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~~ In The Arms Of An Angel~~


Tim ~
My angel..My Love...My everything
You have help create the person I am today
Through all the years...
You have been the one and only person that has showed me honesty and love
My Bestfriend..My Soulmate...You shall never be forgotten
Even tho you arent around physically,
Doesnt mean you are completely gone...
As each day goes on I think about you....
When I need you,
I call upon you and I know you are listenin
I look into the sky deep at night and see the stars,
I know you are there
As I fall asleep,
I know that I am wrapped up in the arms of my angel
You have always protected me...guided me....
I will never be able to thank you enough for all the things you have done for me
You are one special person...
I truely am thankful I got to share so many years with you
Together Forever Always...
Your love will never be forgotten
Until we meet again...

Love always Curly (Jessica )

Rest in peace my Monkey boy

April 17th 1980 - January 1st 2003

Tim and Dan
