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Golden Sun Summary
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You may be wondering how to beat the game at this point. Well, you might want to get some other help, because this is an overview. In this overview, I will talk about Golden Sun, basically, I'll give you a brief page (0.0) on GS1 from start to finish.
It all starts when there is a terrible storm, and Kyle (Isaac's dad) is working with Jenna's and Felix's parents to try and get Felix back onto land. Isaac finds Garet trying to drag a large suitcase, and Garet joins your party. *fast foward* I'm sure as heck you all know what happens there. :)
You were defeated by Saturos and Menardi and Kyle and Jenna's parents are "dead". You also earn your first djinn on your way out of Vale. Now, you are on your way to get Ivan. On your way to Vault, a short cinema scene (thank God!! there is one shorter than 10 minutes!!) showing horse-pulled wagons coming out of Vault. Once they go north to Lunpa to get captured, go into Vault and go into the inn. Ivan is in there, and after talking to him, with a sort-of cinema scene style, he joins your party. You then go up a ladder upside, clear a path, and find bandits. You and Ivan will begin to try and block at least one of them in.
After a lot of puzzles, going through Mogall forest, Lamakan and Suhalla and so on, you get to THE TOP OF VENUS LIGHTHOUSE!! If you are really good by now, you should be able to beat them with a sweat, but not as much as you'd think. Up here awaits a long cinema scene, a tough battle, and an EXTREMLY hard boss. At first you battle Saturos and Menardi, and you beat the game. Nope. The two fuse together and create the FUSION DRAGON!!!!
Prepare to compare. You are a little tiny thing compared to it. After some serious fighting, you win, Saturos and Menardi fall backwards to their death and the ocean, and all is won. But "oh no!" Sheba is hanging on the side of the lighthouse as the lighthouse creates a flood and splits in half. Felix tries to save Sheba, as she slides down, by jumping off. Don't worry, they are still alive.
You then go to the town nearest to you, as it is the only one you can get to after the flood. You get the boat by using the Black Orb, sail off, and head for Osenia, not Hesperia, as it is on the other side of the world. :D


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This site is in no way affiliated with CAMELOT or Nintendo. Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age names/designs are copyrights (c) of Camelot and Nintendo of America.