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Lily_evanspotter NAME: Lily Evans
AGE: Depends on the year
FAMILY: Muggles parents, sister; Petunia
BUILD: Thin, but attractive
HAIR: Aubern, long
EYES: Electric green
WAND: Willow, 10 1/4", swishy (very nice for charms work)
GRADES: Top student
OTHER: Became Head Girl 7th year
toki126 NAME: Remus J. Lupin
HEIGHT: Medium
HAIR: longish light Brown
EYES: amber/grey
GRADES: Top student
OTHER: usually pale. Calm, quiet, intelligent, shy, kind, caring, friendly, Was bitten by a werewolf when he was very young
_icedancer_ James Potter- Looks a lot like Harry as a teenager, with the same face (except for the scar, of course ^^) and untidy black hair. The only differences are that he is a bit taller than Harry and has hazel eyes, unlike Harry, who has the green eyes of Lily. He is a superb flyer and the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and likes to show it off. He is also very intelligent, getting good marks in his classes, though oftentimes likes to goof off and pull pranks on people, especially Severus, aka "Snivellus". James became an unregistered Animagus so he could accompany Remus during full moon nights, and when he takes form he becomes a stag. He is fairly arrogant (as much as I love James, it's true...xD) and stubborn, though not quite as bad with pranks as Sirius..
the_force_iz_strong Peter Pettigrew is a fair-haired, pointy nosed boy with watery eyes. Peter is one fourth of the infamous Marauders. He's rather pudgy and blundering, and the tag-along of the group. He somewhat worships James and Sirius. Peter is an unregistered animagis, and can turn ito a rat, thus the nickname "Wormtail".
lestrange_bellatrix NAME:Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
AGE:Depends on the rp
APPEARANCE:you'd see her in the slytherin colors and robes.She has long black hair,and dark dark blue eyes(im asuming they are blue). Fairly tall and attractive(as it mentions in the book).
the_force_iz_strong Diana attends Hogwarts at the same time as the Marauders. (Diana is often potrayed as Sirius Blacks girlfriend), and is a Gryffindor.
FULL NAME:Diana Catella Paldara
WAND: 8 1/2 inch maple with a doxy wing core
HEIGHT:5 foot 4
HAIR: loooong and dark brown
BUILD: curvy...but skinny
FAMILY: Pure blood, only child, parents were Slytherins.
BROOM: Limited Edition Nimbus 300X
QUIDDITCH POSITION: keeper, and occasional beater
CHARACTERISTICS: She's pretty bad with spelling, she LOVES cherries and caldron cakes. Diana has a nasty habit of falling asleep during (every) Divinations Class
the_ugly_one_101 Lucy Winters is a pure blood all hufflepuff family. Lucy was really surprised herself when she got in Ravenclaw. Shes a meduim height at 5'5 and is skinny at 115. She has a pale complexion with a few freckles on her nose. She has shoulder lenth Blonde hair thats usualy shoved in two messy buns with a bunch of strands leeking down. She has cat like hazy blue eyes.
iris1220 Lydia Mostafa is her name. She is in the same year as the Marauders, and a Gryffindor. She transferred from Egypt when she was eleven after her school was blown to bits with a single curse. Her older brother is the one who sent her to Hogwarts, he said he had his reasons but he never said what they were. Her dad left before she was born, her mum left when her sister went missing when she was 10. Therefore, her brother is her only real family member. She has an Egyptian appearance, with long straight black hair and dark grey-green eyes. She is often very antisocial and dislikes long conversations. She hates Snape and enjoys watching James torment him.
star_fire_420 Loki: a Gryffindor with Blonde hair and red streaks that fell to the middle of her back.Her eyes changed color along with her mood. When she was calm or normal they were green, when she was Happy they were orange, when she was angry they were red, when she was scared they were black, when they were pink she liked someone in the room. Shes got a pet kitten its completely black and is called Nitelite.
moonwater17 Name: Aurora Kaliah Bennington
Age: 15
Best Friend: Lily
Hair: Long Black/dark brown
Eyes: Bright Blue
Height: 5'5"
Crush: Remus Lupin
House: Gyrffindor
Year: 5th
Fav. Subject: Divination
Fav. Colors: Blue, Black, and Silver
Hobbies: Reading, Tormenting Lily, and sleeping
Blood: Pure
Pet: Owl, named Willow
Hopeful Job: Auror (Rather amusing isn't it)
Wand: 8 inches, Oak, Unicorn hair
sassy_rebel Name: Serena Blade
Looks: Tall, brown hair with streaks
Personality: She doesn't mind getting into trouble, argues with James frequently, all in all nice person.
Blood: She's muggle born
Gender: female
muffingoddessravie Name: Elanor Lily Maeve Thorne
Hair: Dark brown w/ red streaks
skin: pale
House: Ravenclaw

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