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Miller Family Reunion

Welcome to the Miller Family Reunion!



I wanted to get these photos onto the net as quickly as possible... so you may run into gliches in the coding, Let me know if you have any difficulties viewing or downloading pictures. Victor

Mug Shots

1b 2b 3b

4b 5b 6b

7b 8b 9b

10b 11b 12b

13b 14b 15b


17c 18c

Pictures of activities during the reunion are on page two ... just push the button below marked 'Activities & More Photos'.

Between the two pages, that is almost all the pictures. There are a few more on disk and some on 35mm film to be scanned into the computer. They will be added as soon as possible. If you were not in any of the pictures - it was not intentional. Some photo opportunities were missed and several photos did not turn out. I think that the only family that was missed for the "mug shot" was mine. (sigh)

I hope everyone had a great time at the reunion. .

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