The Girl
Quizzes i took
Dont Smoke!

~~Thursday, July 1st~~
I'll try and update this lil box on the first of every month . . . don't see me compleating that task tho. What have I been doing all summer? Working on this lil website, managing my forum, and just surfing the net. I havn't gone to the Deerfeild pool at all for fun this summer, don't ask me why. And i'm not counting all the loads of parties i've gone to. i go out for a walk with my doggie every day at 8:30, because it is still light outside. And i don't go to sleep until, like, 1:00 in the morning becuase I am a crazy insomniac hat can't fall asleep, but then I wake up at 6:30 am for no reason . . . so yeah, that's my routine. i can't wait until i go to indiana . . . eight days! i'm soooo exited! i'm gonna swim across the lake and back! that is 1.4 miles! whoo! ok i'll shut up now. have fun at my site and PLEASE visit my forum.
lylas xoxo minkle
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