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Fanfiction by Title: V-Z


Gedia Kacela:
Venomous Moon
Rated: PG-13
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Hatred can brew strange things, and even werewolves have their weaknesses.

Rated: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Sirius faces some harsh realities concerning both his lovers.

Lady of Arundel:
Visiting Hours
Rated: NC-17
Category: Humor
Summary: Severus has a little accident while doing research. Craziness ensues.

Diana Williams:
Walking 'Round in Women's Underwear
Rated: NC-17
Category: Humor, Romance, First Time
Summary: What, exactly, does Severus Snape wear under those robes? Part of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest, Challenge # 63 – Cross-dressing Snape.

Bohemian Storm:
Rated: PG
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Written in about half an hour to satisfy my intense need for some Snape/Lupin slash

Watching the Fishing Trip
Rated: R
Category: PWP, Humor
Summary: Reggi wrote this terrific fic with a really nice image of 2 naked men in a rowboat. I'd noticed that Severus & Remus weren't very worried about being caught in the act. I mean there's a school full of students and they all take Astronomy. What if someone just happened to have a telescope? I'd bet it would be something like this.

Minverva McTabby:
We Need To Have Sex Right Now
Category: Humor, Filk
Rating: PG
Summary: A filk response to Telanu's first line challenge: "We need to have sex right now." This is dedicated to Telanu and JayKay, with much giggling.

Werewolf, Farewell
Rated: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst, H/C
Summary: Snape and Lupin reach a fragile understanding.

We Two Must be Twain
Rated: R
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: From exile, Remus Lupin's thoughts turn to forgiveness... Sequel to
Werewolf, Farewell.

What Would I Give for Just One of Your Smiles
Rated: R
Category: Angst
Summary: Remus encounters Severus again in the most unlikely of places

Who's Afraid of the...
Rated: R
Category: Humor, AU
Summary: Remus/Everyone slash (but all implied). In short, meet the
other Remus Lupin. Not sure what brought this on, or if I'll ever write him quite like this again, but, what the hell. This not my usual Remus -- in case you were trying to tally this with any of my other fics.

Wicked Game I: Strange What Desire Makes Foolish People Do
Rated: R for language
Category: Drama/Angst, Pre-Slash, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: After returning to Hogwarts, Remus Lupin tries to establish a new life for himself -- and to repair the mistakes of the past.

Wicked Game II: Let Me Dream of You
Rated: R
Category: Drama/Angst, Romance
Summary: Through an exchange of letters, Remus and Severus' relationship deepens.

Wicked Game III: Never Dreamed I'd Love Somebody Like You
Rated: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst, Romance, First Time
Summary: Snape finally returns home to Lupin, but there are a few loose ends they have to tie up before they can enjoy their reunion.

Becky Hoadley:
Without Measure
Rated: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Harry and Remus ask Snape for help with an extremly personal problem.
Warning: Multiple Partners Unusual Sexual Situation

Wolf's Bane
Rated: PG-13
Category: Drama/Angst, AU
Summary: What if Remus had suspected Sirius was going to play a trick on Snape?

You Must Remember This I: Everything Changes But You
Rated: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Snape/Lupin. Snape POV.