut any1 else bef0re..bueno i really d0nt think i w0uld have anything if i didnt have y0u babe cuz y0u made such a difference in my lyf.. u turn my tearz into smilez and all thiz iz c0min fr0m my heart.. babe i want y0u f0rever t0 b minez n n0w no other grlz culd t0uch y0u 0r g
et fresca wit y0u cuz u my babii.. n0b0dy elsez! hehe
n all i culd d0 iz pray to g0d that he helpz us b0th stay tru n t0 make thiz w0rk n last f0rever
aWw baby u kno i luv u wit all my heart n i luv everythang bout u no*mata wut diz relationship wont eva die
u mah babi n im yo boo n many kissez n hugz 4 yew t0o! l0ve y0u alwayz..
!muah! x0x

            lo0k at my fine ass babii.. *te quiero* 143!!
To the world your just one person but to me you mean the world
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or
Saying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the
hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you
do, they might break your heart , if you don't , you might break theirs. Have
u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing
what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and
whom it doesn't . You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its
own. when you least suspect it , or even when you don't want it to.
Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other
person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we
are too afraid to care too  much for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid, afraid of what we don't know, 
afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be 
But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger. Life is
all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to
look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had. 
* What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye? 
*What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to
tell them how you felt? *What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't
have them?
*What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends
with all of my family and they know I love them?* People live, but people die. And I want to tell you that you are special to me. If you died tomorrow (God Forbid), you would be in my heart f0rever... Would I be in yours?
I h0pe you care about me as much as I care about you, cuz you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life, I look up to you,respect you, and truly cherish you. And no matter what i just want y0u to know that somebody out there cares about you and .. always will.. I LOVE YOU!!!!


U AsKeD Me WhAt i LoVeD MoRe iN LiFe, U Or My LiFe? i AnSwErEd My LiFe AnD U WaLkEd AwAy NoT kNoWiNg ThAt U ArE My LiFe

whats betta? a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?
Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back

beSt beLieVe pLayb0y wEn i Lay wItCha..
i q0t 69 wayz t0 pLay witCha..

* I dUn SliPp n sLyDe * 

* I gRiPp n RyDe* 

I dUn PlAy HaRd To GeT·¨°
I pLaY tO GeT YoU hArD*.´¨`×.·
¤·¨°    .·¨·.×.·¨·. ¨·.¤

iD rAtHeR hAve bAd TiMeS wItH yOu tHaN gOoD oNeS wItH aNyoNe eLsE
iD rAtHeR sTaND tHrU a StOrM wITH u ThEN SaFe aLL bY mYsELf
iD rAtHeR hAve iT hARdEr tOgEtHeR tHAN eAsIeR aPaRt
aBoVe aLL iD rAtHeR hAVe yOu cUz uR tHe oNLy oNE iN mY heart

i aiNt heRe tA teAzE u-misLeaD u-oR
mEsS uP Ur dREaMz iM jUs here 2lOvE u
n share my lyf wit y0u!!

There is fate, but it only takes you so far because once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen.

never say f0rever.. coz f0rever isnt real
f0reverz wut u think .. n f0reverz wut u feel
so0 if u say f0rever.. please pr0mise that u'll try
but never say f0rever coz f0rever makez me cry

s0metimes.. 0ur mind d0esnt want to b in l0ve..
but deep d0wn inside .. we kn0w we are 
so0 if l0ving y0u is wr0ng..
i d0nt wanna b right

im n0t that hard t0o please.. y0u the only one good enuff f0r me
th0se 0ther guyz just w0nt d0o.. cuz i d0nt want nobody else but y0u!

true l0ve will never b explained.. thatz h0w i kno im in l0ve

f0r every minute u spend angry.. y0u lo0se 60 sec0ndz ov happiness

Neva say I love u
if it isn't really there
Neva talk bout feelings
if you really don't care
Neva hold my hand
if u'r gonna break my heart
Neva say u are gonna
If u dont plan to start
Neva look into my eyes
If all u do is lie
Neva say hello
If u realy mean goodbye
If u realy mean foreva
Then please say ull try ..
Never say forever..
Because forever makes me cry..

*Never say go0dbye when you still want to try... never give up when you still feel you can take it... never say you d0n't love a person when you can't let him g0

*Say what you want to say when you have the feeling and the chance... t0morrow may be a day too late. Our deepest regret may be the things we didn't d0, the opportunities we missed, and the things left unsaid

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything to make them understand
Have you ever had someone steal your heart away
You'd give anything to make them feel the same
Have you ever searched for the words to get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start

Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all of your life
You'd do anything to look into their eyes
Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to
Only to find that one won't give their heart to you
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care

What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'Cuz baby I can't sleep

Ooh... I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love wit’ you And there ain’t nothin’ I won’t do for my baby You drives me crazy and you make me say
Ooh... I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love wit’ you And there ain’t nothin’ nobody can say ‘Cause you’re the one for me, baby