written on: 05/17/03
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't this the cutest layout Ya'll have ever seen?! LoL! This one kind of reminds me more of St. Patrick's Day but I think I actually used it in May so just whatever. Hmm...What else to put! This site is mostly about me and my HP characters and I will have several updates! No worries! Yeah...My main character is Novalee Bishop, a 5th year Gryffindor. I would loveeee to RP with any of you fannies out there at any time! You just have to search for me!! haha! And also sign the guestbook so I know people actually use and appreciate my layouts. lol.
--Kara :)
Stuff~> About Me & Novalee's Bio & Simone's Bio & Kitten's Bio & Tarah's Bio & Brae-Lynn's Bio & Thanks!

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