Um. yeah. We don't even think we're cool, so it's okay. =)

Here's a bunch of us in school eating lunch/skipping

Evelyn and Nina

A bunch of us gathered round at Val's to celebrate her 16th.

It's Hidy! It's her birthday! It's Hidy on her birthday!

Steph and Mel

...and now it's my birthday.

Caitlin, Kaitlin and Michelle...doing...something....

Dasha, Maddy and Michelle many friday many wasted dollars on cookies and milk. That's right. Hanging around at second cup, we are.

Rasberry Blue Crew! (spelling error due to Flemmy, not me.) Look out! It's Mad-Bo and the Bad Ballikaitor...and our producer. In case you don't know how to interperate that gibberish, this is Kaitlin and I on our last Haig Radio alternative radio show. And the sign I'm holding, says "PLAY MAGIC BUS!"

And this is Eric and I after commencement on our way to Hil's house. Caitlin's driving, so the radio is obviously on 99.9

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