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Frequently Asked Questions

What is slash?
See front page.

What is the Matrix?
Unfortunitly, no one can be told what "The Matrix" is without going into five pages. So, to put it simply, go watch the movie three times. Go. Watch. Watch again. Understand. Watch again.

Who writes this fanfiction?
Why, everyday websurfers and fanfiction writers such as yourself, Mr. Anderson.

Why exactly was this site built?
To offer Matrix fans who write (or wish to write) a place to finally post their works and also a place to read other's work.

How do I submit?
Simply follow the rules on the submission page and send it to

What inspired you?
-Other than Christina's muse, Erestor, who sits upon her shoulder and eats peanuts while Christina makes cooing sounds and strokes his head affectionately, the many "Lord of the Rings" slash fanfiction writers that also very much enjoy "The Matrix" and writing slash. ^_^ Also, the first Matrix fanfiction I've (I being Christina) ever read and loved. Neo pulled Smith's tie. ^_~ I've been a "Matrix" slash wanting person ever since.
-I, Gelise, am influenced by my Hugo Weaving doll (which is basically just a barbie with a picture of Hugo's face taped to it's head) and of course, the crazy things friends say to eachother out of shear bordem.

Who are you two maniacs anyway?
Two girls, Christina and Gelise. Christina was a Lord of the Rings slash author, and Gelise was her beta reader. (If you see any LOTR references, it's not our fault, we just can't help it.) We decided to start a slash site as there were none, which was definately an injustice in itself. After a week of planning, Illusions and Machines was born! (After a month it finally got off the ground. >:D) Well, that's enough about us, let's move on, shall we?

Are there any other Matrix Slash Archives?
None that we know of yet, but there are some great Lord of the Rings ones.
Just in! One has been found! Inevitability

What the Fudge Monkey? MPEG? BDSM?

Abbreviation, da big A. *A* as in Agent Smith. Anyway... pulling ourself away from images (You're scaring poor Galadriel!) A short list.


Non-Consensual Sexual Situations: Not rape, but yet... you don't know if both characters want it. Also, if rape attack is not completed.

Rape: To put it simply, taking one against their will. They don't want it, not to be confused with BDSM.

BDSM: Used for bondage/discipline and sadomasochism. Very clear they want it, but they have no free will.

Graphic Violence: Intense, explicit, and disturbing violence. But, hey, it's "The Matrix" yours can't be too bad. ^_~ But I mean geesh, warn people if it's too bad. Some of us have weak stomachs. I ate Twizzlers while Neo was unplugged and enjoyed them. So... HA!

Character Death: Only nnon-canon dying. Switch died. Yes, we know this. Don't warn us. But if you're gonna just kill a random "didn't-die" character... we want to know. "Boromir died!! ...Frodo WON'T die..." -Popular Lord of the Rings Quote.

MPreg: Male pregnancy. If one of your characters are going to have someone's kid... dude... We wanna know ahead of time.

-The Staff at Illusions and Machines

Take me backkkkkkkkk...
