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E-Mail Chris
Name: Chris
Position: Webmaster
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Favorite GS Character(s): Garet
Favorite music: (Punk Rock & Rock)Def Leppard, Linkin Park, Weird Al

Name: Aaron
Position: Image Editor
Gender: Male
Country: US
Favorite GS Character(s): Felix
Favorite music: nintendo music and weird al

E-Mail Brent
Name: Brent
Position: Content
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Favorite GS Character(s): Garet
Favorite music: (Punk Rock) Likin Park, Werid Al, Outkast


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The Lost Age Spoiler
The Lost Age Characters
The Lost Age Weapons

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We support the Marlin Gaming GS3 Petiton.

Fanlisted in the GS: TLA Fanlisting.
This site is in no way affiliated with CAMELOT or Nintendo. Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age names/designs are copyrights (c) of Camelot and Nintendo of America.