stassi sucks

stassi is gay

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hey this is my website and i just wanted to tell everyone my little rap

yo yo yo stassi is a stupid ho she wish she got drugged or maybe got mugged so then she can try to get attention shes never even gone to detention when mrs. delk got her for dress code she went into cry mode she gives money to her pimp i hope she becomes a gimp she says she likes the kotton mouth kings but when she first heard them she said what r these rings they sound so bad but when her pimp told her they where cool it became a fad at least for her there has to be a cure for this stupid bitch shes just like a witch i wish she got burned at the salem trials shes so weird im surprised shes not on x-files whatever this is the end of my rap so just remember stassi doesnt know crap

hey this is stassi in 30 years

stassis real name is nastashia get out the word

You want me to be scarred, prepare to be let down I’m standing strong on my ground, still reppin’ P-town Ridin’ round in my crown, the cops see me and frown And they be acting like clowns, pulling me over for my sounds Fuckin hassling me with their authority With their badge, fucking fags, illegal search and siege Found a little bit of weed, now I gotta pay a fee When I can smoke in the streets is when I’ll really be free

stassi this is y u r a stoner wannabe only a stoner poser would have this in their profile, just tellin ya

this website was created by the very talented cliff mccrary so fuck everyone else