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11/17/03 Woohoo!!! Added a new layout! Isn't it sooo cute?! Especially the cherries! Just look at them smiling... always smiling... Okay.. well, maybe they're scary at times with their manial smiling, but that's OK! Awwww, I love this new layout! Everything's perfect! Although, I'm not sure whether this music is appropiate for my LOTR section. Strange. Oh well, that will be sorted out AFTER dinner. If you read me right, that meant I have to go! For dinner! Yum! Later homies! ^_^

11/16/03 Woah.. I tottally forgot about my webbie, until Rachel said something about it. I've been slightly busy these past few days. So that's the reason. Hmmm.... I'm adding a page on Lord of the Rings since I luff it so much. ^_^ But not now, later. I don't think I'll apply for QBees or Pill Pals, too busy right now, and even if I get in with this crappy site, they'll kick me off for being "unactive". Aiiiii.

11/07/03 I haven't updated in awhile.... O_O Maybe I'll add a new review.... and maybe I'll apply for QBees.... and maybe I'll add neopets stuff. I don't think I'll do QBees YET. Maybe Pill Pals... nah, too lazy to make a pill....

None yet =(