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Story of Mr. SHIT


Speaking of Shit, have you ever heard the

story of Jack Shit?

Jack Shit is the only son of Hot shit and Oh shit.

Hot Shit, the fertilizerking, married Oh Shit, and

ran the Knee-deep Inn Shit. Jack Shit eventually

married No Shit and together they produced

seven kids.


Sadly their first child, Holly Shit died during child

birth. Next came twin sons, Deep shit and Dip Shit.

Then came their two daughters Fulla Shit and

Giva Shit. Their last two children, both boys were

named Bull and Horse. 


As time went by, Deep shit married Dumb Shit, a

high school dropout. They were unable to have

children and were sadly, shitless.  For a while,

Deep shit owned a construction company called

Shita Brick, in a country town called Shits Creek.

Twin brother Dip shit married Lotta shit and gave

birth to son Chicken Shit. Fulla shit and Giva shit

married the Happens brothers.  The Shit-Happens

children are Dawg Shit, Byrd Shit and Taka Shit. 


Bull shit recently married a spicy number Pisa Shit

and they are awaiting the birth of their first child who

they will name King if its a boy and Heapa if its a girl.

In the future is anyone says "you don't know Jack

Shit" you can tell them differently!!!  LOL