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Charminglynne's Blog
Thursday, 27 November 2003
Happy Thanksgiving
Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the last entry, Angelfire won't put the URLs into hyperlinks :( So sorry again. Today I've to go eat with my grandparents and my annoying little cousins.. uh.. anyway, I have got to get ready. Bye!

Posted by magic/malissa at 9:49 AM CST
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Saturday, 15 November 2003
UCLA centered entry :)
As you may know, I LOVE UCLA!! (University of California in Los Angeles) And I was just in one of my "UCLA moods" today so I gathered up some of these pictures from it's website..!001_2002_Royce_cary2.jpg - Royce Hall - Royce Hall - Royce Hall - Students in transit in front of Royce Hall - A rear view of Royce Hall - The grand archways of Royce Hall - The beautiful designs of Royce Hall - Bride and groom under Royce Hall - Pillars on the east side of Royce Hall - Looking west through the Royce Hall cloister - In front of Powell Library - Pillars on the steps of Powell Library - Founders' Rock was brought from Perris Valley for the dedication of the new campus site at Westwood in 1926. - The white gazebo surrounded by greens near Hedrick Hall. - Kerckhoff Hall - The hit ABC show "Alias" filmed several scenes its first season in Royce Quad. - Comedy hit "American Pie 2" filmed the opening scenes on the UCLA campus including Kerchoff Hall and Knudsen Hall. - The Williams Andrew Clark Memorial Library is UCLA's oldest building, located 13 miles off-campus. It houses rare books and manuscripts, including some by Oscar Wilde. - Forest Whitaker directs the upcoming film "First Daughter," starring Marc Blucas and Katie Holmes. The film is expected to be released in 2004. Several scenes were filmed in front of Kerchoff Hall. - The annual monster holiday season sale at the UCLA Store - Kerkhoff Hall - Dickson Plaza with Royce Hall in the background - Dodd Hall - Kinsey Hall - Luke Wilson and Will Ferrell starred in the 2003 comedy "Old School." UCLA was used extensively for the campus shots. - The vaults over the main entrance to Royce Hall - Comedy hit Legally Blonde filmed several scenes in front of the popular Kerchoff Hall. - A fountain at sunset in the Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden - Blooming spring flower in the Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden - Kinsey Hall - Looking down on the UCLA Medical Center and Westwood Village - The Inverted Fountain - Completed in 1996, the Plant Physiology building is one of UCLA's newest. - Dickson Plaza, as seen from the cloister of Royce Hall - The School of Law, which welcomed its first class in 1949, is the youngest top-ranked law school in the United States and the only public law school in Southern California. - The Rotunda of Powell Library - Powell Library through the Royce Hall arches, March 4 1928 - Powell Library through the Royce arches, today - Looking east toward the campus - Bunche Hall is named for Nobel Peace Prize recipient and alumni Ralph Bunche. Bunche Hall houses social science departments, such as Economics, Political Science, History, Geography, and the African Studies specialization. - A bug's-eye view of Bunche Hall - Bruin Walk - The Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden: "one of the most important living botanical collections in the United States, with plant specimens from all over the world" - Approximately 5000 species grow at the seven-acre Botanical Garden. The garden is located at the southeast end of campus. - A flower blooms outside Hedrick Hall. - Covel Commons, the location of the Sunset Village residential hall cafeteria, computer lab, and College Tutorials & Counseling. - Evening sun on the Powell Library - Powell Library - Anderson School of Business - Kerckhoff Hall - The arches of Royce Hall - The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Campus Resource Center in Kinsey Hall - Twin towers were erected in the Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden to commemorate the victims of September 11 - Royce Hall, mid 1960s - UCLA's on-campus hotel, the UCLA Guest House - Albert Carnesale, UCLA's Chancellor, speaks at the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of UCLA at the Westwood campus on Oct 25, 2001. - The Albert and Judith Glickman Courtyard is a gift from Albert and Judith Glickman, who both hold undergraduate degrees from UCLA. - Cooling off at the Inverted Fountain - The UCLA Greenhouses were established in the late 1940's as a facility for growing plants for teaching and research. - Light shines through a tree in north campus - The fountain near Royce Hall - Gloria Kaufman Hall, known as the Dance Building. - During the filming of the movie "How High", this headless statue was a Hollywood prop to transform UCLA into Harvard. - Covel Commons is like a student union for on-campus housing students. Services included a restaurant, counseling services, tutorial center, academic workshops, computer labs, study rooms, and career counseling. - Eddy Murphy's The Nutty Professor was filmed at UCLA. - Heavenly Bamboo blooming in UCLA's Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden. Approximately 4,000 species in 225 families of tropical and subtropical plants are growing outdoors in this seven-acre garden. - Anderson School of Management - An aerial view of the 400-acre campus, 1997 - The Bruin - The Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden - Alyson Hannigan and Seth Green pose for a picture in front of Ackerman. Buffy the Vampire Slayer filmed at UCLA during their fourth season. - Campus shuttle between Westwood and north campus. - Franz Hall - Haines Hall - Life Sciences Building - UCLA Medical Plaza - Students studying in Powell Library - Janss Steps - Janss Steps, looking towards Royce Hall - The Geffen Playhouse, one of Los Angeles' top theatres, was purchased by UCLA in 1997. - Royce Hall, March 4, 1928 - An aerial view of UCLA, April 11, 1929 - An aerial view of UCLA, 1930s

Posted by magic/malissa at 8:33 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 15 November 2003 10:25 PM CST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2003
I have to make this short because I have alot of writing to do. I am writing a few fan fics (all Charmed of course)
Sorry I haven't made an entry in awhile. My grandfather died Friday (November 1) so I have been at his house all this week (except today) because his wife is having a hard time living by herself.
Tomorrow all of the seniors have to go to something for history class.. I don't know what it is. We have to ride for two hours.. WITH OUR PARENTS! Good thing my mom's not going... GREAT THING actually :) Sorry, my mom... just doesn't understand.. anything about me. I know you are probably saying "She's just 17. In a few years she is gonna ish she had spent more time with her mom." Well.. sorry, but that's just not true. She doesn't even know that I'm Wiccan!!! I seriously haven't told her anything about me since I was probably.. um... 10. She had me when she was 39, so she doesn't really understand what being a teenager/adult is like these days. Hence me not telling her anything about me... I wish I could though :(

Anyways.. for my "Diary Type Entry"
Synopsis of what I've done since my last entry:

Friday: Got dressed for school, then, as a was walking out of my room, I heard my mother talking on the phone and she said "Oh no" and I knew what it was.. I'll explain how I knew below. Anyway, then I like put my stuff down and got in my car and went like 90 mph trying to get to his house (he only lives/lived like 30 miles away) and stayed there until about 5:00 when I went to my cousin's house (she's 18) and stayed with her until our school's football game. Then, came home :(

Saturday: I went to the mall from about 2:30 until 9:00 to get some clothes for his funeral. I got some, incredibally surprising huh? concidering how picky I am when it comes to clothes. (I usually only get like 2 shirts per trip even if I am looknig for shirts!) I spent, my mother actually, she gave me her credit card and I spent over $800 on two tops, one skirt, two pairs of pants, and a pair of shoes. When she gets the bill she is gonna to pi$$ed to say the least, but it was for a good cause, so maybe she can't get TOO mad. :D

Sunday: um... slept until like 11:00 then woke up and started trying to figure out which outfit I was going to wear. I decided on a tight fitting black shirt that went of the shoulders with a black skirt. Then went to the visitation and greeted people from 5:00 to 9:45. It was supposed to end at 8:00, but alot more people came than expected.

Monday: I didn't go to school. I woke up at 7:15 and picked out what I was going to wear: a button-up white shirt with a black suit over it. I got ready then went to the ceremony at 10:00 then we went to the cemetary at 11:45 and stayed there for about 45 minutes. Then went to my grandmother's house and everybody ate, except for me, people from my grandmother's church cooked like tons of yams and fried chicken and butty beans or butter beans.. whatever. Either way, I couldn't think about eating it, so I pretty much dodged everybody because they were pretty much forcing me to eat. Then I took my brother home and he packed up and flew back to his house. Then I pretty much just did my essays for class.

Tuesday: School.... does that say it all?

Oh! I almost forgot..
What was wrong with my grandfather: He was diagnosed with lung cancer in (I believe) 1995. And he never wanted to do chemotherapy. So over the past 8 years he has had pneumonia about 8 times along with the cancer. So he had been really bad. And about 3 days before he died, he was released from the hospital because #1 - he hated hospitals and #2 - the pneumonia was pretty much gone. Almost everybody knew that it wasn't going to be long before he left us. To go to.. I don't know.. I have been working on my beliefs about the whole reincarnation thing and I think I have come up with a good explanation of what happens when your body dies. But that is for another entry because I am gonna get ready to go to sleep now.

Wow! This entry ended up being alot longer than I planned. Anyway.. Bye
<3 Malissa Lynne

Posted by magic/malissa at 11:07 PM CST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2003

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days.. I've been REALLY busy. I intended to come yesterday, but had alot to do, so it slipped my mind. Sorry.

Anyway, I am pretty pissed right now because this episode of Charmed didn't come on TNT tonight because of the STUPID basketball game! And the episode was -in my opinion- the second best this year.. the first being The Power of Three Blondes.. except for the part in Valhalla of the Dolls where Leo beats up Chris. I yelled at Phoebe for like the rest of the episode because she told Leo to stop... (GRR PHOEBE!) *mimicks 'Leo enough, this hostility's killing me'..'I know what your feeling and by know I mean know'* UHH!! ENOUGH WITH YOUR COMPLAINTS GIRL!! Wow.. you're an empath.. you know having powers that can save people's lives.. that's really sad. HOW DO YOU SAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT! (that was sarcasm btw)

Well am gonna go read. It's a Charmed book called "Mirror Image." I don't think it is all that good.. Phoebe says words that Alyssa has never heard.. EVER! And couldn't pronounce if she tried! Pretty unrealistic.. and it's Paige-centered. I like Paige okay, but there aren't any Piper books out there with Paige in it :( BYE!

Posted by magic/malissa at 10:58 PM CST
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Thursday, 23 October 2003

I just had a total apifiny. Here's the story, I am adicted to salt more than any person on this earth. And after classes every day I eat like 20 cubes of bullion which has 880 mg of sodium a cube, and add that together and you probably don't even have half of my daily salt intake. I eat salt with absolutly EVERYTHING, except ice cream, but any other food it existance that I eat has about a tablespoon of salt added. I'm not exaggerating, I swear! So today I was eating some bullion (which if you don't know is pretty much just a ton of salt jammed together) and I ate so much, so quickly that it clogged up my wind pipe. I swear on everything in this world that I could not breathe for over a minute. I have never been so scared in my life. I fact now, my lungs, or windpipe.. whatever is still so damaged that I can not get relativly close to breathing half as large breathes as usual. So from now on, no more bullion, ya'll are holding me to this. If I ever eat bullion again ya'll all come over to my apartment and just kill me. Chances are I might already be dead. Okay, do we have a deal? :)

Posted by magic/malissa at 6:11 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 10:47 PM CST
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Saturday, 18 October 2003

Today.. pretty much just my relax day. I woke up at 11:40 this morning(lol), spent an hour checking my emails and visiting the new posts on my boards, then spent 2 hours signing petitions on I think I signed 14 different Charmed DVD petitions, 4 Wicca awareness petitions, and one partial-abortion cancelling petition. Right now I'm watching All Hell Brakes Loose from my tapes. It is about to be the part that I always bawl during.. I've got the tissues on hand and everything :) Oh yeah! piper013 from TheSistersThree told me how to make a banner animation today.. needless to say that I became so confused I just gave up.. Jasc needs to make everything easier.. ITS CONFUSING! Well, AHBL is back on now. Gotta go! Bye <3 Malissa Lynne Edit: Btw, I made a new banner today, it isn't wonderful, but I'm pretty proud of it. Unfortunely I still haven't figured out the whole Angelfire thing, so it's not working at the moment :(

Posted by magic/malissa at 7:04 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2003 1:59 AM CDT
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Friday, 17 October 2003
Hey! I have been trying to get a blog for months at Live Journal and have failed. I'm so happy that Angelfire now has the blog option :) This entry is mainly to see how it is gonna work. So, sorry for the shortness :)

Edit: Uh.. my image wasn't uploaded to the background.. I'm sad now :(

Posted by magic/malissa at 10:52 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 17 October 2003 11:04 PM CDT
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