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Golden Sun Summary
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Golden Sun Djinn
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WELCOME!! To the MAP GS Djinn guide! It may not tell you where they are, because that'll be in the walkthrough! But, it does tell you the desription found in the game. It will be sorted by element, with the elements name above. Hope this comes in use!

Fizz- Restore HP with calming water.

Sleet-Drench a foe to drop its attack

Mist- Lull a foe into a deep sleep.

Spritz- Restore party's HP with soothing mist.

Hail- Freeze a foe to drop its defense.

Tonic- Heal all party ailmants.

Dew- Revive a downed ally.

Forge- Boost party attack with flames fury.

Fever- Wrap a foe in a feverish delusion.

Corona- Boost party defense with a heat aurora.

Scorch- Stun a foe with a blast attack.

Ember- Restore party PP with passions flames.

Flash- Block damage to party with a firewall.

Torch- Penetrate defense with a melting blast.

Gust- Attack with might wind gusts.

Breeze- Boost party resistance.

Zephyr- Boosts partys agility with swift wind.

Smog- Veil a foe's vision in smoke.

Kite- Attack twice next turn.

Squall- Paralyze a foe with a storm.

Luff- Seal a foe's Psynergy.


Flint- Strike a blow that can cleave stone

Granite- Create a mighty earthen barrier.

Quartz- Revive a downed ally

Vine- Tangle foes to drop agility.

Sap- Attack foe and steal HP.

Ground- Use gravity to hold a foe.

Bane- Attack with nature's venom.


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This site is in no way affiliated with CAMELOT or Nintendo. Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age names/designs are copyrights (c) of Camelot and Nintendo of America.