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WARNING: This is a slash story, which means it contains male/male erotic content involving consenting adults. If you're not of legal age or are offended by such material, please go find something else to read.

Title: The Black Scarf Incident (Sal Si Puedes Spin-off 2)
Author: Becca
Rating: NC-17
Category: PWP
Summary: Remus gives Snape something to think about, and Snape puts his imagination to good use.
Disclaimers: I do not own Severus and Remus. They belong to JKR. I don't intend to make money with this. But there're other, um, things that can be at least equally as satisfying. Fun is one of them.
A/N: The second spin-off to Sal Si Puedes. It doesn't fit in the chronology of my series, not at all. But imagine it set during a 'happier' period of their relationship. Or don't read it as a part of SSP. Just assume that Severus and Remus have been lovers for quite some time. And Remus is also living at Hogwarts. That's all.



The thin paper rustled as Severus unwrapped the small, flat parcel he had found lying on the pillow next to his after he had waken up. His fingers brushed over soft cloth. He carefully unfolded the long black silk scarf the parcel contained. A small piece of parchment fell from it and landed on the bedcover. Severus frowned.

"I trust in your creativity." Remus Lupin's handwriting, elegant traces of black ink. He turned the parchment, but there was nothing more, only the one line. "I trust in your creativity." Slightly bewildered Severus put the paper, the scarf and the parchment aside //Remus, you know I never wear scarves//, got up and headed for the bathroom.

A busy day awaited him, classes, a staff meeting, a meeting with Dumbledore on behalf of his work for the Order, detentions to supervise in the evening, research. But he had slept well and felt ready to face what lay ahead. He shaved and took a long, hot shower. While he towelled himself, he went through his schedule again. He would set his Sixth Years an unannounced test. A faint smile crept onto his face as he planned which potion he would-

His smile froze and he stared at the towel he was using. An ordinary towel, the Hogwarts Crest on it and all. Definitely not black and not made out of silk. He continued with his morning routine, put on a fresh set of robes and left for breakfast, but not without giving the black scarf, that was still lying on the bed, a suspicious glance.

Halfway through the dungeon that led from his private quarters to the Great Hall he stopped. With a reluctant growl he turned and walked back to his chambers, where he picked up the scarf, folded it and stored it in one of his desk's drawers.


"Good morning, Severus, good morning. You're a little late for breakfast today... Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, Headmaster //this cheerful voice has a good chance to drive me insane one day//. Too well, I think."

"Oh, Severus, never mind. You're just a little late. Come, sit down and have one of these fresh rolls. May I pour you a cup of tea? Or coffee?"

"Coffee, please. This is going to be a rather busy day." Severus reached for a roll and cut it open.

"Sugar or milk?" Dumbledore asked amiably.

"Nothing, thanks. Black." //silk// Severus shook his head slightly and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Severus, what's the matter?" Dumbledore sounded concerned.

//oh just what I needed// "Nothing, Headmaster. Just a slight headache. I think I'm a little preoccupied." He glanced at Remus, who was sitting a couple of chairs further down the staff table. He was talking to Professor Flitwick. Suddenly he turned his head and their eyes met. A smile flashed on his lips and he mouthed "Good morning!" to Severus. //I saw it I could swear you just pursed your lips as if you wanted to blow me a kiss// He nodded curtly //don't you dare// in reply.


The sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins were working on the potion he had set them as a task for the unannounced test. Hissed curses flew through the dungeon. //I told you to revise last year's potions but you didn't expect this did you serves you right// He swished around the classroom, looked over shoulders, lifted a brow every now and then and threw muttered "Tut-tuts" at Harry and Ron and Neville //pink? oh Merlin// and others in order to confuse them even more //get used to it work under pressure//. Then he sat down behind his desk again and stretched out his legs. He reached for a parchment, dipped his quill into the ink //black ink black traces black words black oh stop it// and then he looked down on the parchment and what he had written. 'Creativity'. //no// When he looked up again all eyes in the room were focused on him //I didn't say that aloud I didn't//.

"Get back to work", he snapped. "You've only got ten minutes left and I don't see a single potion that remotely seems to be finished."


During lunch Severus tried to ignore the whispers that swept the Great Hall. "... Neville's cauldron boiled over and nearly the *whole* floor got covered with..." Heads sticking together. "... and guess what Snape did..." More whispers. "... he just told us to go back to work, man, I could bet he didn't even notice..." //cauldron? boiled over? floor? what??? ignore it ignore it and why does Remus keep on touching his neck like that ignore it// He poked his food mechanically //wrap the scarf around his neck and cover wrap his neck no no no// He got up so abruptly he nearly knocked his chair over. "I'm sorry, Headmaster. But I've got something to do before... See you at the meeting." He pushed his chair to the table and left the Great Hall.

"I wonder what is wrong with Severus today", Dumbledore addressed Professor Flitwick, who just shrugged. Remus, though, who was sitting next to him, smiled knowingly.


//I can't believe I'm doing this hiding in a hallway but why won't he show up why does it take so long where is he can't believe what I'm doing here stop it ah there he comes don't don't don't//

Remus Lupin walked down the hallway leading to the staffroom, humming, when suddenly a hand seized his arm and pulled him into a dark, hidden niche. He felt himself being pinned against the stone wall by another body. A body that was tense and trembling under the surface and radiating heat.

"Severus!" He gasped.

"Lupin!" He was foaming with fury. "How could you-", Severus grabbed him by the shoulders and held him against the wall. "What was on your mind-" Their faces were just inches apart. "I could-"

"I see that... creativity has already worked its way into your thoughts, Severus!" He freed his arms and pulled Severus' face down. Further words of protest were drowned in a passionate kiss. //silk silk silk your lips are silk your tongue is silk your skin is silk is silk is in my drawer is on your skin is silk// Their tongues caressed each other hungrily and Remus sucked and bit Severus' lower lip until it was rosy and a little swollen. When their mouths parted Severus was panting.

"Remus..." He pressed his groin against Remus' body and moaned. //I know you can feel it can feel how hard I am can feel the silk on your skin//

Remus pushed him away and straightened his robes. He let a finger run across Severus' moist lips and smiled.

"Can't wait for tonight, Severus..." he whispered and walked towards the staffroom door, while Severus leant against the wall and tried to catch his breath.


Needless to say that the staff meeting didn't go to well for Severus. Remus saw to that. He kept licking and biting his lips when Severus looked at him, so Severus stopped that after a couple of times. Unfortunately Remus' lips and tongue and skin kept playing with his imagination. His erection hadn't disappeared since their encounter in the niche and he was truly thankful for the wide robes he was wearing. Remus' persistent stare at his lap //you can see through the table you can smell hear taste no no no see it through the table no stop it// didn't ease the situation the slightest bit //oh on your knees you can no no ah kneel taste no silk your tongue is silk *stop it* hard robes cover you can see through hide under no STOP IT SEVERUS NOW//. Nor did visions of gagging Remus' mouth with said black scarf.

"Severus?" Dumbledore gave him a quizzical look. "Severus? Your opinion?" //opinion my opinion on what oh *fuck* oh no// "Severus, are you *all right*?"

Severus opened his mouth but his voice wouldn't work. He swallowed and croaked "Yes, Headmaster." He shifted in his chair //oh oh I shouldn't have done that oh *fuck* oh stop it// "No, Headmaster, I'm sorry."

"I think you should retreat to your quarters, Severus. You're obviously not feeling well. Maybe we should as well cancel our meeting this afternoon?"

Severus got up. "No, Headmaster, that won't be necessary. If you'll please excuse me for a moment, I'll just take a potion against that... headache. I'm sorry. I'll be right back..." //release relief I need relief a break no walk slowly slowly I won't run no slowly// He closed the staffroom door behind him and leant against the wall. His breath was ragged. He broke into a sudden run and only stopped when he had arrived at a spare classroom. He once again closed a door behind himself and collapsed against it. //no no don't I don't touch myself now I won't no just a little no but no but a little yes no oh yes oh Remus black silk your skin your tongue yes a little cover your eyes black silk on in your mouth on your skin yes oh a little yes yes your tongue on my skin black silk on your skin in my hands your tongue yes yes no stop it can't but a little yes yes can't stop no yes yes please no oh yes Remus yes *yes*// A muttered spell cleaned his hands and cock //not touch again no spell yes spell//. It didn't ease the situation the slightest bit, though.


Severus didn't remember much of the staff meeting nor of his private meeting with Dumbledore later. Dumbledore dismissed him after ten minutes, anyway, wearing a more and more amused smile. He did remember that the Headmaster wished him a pleasant evening //if you knew if you knew// and a good night //stop it no if you knew of black silk of skin of no stop it//.

Detentions were both horrible //can't wait no can't don't shift don't move don't touch oh Remus lips and silk and tongue and silk and black silk and skin and stop stop stop// and pleasant. The pleasant but agonising parts consisted of more images and visions, which employed Remus' wrists and bed posts //bind him I could tie him I could make him struggle against black silk I could touch his skin I could his tongue could touch me could touch me could can't wait oh gods oh Remus oh don't move don't touch//.


Severus had abandoned all hope to survive till the end of that evening's detentions but when the time came he had. And he also had discovered a complete new meaning of the concept of 'detention'. Visions and images and thoughts and 'creativity' had driven him to unknown levels of arousal. By the time he entered his private quarters he was about to explode.

Remus was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fireplace, reading. In a split second Severus was at Remus side and pulled him to his feet fiercely, the book Remus had been reading fell on the floor, disregarded.

On the way to the bedroom - Severus dragged and pushed Remus there not too gently - he tore open Remus' robes and muttered against Remus' open //silk your lips are like silk will cover them soon soon yes// mouth "Time to thank you for your... present..." and a low growl accompanied his words. Remus moaned but Severus closed his mouth with a searing kiss.

"Creativity all right... I had a *day* to make up my thanks and I assure you I have been rather creative... am going to show you..." He pushed Remus onto the bed. "Undress. And stay where you are." Quickly he went back to his office and gathered the black silk scarf from the drawer. He returned to the bedroom just in time to watch how Remus hung the last piece of his clothing over the back of a chair //gods Remus oh gods you're beautiful your skin is like silk Remus// and walked over to the bed.

"Come here", he told Remus in a hoarse voice. When Remus stood close to him he let the scarf run through his fingers leisurely, savouring the cool gliding of the silk. "I could blindfold you", he whispered and covered Remus' eyes with the scarf, holding it in place behind Remus' head and brushing his lips against the silk. "Or I could gag you", and he covered Remus' mouth, then he let his finger and tongue run over Remus' lips through the thin cloth. Remus' mouth tried to catch his tongue, but Severus held the scarf tightly pressed against his lips. Remus started to shiver and a low moan vibrated through the silk.

"You see, I have been creative... But I have other things in mind right now. Kneel down." Remus obeyed. "Now touch me. I want to feel your tongue on my skin." Remus lifted Severus' robe and opened his trousers with trembling fingers. Severus threw back his head when Remus' lips touched his erection. He wrapped the scarf around Remus' neck and pulled. Thus he drove his cock deeper into Remus' wet, hot mouth. He cried out when Remus' teeth scraped his sensitive skin. Slowly Remus began to tongue him //silk your tongue feels like silk// and Severus tugged at the scarf again. Remus closed one hand around Severus' shaft and started to pump it along with his sucking. Severus hissed. "Ah, yes. Remus. Oh, gods, I've been waiting all day, oh, yes, oh..." But suddenly he let one end of the scarf go and pulled it away from Remus' neck. He lifted Remus head and pulled him to his feet again. "No, not yet... There's more... creativity in store for you." Languidly he kissed Remus' mouth. "Lie down. On the bed." Remus did as he was told.

Severus knelt next to Remus and seized his wrist. "I could as well bind you." He wound one end of the scarf around the bedpost and then wrapped it around Remus' wrist. "I. Could. As. Well. Bind. You." With every word he fastened the binding a little more. He bent over to reach for Remus' other wrist. "And. That. Is. Exactly. What. I. Will. Do." Remus lay on his back, his arms tied to the bed posts with the black scarf. Slowly Severus undressed himself. He relished his lover's eyes on him //your eyes caress my skin like silk like black silk// and the ragged gasps that came from Remus' lips.

"I couldn't *move* all day, I couldn't touch myself. I couldn't touch you, couldn't touch your skin, and my fingers ached to touch you, all day." He watched with growing arousal how Remus struggled against the ties that held his arms in place. "But now I can. I can touch you as I please." And he lay down next to Remus and he covered Remus' body with touches and caresses of his hands, lips and tongue until Remus was writhing and screaming with pleasure and need.

"Oh, Severus, oh, please, oh, yes... touch me, please, oh... oh, gods, Severus, please, *please*..."

Severus parted Remus' legs with his knee and let his tongue run over Remus' inner tights. "I can kiss you as I please and touch you as I please and-"

"Yes! Oh, yes!" Remus cried out as Severus' tongue traced a wet line along his dripping shaft. "Kiss me, please, Severus, touch me, kiss me, touch me, please, yes, oh, yes... do *anything*..."

"I can take you as I please..." He covered Remus' body with his and their erections touched. At the same moment he closed Remus' mouth with his hand. After seconds of motionless-ness he ground his hips against Remus' and increased the friction to an almost unbearable level //close close so close but this is my game you play my game creative game yes my game yes close so close//.

The same second he lifted his hand from Remus' mouth Remus screamed. "Take me *now*! Please! Severus! Please! Now!"

Severus knelt up again, pulled Remus' hips a little closer and took his own cock in his hand. With the other hand he entered Remus' anus and stretched the opening quickly. Then he entered Remus' with one forceful thrust //one manly thrust of my lance I must have read that somewhere yes take you yes read that somewhere think of where think of books think of libraries think of anything history of magic wait think wait don't move wait//.

When he started to move inside of Remus, Severus knew he wouldn't last long. He didn't want to hold back either //all day I've waited all day all day yes oh yes oh Remus yes my game yes history no magic yes Remus yes yes yes oh yes oh oh yes yes now yes take you yes take me yes *yes//

Both came at the same time, hard and violently and screaming.

Severus collapsed onto Remus' chest. They stayed like that for several minutes before Severus raised his hands and undid the scarf. He crushed it into a lose ball of silk and wiped the sweat from Remus' face with it, the sweat from Remus' body and the semen that covered their bellies. Then he rested his hand still holding the scarf on Remus' chest. He caressed Remus' cheek and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you."


