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My Trip!

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Ooh la la!
Hooks a brotha up!

Hurrs my Va Beach story... VA BEACH JOURNAL: Damn! Virginia Beach is one crazy place! To whom it may concern, this is my recollection of the events that transpired from Saturday to Tuesday in June 2003. Lets begin with midnight on Saturday, when I was chillin in bat cave. Bat cave is whurr I belong. Batgirl, Robin, Batman's temporary replacement, Batmobile, and of couse A-Dawg were in da house! We had a very interesting conversation as usual... :) So I wound up going to bed at 3 am... Well, we were supposed to leave the house by 8 am but we didn't leave until 12 lol! But I got to check the mai before we left, and I got my letter from SOCA. I made challenge, and I'm playin' fo' Mr Shafer on the Revolution. Anyway, back to the main story... It was just my luck that we hit very heavy traffic. A two and a half hour trip turned into a five and a half hour journey! Geez... So we finally get there and checked into the hotel, the Best Western Clarion beach front. Everything goes pretty smoothly until we get in the room. The safe was broken, so of course it was a fucking national emergency. Of course my family thinks that they must fight the system... Whatever, thats just them. After they finally gave up, we all went cruising around for a while to check the place out. Then we walkedon the beach and on the boardwalk. My brother got some sunglasses and he thinks he's stylin' but the thing he didn't realize, was that they're girls sunGlasses from a girls clothing store! LOL We went out to a place called The Lighthouse for dinner. Its this fancy shmany place that is supposedly a landmark for Virginia Beach. It was miserable, my mom has to fucking baby me. I acted like I was having fun, but in reality, I wanted to get the hell outa there. When we got back to the hotel, we played some cards and then went to bed. The next day, they woke me up at 8:30! I was still tired but I knew I had to get my father's day gift together. So I signed a card for Lucy (my dawg) and one for myself while my dad was out on the balcony, lol. So he came back in and we gave him his gifts. There was only two things for him to open, because my brother is a cheapass and didn't get him anything, that bitch... So he opened the nailgun from my mom and it turned out to be the wrong one! My gift was nails and oil for the nailgun, so he's gotta take all of it back. Owell... Eventually we all got ready and left the hoe tel. We grabbed some donuts on the way out for breakfast, but they were pretty nasty, so I threw mine away. Then the four of us headed over to Motor World, which was essentially just a bunch of go kart tracks. Jeff and I had a great time, but my mom and brother were too scurred to try. Well, we did get them to ride one of the go karts. All four of us rode the Family Track. God damn it was slow! Here's how slow the damn thing was, in the middle of the second lap, I pulled out the digital camera, turned it on, changed the settings, and took about twenty photos. The sad thing was that while I was doing all of this, I was steering and working the petals while going full speed! But the funniest thing was that the photos came out clear! It was hillarious! Then we played mini golf and naturally, i got second. After mini golf we got Dominoe's Pizza, ate, and went back to the room. My brother broke his sunglasses on the way! I was LMAO (and praying he didn't get another pair). My parents had to go on some tour of some building so I was stuck with my brother for four hours! It sucked, I just ignored him. All I did was watch The Waterboy and The Nutty Professor on tv until my parents got back. After they got back, we went to a video arcade called Flipper McCoys. It was fun, and I got to kick my dad's ass in basketball. :) After Flipper McCoys, I looked at some Oakleys I'm thinkin' about buyin'. Then we went back to the hotel, played cards, and went to bed. My dad woke me up at 8 the next morning. Then the two of us met a family friend named Mike, and we played golf at TPC, a championship course. I was hitting pretty good, but it was a really hard course. I shot a 130. :p Owell, I had a good time. After golf, the two of us went to Arby's and ate lunch. After lunch we went back to the room and just kinda chilled. To nobody's surprise, my brother got another pair of sunglasses, and yes, they were girls glasses too. LOL. That night, we met some family friends, Mike, Peggy, Amanda, and Ashley. Then we went to watch the Norfolk Tides's AAA baseball game. They got their asses kicked in the beginning, but came back by the end ans lost 4-3. Then, the eight of us went an ice cream shop called Brusters. I got a peanut butter cup sundae with Oreo ice cream. It was amazingly good! On our way home we saw a McDonalds with about 50-60 teens like raiding the place. There were even people out in the street! But then the police came and there were sirens going off everywhere. So we just drove on by and got back to the hotel. When we got to our room, we couldn't get in! Our damn key had demagnetized! So we had to go to the main desk and get a new one. When we finally got everything back in order, we went to sleep. That brings us to Tuesday, the day I left. I didn't get up until 10 (still early) but our whole family was rushing to meet our 11 am check-out time. Well, we succeeded by checking out at 10:53. LOL. We went to some random breakfast buffet for breakfast. Our waitress was a bitch! If she was a guy I woulda fought her. OMG! She had the audacity to ask me if I was under 12 years old! I was like omg bitch lets go! I was so glad to leave thurr. Then we looked in the souvenir shop because my brother wanted something. After the shop I told my parents that we should go to the mall, since my mom knows the area, she led the way. When we pulled up at it, I couldn't tell it was a mall. Penbroke Mall is worse than Fashion Square! This was a truly ghetto mall. The floor was made out of pavement! LOL! OMG that mall sucked. After we left the mall, we went to Best Buy looking for the camera i might get, but of course they didn't have it. :( Owell, but Jeff got some blue streetglow for the motorcycle! It's gonna be hot... Anyways, after we left Best Buy we headed home. It wasn't too bad, just boring. Well, thats about the extent of my trip...thanks for readin'! Drop me a line if ya want it to be posted hurr...
