Your Glance Into Slashy Moments

As you can see, the boys couldn't help but get into my Glitteriness! *shrugs* Go Figure.

This site features slash fiction.If you do not like two boys getting it on, Getting It On= having sex, kissing, groping, manhandling, being in love, etc. please don't let the door hit on your ass on your way out!

Now if you are under 18 or M/M(male & male) relations disturbs you, please direct yourself else where. This website is just not for you! You like Nsync slash, well then this is the site for you.

Come on in!




These stories, unlike the men, are MINE. Therefore, you want to put my story on your site, you ask. I'll get back to you, I promise. Don't steal. It's for fools. It ain't cool. LoL stop reading this and go read a story or two.