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<- - - - PALINDROMES - - - ->

Evil olive.
Amen enema.
War, sir, is raw.
Step on no pets.
Oh no! Don Ho!
Rise to vote, sir.
Dammit, I'm mad!
Draw, O coward!
Sex at noon taxes.
Yaweh. The way.
Madam, I'm Adam.
Lager, sir, is regal.
Neil A. sees alien!
Was it a rat I saw?
Put Eliot's toilet up.
Do geese see God?
Enid and Edna dine.
Never odd or even.
Won ton? Not now!
Ned, I am a maiden.
no lemons, no melon.
Not a banana baton!
Ma is a nun, as I am.
I'm aloof; a fool am I.
Too bad, I hid a boot.
Todd erases a red dot.
Flee to me, remote elf.
Devil never even lived.
He lived as a devil, eh?
Poor Dan is in a droop.
Rats live on no evil star.
Panic in a Titanic, I nap.