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WARNING: This is a slash story, which means it contains male/male erotic content involving consenting adults. If you're not of legal age or are offended by such material, please go find something else to read.

Title: Sundaes
Author: Jean Tarin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Severus, Remus, and ice cream sundaes. Need I say more?
Category: PWP, First time, Romance
Warnings: Underage
Disclaimer: Uh, not mine; wish they were.



Remus set his Potions book aside and stared at the Shrinking Potion he'd just made. "Do you think it'll work?"

"Of course it will," sneered Severus. "I watched every move you made." A seductive smile crept over Severus' face at the implication. "You mixed the potion perfectly."

"Thank you, Severus. You're really a wonderful teacher," Remus replied, pretending that he hadn't caught the innuendo.

"Well, don't thank me yet. You have to do this without my help if you're going to pass Potions this term."

Remus' Potions grades had dropped dramatically over the past term. He'd been too preoccupied with . . . other things, to really pay attention in class. He'd been elated when Professor Quirk had instructed Severus to tutor him. It gave him a chance to be near the taller boy, as well as an opportunity to actually pass the class. He didn't want to end up a year behind his friends just because he had a crush. "What should we test it on?"

"How about Black? We could slip some into his pumpkin juice."

Remus smiled. "Severus, you know we can't do that. Sirius is one of my best friends."

Severus growled low in his throat, hoping that the other boy wouldn't notice. He pulled a spare quill from his pocket and handed it to Remus. "Try it on this, then."

Remus took the quill, deliberately allowing his fingers to touch the other wizard's. After lingering just a few seconds, he moved to dip the quill into the cauldron.

Severus managed to catch Remus in time. "Use the tongs, idiot. Unless, that is, you WANT your fingers to shrink."

Remus blushed. "Sorry," he mumbled, grabbing the tongs. He used them to dip the quill, and was astonished when both quill and tongs shrunk to approximately half their normal size. "It worked!" he exclaimed, thrilled by his success.

Severus smirked. "I told you it would." He began gathering his things and shoving them into his bag.

"So, um, Severus. Would you like to, um, celebrate?" Remus was gathering his own things, though much more slowly, and trying to avoid looking at the dark-haired boy.

"Celebrate how, exactly?" Severus voice was low, almost a growl. He was purposely using his most seductive tones, hoping to get a rise out of the other boy.

Remus' blush deepened as he stuttered, "We could go down to the kitchens and have ice cream sundaes."

"Sounds delightful," Severus purred, "But how do you plan to get into the kitchens?"

Obviously proud of his extensive knowledge of how the school was laid out, Remus smiled, "You'll see."

They finished gathering their things and cleaning up the mess they'd made in silence, occasionally glancing at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking. Severus bent down to retrieve his bag, and when he stood, he could have sworn he caught Remus staring at his arse. It was impossible to be sure, however, because the other boy turned away too quickly.

Remus led the way to the kitchens, walking slowly and silently. He fancied that he could feel Severus' eyes on him, almost a physical presence. Pausing to tickle a portrait of a pear, he entered the kitchens, followed by Severus.

A dozen house-elves swarmed them. "What can Inky do for Sirs? Are Sirs hungry?" one of the house-elves asked.

Remus addressed the elf, "We'd like ice cream sundaes, actually. With all of the usual toppings."

"Actually," Severus said, struck by a sudden inspiration, "Why don't we just get the things to make the sundaes and take them back to my room?"

"Don't you share a room with Lucius? I don't imagine he'd appreciate a Gryffindor in his territory."

"Technically. Since his boyfriend, LeStrange, managed to make prefect, Lucius has all but moved in with him. He never stays in our dorm."

Remus smiled.

The house-elves scurried around, offering them everything they could imagine to make the dessert. Remus gathered the things they'd need on a tray, thanked the elves, and followed Severus to the dungeons.

Again they walked in silence, this time with Severus feeling the presence of eyes on his body. Severus stopped short when they'd reached a dead end.

"What are we doing here?" Remus questioned, confused.

"Going to my room. What else?" Severus smirked. He took out his wand and tapped an apparently blank stone. The stone lit up, revealing a silver serpent. The serpent hissed, and the stones began to rearrange themselves. Soon a tall, wide entranceway was revealed.

Remus followed Severus cautiously, awed by what he had just witnessed. It was almost like the entrance to Diagon Alley, but better. He felt momentarily envious of the Slytherins, who obviously didn't have to explain themselves to a surly portrait when they arrived to their dorms late at night.

Severus led Remus down a winding stairwell, through a dark, candle-lit hall, and into an impressive room. Two large beds sat on either side of the room, encased in green curtains. Mahogany tables sat by each bed, and matching desks stood against the far wall. Other than an enormous Slytherin banner covering one wall completely, there were no decorations. One side of the room was impeccably clean, as if it hardly been lived in, while the other side was almost lost under clothes and books that had been tossed about. Remus was sure that the former side belonged to Severus.

Severus noticed the other boy taking in their surroundings. He answered the obvious question before Remus had a chance to voice it. "Lucius' dad didn't want us living like everyone else. He sent the furniture and banner to us in second year, much to the Headmaster's disdain."

Severus took the tray and set it on the table beside the perfectly made bed. Opening the curtains, he sat down, patting the bed beside himself to indicate that Remus should sit as well.

Remus sat, holding his breath. He was fairly certain that he and Severus had the same thing in mind, but his nerves were still out of control. Should he make a move on Severus, or wait for Severus to seduce him? Should he wait, or try something right away? What was Severus expecting him to do?

Severus could almost feel the tension radiating off the smaller wizard. He smirked to himself, thinking that it was going to be altogether too easy to add another metaphorical notch to his bedpost. "Nothing to be nervous about." He smiled at Remus. "It's just ice cream."

Remus' heart deflated. He didn't want ice cream; he wanted Severus Snape. Had he read the signals wrong? Perhaps he'd gotten his hopes up for no reason?

Severus pretended to turn his attention to the tray, while still studying his latest exploit. "Let's see, we have vanilla ice cream, strawberry sauce, hot fudge, cherries," he smiled slyly at the other boy. "You seem to have forgotten the bowls."

Remus gasped. How could he have forgotten the bowls? Well, honestly, he hadn't expected to get around to eating ice cream. Still, he should have made sure he had everything, just in case.

Severus turned to the other boy, "Hmm. What to do?"

Before Remus realized it, Severus was kissing him. Soft lips caressed his and a warm tongue lapped at his mouth. He parted his lips slightly in shock. The other boy took immediate advantage, slipping his tongue into Remus' mouth.

Severus slipped his hands around Remus' back as his tongue explored the silky cavern. The hands roamed relentlessly, long fingers pressing delicately into Remus' back.

When he heard himself moaning, Remus pulled away, humiliated by his behavior. He was reassured, however, when Severus took the opportunity to caress his face.

Leaning in for another kiss, Severus slipped one hand between their chests, while continuing to stroke Remus' face with the other. He had a feeling that if he hesitated, if he gave Remus the time to think, that it would all be over before it had begun. The Gryffindor was too nervous for his, or Severus', own good.

This time Remus allowed himself to melt into the embrace. He didn't want the other boy to think that he was afraid. When long, nimble fingers began unbuttoning his robes, however, he had to force himself to stay calm and accept the attention.

Severus could sense the other boy's surrender. He broke the endless kisses in favor of nibbling the Gryffindor's ears. With the speed that came from a practiced seducer, he stripped off the smaller boy's robes and shirt. Leaning Remus back on the bed, he admired his latest conquest.

Remus' chest was lightly tanned and well muscled. The muscles came as a surprise to Severus; he hadn't thought that Remus was the athletic type. A scattering of light brown hair adorned the chest; a rather impressive amount considering that Remus was only seventeen. Running his hands lightly down the long torso, Severus could feel the hitching in Remus' breath.

Remus closed his eyes, feeling rather uncomfortable about being scrutinized by the taller boy. When he felt the hands on the waistband of his pants, he nearly screamed from shock. The hands gently unbuttoned, and then unzipped. Before going any further, he felt Severus remove his shoes and socks. Then the hands urged Remus to raise his hips, allowing Severus to remove both trousers and shorts. Now completely naked, Remus was sure he was in over his head.

"All right there, Remus?" Severus asked, getting concerned.

Remus bit his bottom lip. "I'm sorry. It's just that . . . I'm . . . I've never done this before."

Severus was impressed with himself. He'd had more than his fair share of virgins, but most of them had been more than ready for what he had to offer. He was delighted to know that Remus was willing to give himself to Severus, despite his nerves. "I'll go slow. You'll enjoy it; I promise."

Remus nodded once, still biting his lower lip.

Deciding that he needed to give Remus a taste of what was to come, he bent his head over Remus' lap and grazed the tip of Remus' cock with the tip of his tongue. The growl that escaped the other boy was almost frightening in its intensity. Severus kissed Remus' thigh before taking only the head of the prick into his mouth.

It was amazing! Remus inhaled sharply as he felt the warm, moist cavern encase his cock head. Severus' tongue began running over the tip, lapping at the pee-slit, and then running around the head teasingly. He growled again as the mouth suddenly swallowed his entire length.

Severus pulled up again immediately, backing off completely. When Remus stared up at him in confusion, he smiled, and began unbuttoning his robes. Slowly, deliberately, he teased Remus with the sight of first one bare nipple, and then both. His chest and ribs slowly came into view, followed eventually by his bare hipbones.

Remus was sweating slightly as the robe fell even lower, finally exposing Severus' long, hard shaft. Strong thighs and calves followed. Before he could stop himself, Remus asked, "Don't you wear ANYTHING under your robes?"

The grin on Severus face could only be described as feral. "Why bother? It just takes longer to get undressed." He sat on the edge of the bed, beside Remus, and quickly removed his shoes and socks.

When Severus stood again, Remus found himself staring unabashedly at the pale boy. His chest was virtually hairless and fairly well toned, though nowhere near as muscular as Remus'. Small, hard nipples jutted from the chest. Severus' dark cock stood straight out, erect and proud. His legs were long, and well defined. All told, Remus thought the view nothing short of exquisite.

After allowing Remus to worship his body, the Slytherin climbed onto the bed. He turned to face the other boy, who was still lying on his back. One long, slender finger began stroking Remus' left nipple teasingly. The other hand explored the impressive chest, rubbing circles through the hair. Slowly Severus rolled atop the Gryffindor, situating himself so that he could suck and nibble on the right nipple, as his fingers twisted and pinched the left.

Remus groaned. He'd never before considered playing with his own nipples, and wondered why not. The warmth of Severus' mouth felt fantastic, and the sharp almost-pain from the teeth and fingers was tantalizing. He arched into it, moaning helplessly.

Encouraged, Severus went lower. He licked a wet trail down the chest beneath him, stopping just short of the straining erection. He followed back up his previous path, blowing hot breath across the moist flesh. One more time he traveled the path downwards, this time kissing Remus' chest and stomach.

It ended so abruptly that Remus cried out.

"Remus? Okay there?"

"Um . . . Yeah . . . You?"

"I'm a bit disappointed, actually."

Remus' heart stood still. "Why?" he asked, praying that he hadn't done something to put the Slytherin off.

"Well, you did promise me an ice cream sundae," Severus smirked. "Since you're the one who forgot the bowls, you really ought to make it up to me."

Remus was confounded. He had no clue how Severus expected him to make up for it. Surly he wasn't going to send Remus back to the kitchens for bowls. Not after what had just happened.

Severus heaved a long-suffering sigh. "I guess I'll just have to use your body as my bowl."

Remus gasped. He tried to think of a reply, but was struck dumb by the thought of Severus eating off of his body. His cock twitched at the thought, eliciting a sly smile from the Slytherin.

Severus pressed his advantage, intent on having the Gryffindor completely at his mercy before Remus recovered from his shock. He started with the vanilla ice cream, which had slightly melted while Severus had been toying with Remus. Opening the carton, he dribbled the sweet milk down the other boy's chest, delighting in the squeal that escaped Remus.

Before he'd had a chance to recover from the icy liquid, he saw Severus opening the hot fudge. He held his breath, expecting the warm goo to be pored atop the melted ice cream. He was shocked nearly out of his mind when Severus tilted the container over his crotch, pouring chocolate heat over his aching prick. "Oh. Gods!"

"You like that, Remus?"

"Yes. Yes!"

Remus continued to agree as Severus reached for the tub of whipped cream. He grabbed a handful and proceeded to smear it all over his lover's chest and stomach. The strawberry sauce followed, covering the delicious nipples.

Sticky with sweets and aching with arousal, Remus began to beg. "Severus. Please!"

"Not yet, Remus. I'm not finished making my sundae." With a wicked grin, Severus popped open the jar of cherries, dribbling juices all over the smaller boy. "Open up."

Remus opened his mouth, expecting a kiss. Instead, he received a mouth full of stemless cherries. His mouth was too full for him to chew or swallow, so he contented himself with using his eyes to plead for mercy.

Fortunately for both boys, Severus was the picture of self-control. Although his prick ached with need and was already leaking freely, the Slytherin had enough control to eat his dessert. He started with the cherry-filled mouth, sucking each red berry into his mouth one at a time. He ate slowly, teasing Remus.

Remus still couldn't speak when the last cherry had been removed. Instead, he found himself feasting on Severus' tongue. He tasted sweet, naturally, but underneath the cherry flavor Remus could detect a spicier flavor; a flavor he assumed belonged to Severus himself.

Next Severus attacked the strawberry covered nipples, licking and sucking the sauce off each one in turn. He continued his way down the chest, licking every drip off. He took his time, running his tongue in torturously slow patterns that only he could understand. When he reached Remus' navel, he took care to lick deeply, enticing the boy underneath him even further. He tongue-fucked the shallow hole relentlessly, until Remus was panting with need.

By the time Severus had reached his cock, Remus was whimpering uncontrollably. The chocolate was still warm, but the mouth cleaning him held a different sort of heat all together. He bucked his hips frantically, trying to convey his need to the Slytherin.

Severus knew that Remus was on the verge of orgasm. Taking pity on the virgin, he swallowed Remus' shaft whole, sucking ferociously. The mixed flavors of chocolate and desire teased his taste buds as he licked every inch that he could reach. Humming contentedly, he continued to suck as Remus thrust his hips, seemingly attempting to force Severus to swallow his entire body.

The orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightening. His hips stilled, but his body shook uncontrollably. He was grateful for the strong hands that had wrapped around his arse, holding him up and in Severus' mouth. The suction continued even after Remus was completely spent, as if Severus were desperate for more of Remus' seed.

Finally Severus allowed the other boy to relax. He admired the red splotches and traces of sticky dessert that decorated the tanned boy as Remus collapsed into the bed. Covering the Gryffindor's body with his own, Severus kissed him deeply, sharing the taste of Remus' orgasm and hot fudge.

Slowly Remus came back to reality. He was embarrassed to realize that he's just had the best orgasm of his life, and yet Severus was untouched. He started to apologize, but Severus kissed him again, devouring his mouth as he had the cherries earlier.

Severus urged Remus onto his stomach, hoping that the sated boy would have an easier time of this then Severus had when he'd lost his virginity. Of course, Remus had the benefit of a considerate partner and a prior orgasm, while Severus had simply been commanded to bend over.

When the first finger entered his tight arse, Remus was confused. It didn't hurt by any means. Severus was being very careful with him. Whatever lubricant the Slytherin was using was rather warm and gooey, and eased the way quite well. As the second finger made its way to join the first, Remus lost all thought. Severus had managed to hit something inside of him that sent sparks shooting from his spent prick to the nerve center of his brain.

After working four fingers carefully in and around, Severus deemed Remus properly prepared. He grabbed the hot fudge again and used it to slick his cock. He nearly came at the sensation, like none he'd ever felt before. It certainly wasn't as good as a nice, tight arse clenching around his shaft, but it was still magnificent. He made a mental note to buy some fudge when he went home for the summer as he pressed the head of his cock against the tight ring of muscles.

Remus cried out when the cock stroked against him. "Wait! Severus, please?"

"What's the matter, Remus? Am I hurting you?" Severus was genuinely concerned, and scolded himself for it. He'd already been more careful with Remus than with any other lover, which was saying a lot. He had no reason to be concerned.

"No!" Remus instantly exclaimed. "It's just that I . . . I was wondering if I could see you?"

Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Severus nodded. Then, realizing that Remus couldn't exactly see his head moving, he pulled back and said, "Turn over."

Remus gratefully complied. The first thing he noticed was Severus' throbbing, fudge-covered erection. His attention was quickly refocused, however, and he found himself staring into dark eyes, heavy-lidded and dilated with passion. A thrill shot through his body, making him feel powerful and reawakening his cock.

"I'm going to slide a pillow underneath your hips, Remus. It's not dignified, but it'll ease the way for you."

Remus nodded, lifting his hips so that Severus could position him. With the pillow in place, he focused on Severus' eyes again, trying to detect the emotion behind the lust. It looked almost like compassion, but it couldn't have been. Severus Snape was not known for his compassion.

Again Severus readied himself over Remus. He circled the puckered opening with the tip of his cock, teasing himself as well as Remus. When he felt Remus trying to capture his cock inside him, he gave in. He pushed the head of his prick through and stopped to gage Remus' reaction.

"Yes! Severus, more, please. Now!"

"Insistent little bottom, aren't you?" Severus teased before granting the Gryffindor's request. He pushed another inch in, pulled mostly out, and rammed his entire length into the tight channel.

Remus screamed.

Severus stopped.

Panting, Remus assured him, "No, it's good. Your cock feels so good inside me, Severus. I'm so full. Please, move!"

Slightly shocked by the normally shy boy's sudden inhibition, Severus pulled out again, re-angled himself, and thrust back in, rubbing against Remus' prostate.

"Gods! Fuck, yes. Severus, do that again."

Feeling as if he'd lost control of the situation, Severus obeyed. Long, slow strokes quickly gave way to more insistent pounding, fast and hard. As Severus sped up, Remus kept pace, pushing up each time the Slytherin pushed down.

The frenzied coupling couldn't last long. Severus had been too far gone to begin with, and Remus was completely lost in the ecstasy his lover gave him. Remus came first, cock untouched. Again he stilled, shooting hot cum over his and Severus' stomachs.

Remus' spasming body wrenched Severus' orgasm from him. He erupted, liquid pleasure filling the body beneath him as the clamping arse milked the last droplets of seed from his relieved balls. He collapsed atop his lover, too sated to bother moving.

"Severus?" Remus asked nervously.

"Hmm?" Severus groaned.

"Thank you." He wrapped his arms around the dark-haired boy and rolled them to the side. As he did, Severus limp cock slipped from his hole, leaving it feeling empty. His heart, however, was full. Remus Lupin had found his mate.