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Golden Sun is probably the only E rated game that has a death in the end. Well, that happens once again in the Lost Age! Lets just say, 2 deaths early, 1 death at the end. This TLA Ending page will tell you ALL that happened! Read this is you want to spoil the game or just find out what happens! Once again, this is a spoiler, like almost everything else on this site. :) I guess that makes this site different. ENOUGH RAMBLING! Lets get to the good stuff, shall we? You’ll have to scroll a lot to go to the stuff. Here we gooooooooo!


While in the mars lighthouse and before you should go and “Set the spirits aflame”, you should be in a room with Karst and Agatio, who were once the Flame Dragons that were frozen. That is the end of them I believe. Also, in this game, the Sol Blade DOES exist, as we found it in a room with partially ice covered platforms. Later on, you meet up with the Wise One, who has suddenly gone... well, a little crazy. He plans to stop you from lighting the Mars Lighthouse, by sending Kyle, Isaac’s dad, and Felix’s parents after you. They are all fused together in a dragon form, hence the name, Doom Dragon. After you defeat the three heads one-by-one, the party notices the parents on the ground, as weak as can be. They kinda have the weak power like Saturos and Menardi before they fell to there death! No worries, they survive. They will then have a shorter cinema scene with Felix, Kraden, and Isaac, and Isaac and Felix talk(though they have talked in the game before.)!! They will all set our one by one, except for Isaac, Felix, and Kraden. The three raise their fist in the air, in happiness.

Now is the credits, with a small cinema scene with Alex climbing up the side of Mt. Aleph, as he plans to live forever and have supreme power. Then, after credits, they will show each lighthouse sending a beam of light toward Mt. Aleph, to form the Golden Sun. Then, after the beams form together, Alex is endowed with power, though that is not so. Here comes the Wise One, the last LIVING thing Alex will probably see, as he seems to be paralyzed.. Mt. Aleph and Vale(!!!) Sink under the ground.

Good bye Alex, hello sadness! The group will see where Vale is supposed to be, and you will see a little cartoon like things, with the characters drawn. You will see Isaac, Garet, and Kraden, looking at the spot where Vale was. SURPRISE!! You then see Garets family, and then Dora! All of Vale is safe! Or at least the people.

The hit list. Saturos, check. Menardi, check. Alex, check. Karst, check. And Agatio, check. YAY! You defeated everyone bad!

You will discover that Sheba likes Garet. Lets see. Love list. Well, not much. Jenna likes Isaac, check. Sheba likes Garet, check.

They will all be happy, and everyone is in the big picture, which is that last pic you’ll see in that file. THE END.