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Title: How to Tell?
Author: Simon Erif
Pairing: The Twins
Rating: PG
Summary: The second twin watches as the other watches him and wonders life just the same...
Series/sequel: sequel to Watching... Wondering
Genre: Slash, Angst... Death Fic?? You decide.
Warnings: Angst and if you choose a death fic... you decide.
Feedback: Yes please...
Author's Notes: Was bored and a reader asked me to write a sequel to Watching... Wondering, so I did. I guess I should thank this reader too. Sci... Thank you. ^__^


How To Tell?
By: Simon Erif (c)

Just as the elevator doors close I blow a kiss towards the woman... Trinity wasn't it? I can see his expression turn even colder than it was already. I doubt the others noticed though. It is quite... charming really. For I believe that he is jealous. And I can't help but grin to myself as he turns and return to his seat with a quick pace instead of his usually controlled and carefree style.

I do not know why I feel the way I am feeling right now. I feel... excitement and joy. I feel my face turning slightly pink for he has acted the way I wanted him to act. Now how do I let him know that I was not serious about this fixation on the Trinity character?

I walk back to our seats and sit down. I look at him from the corner of my eye. I know he is watching me also. How to let him know I feel the same? How to take away the jealousy?

But then I have no time to think of this problem. We are needed for our purpose, to catch the key maker ones again. And so we have no time for anything else. We are full programs ones more.

But I have a feeling that we have no time for anything anymore; that our time here is coming to an end. I cannot explain it but I feel our ending closing in on us. I have never felt this way but it does not matter.


As the car starts to fall on its side, I look at my twin and I see the feeling that I have felt for sometime mirrored back at me. There is no need for words. The smiles are sufficient enough. I give it my last and try to climb out from the window. I know it will not do us any good but I have to try.

And then there is no more....

