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 Magna Carta School Reunion
Classes of 1987/88/89

Saturday 31 May 2003

Hello!  I wanted to update you all on the success of our reunion.  I haven’t been around much since June and have also just started a new job, hence the delay.  Anyway, hopefully it’s all still fresh in your minds and you’ll enjoy looking at some of the photos that were snapped! 

The evening was a roaring success and with over 120 attendees, I was able to donate £150 to the school, they used this money to buy sports awards.  

Lots of people have asked me when the next one is!  Well, I have suggested to a few people that we could make the last Saturday night in May every year an ongoing event, meeting in a large pub in Staines or similar.  Not a big organised event, just this is the time and date if you want to catch up with some old friends, a very casual night.  Unless of course, there are some of you out there that would be interested in organising something, feel free!  My one tip would be, don’t do food!!!  Although the pizza didn’t really get eaten during the evening, most people got a ‘take away’ at the end of the night!  

Lastly, I’d like to say a few words of thanks to; Deb Chapman who helped me  above and beyond the call of duty – cheers love.  Respect to Wayne who did the disco, even if he didn’t play my favourite song ;o)  Thanks to Mr Walker and the bar staff for keeping us all hydrated (cheers Clive).  Thanks to my best mate Tammy for working the door so efficiently!  Big love to Gerald my husband for putting up with me in the months prior to the 31st!  Finally, THANKS to all of you for taking the time to come, it was a real achievement and a huge success!  

Now, feast your eyes on some of the photos taken by our very own ‘David’ oops I mean Lisa Bailey!!!

Louise xxx

HOW HAPPY DO I LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!