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The 4 Lighthouses
Golden Sun Adventure

Golden Sun Summary
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Golden Sun Djinn
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Golden Sun Items

Isaac is the main character of Golden Sun. His dad is Kyle, and his mom is Dora. Isaac's to friends were Garet and Jenna. The day the storm came, Isaac's life was changed forever. Or was it? This bio and all of the others will have SPOILERS!! So if you don't want to know what happens at the and of GS, don't read all the way to the bottom.

Isaac, the main character of GS, sets out to stop Saturos and Menardi from lighting the 4 Lighthouses. He has Ivan and Mia join his party along the way. At the first lighthouse, Isaac came to battle Saturo's, and he succeded. Isaac is more of an all around character, with average PP, HP, ATK, DEF, and AGL. His luck is also average.

Isaac and the group are very strong, and they should be by the end of the game, as Isaac heads up to the top of the lighthouse. This subject brings uup how brave Issac is. He fights to the end, and thats what happens.

He and his friends face Saturos and Menardi, then the fierce Doom Dragon without notice! They then sail off to a faraway land, to try and stop the other 2 Lighhouses from being lit.


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The Lost Age Characters
The Lost Age Weapons

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This site is in no way affiliated with CAMELOT or Nintendo. Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age names/designs are copyrights (c) of Camelot and Nintendo of America.