LaUrEn'S WeB PaGe
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This is about me and my life.

I am an amatuer at making websites so if this looks wierd or something, please tell me by emailing me at

ThEsE aRe tHe LiNkS To My LiFe...EnJoY!!!! Pics/ Friends Info/ Shout Outs/ Info Bout Me/ My Fav Quotes



Friends Info

Sarah Pledger- she is my absolute best friend. She has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and is soo sarcastic. She has turned punk on me and now lives in Japan. We have known each other for about 2 or more years I think.

Shelby Maloney- she grew up with me. Every where I went, she went too. Every time I got in trouble and did stupid things, she was standing beside me. she is 12 and lives in Massachuettes.

Casey Creppel- He is one of my newer friends, yet he has become a very good friend in such a short time. He is short, has lots of muscles, and has extremely pretty eyes. He is shown in a few of the flexin pics above. Sorry but he's taken(jessica)!!!

Brent Arnholter- He is also one of my newer friends. He is an ok friend but he goes out with Apryl and I kinda don't get along with her. He is in a couple pics above(one of the flexin ones). He is normal hieght and most all my freinds thinks he's kinda cute.

Kyle Marker- He used to be my boyfriend. I fell in love with him and I think I still am in love with him. Right now, we hate each other with a passion tho. He is pictured in the pics with Apryl(they used to go together...long story). He is tall, REALLY WHITE, and wears his hair like a 5 yr old skool boy.*LOL*

Biancia Zinger- She was one of my great friend. She is really tall and she has brown hair. She is in Texas now tho but she is still like my greatest friend!!~!

Apryl Lathrom- She used to be like my best friend but then she two faced me and betrayed me.NOw, I am kinda kool with her but we still fight some times.She is pictured in the pics with Kyle.

Jessica Sutherland- She is Casey's gurl. She is kool with me but there's alwayz been sumthin bout her I don't trust. Maybe it's the fact that she messed around with Randy and Ben while going out with Casey. And she then said it wasn't her fault even tho when she around Ben she flirts w/ him and acts kool around him.Well I ain't trying to hate on her juss to let ya know.

Casey McNeal- She is my blood sister. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and is really skinny. She and I don't chill much anymore cuz she is too much into smoking and being w/ Tammey and Dustin.

Tammey Mull- She is a 23 yr old who I chill with some times. I look up to her and admire her even if she is a little bit of a Bi**h sometimes but she is still one of muh gurlz.

Justin Mull- He is Tammey's husband. He is like my dad. I love him soo much and wish he would come back from war so he can play dungeons and dragons with me again.

Crystal McKenzie- She is my project freind. She is totally kool and is becoming my 2nd Best friend.


A shout out goes to all muh freinds above....guys, we been through lots...good times, bad times....whutever it was, we made it and we're gonna continue to make it. I love you guys. Your my family and I'm alwayz gonna be there for ya!!

A shout out goes out to Sarah Pledger. Gurl, I love you like my sister and in a couple weeks I'll be living with you and we will be sisters...can't wait!!!

A shout out goes to Casey Creppel. You've been there to talk to me when I needed to talk. Thanks for being there to laugh with me and all that other stuff.

A shout out goes to Kyle Marker. Look, I know we kinda hate each other right now but none of this woulda happened if you had juss not been so mean, but anywayz...I juss wanted to say, hope we become freinds again. I will alwayz love ya even if you hate me. Sucks, don't it? ;*)

Info Bout Me

My name is Lauren Antoinette Matera. I was born on October 2,1989 in Nome,Alaska. I am a freshman at Leesville High School. I am in ROTC and I plan to be the greatest air force pilot ever cuz Casey Creppel told me I couldn't. Then I'm going to become the president of the USA cuz my 8th grade math teacher said I couldn't. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin, and I"m kinda short. I am kind, funny, sarcastic, annoying, energetic, adventurous, curious little gurl. I love asking questions and all sorts of other stuff. I love wolves and I horse back ride. My favorite shows are Inuyasha, Utena, Sailor Moon, Shamanic Princess, Outlaw Star, Pilot Candidate, and lots of other Japenese anime shows. I know how to speak Japanese. I live in Fort Polk, La and I am not country.


"It's not what's how you deal with what happens."

"This world iz filled with nuthin but hoes, hataz, and playaz....don't let none of dem get ya down!!

"Dis what i got: Bootie Shakin*Heart Breakin*Mad Hot*Neva stop*Short Skirt*Luv ta Flirt*Tight Jeans*Curvy Hips*Glossed Lips*High Class* Nice Ass* Bangin Style*Sexy Smile*Lucious Thighs*Kandie Eyez*Temptin Lips*Killa Kiss* Tell me...Can You Handle This?*~

"If u didn't have feet would u ware shoe's? Then why do u ware a bra???"

"I wAs WiTh HiM sO lOnG, I gReW tO bE sO sTrOnG,nOw wErE nOt ToGeThEr, I'm WeAkEr ThEn EvEr"

"You're just jealous cuz the little voices talk to me"

"If love is fun, why arent you smileing?"

"*This is a taco-burrito conversation, NACHOS*

"dOn'T tRy 2 FigUrE mE ,jUst lUv mE.

"WhY r So MaNy GuYz PLaYaHz? Do ThEy ThInK tHeY cAn WiN tHaT wAy?"

"~*~EverOne Deserves To Feel Pretty... So Leave Me Alone~*~

"If I kiss him, will he stop calling me names????"

"i love rainbows, i love rain, i love u, and ........... um i forgot the rest but i think ur hot"

"i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu.. oR eVeN wAnTeD yOu bUt bEcAuSe i fInAlLy rEaLiZeD iM gOnNa bE AlRiTe wItH oUt yOu"

"Life doesnt suck totally... we just havent gotten to the good parts yet..."

"He can take away my trust, pride, and courage but he will never take away my good looks! ;)

"DiD iT lOoK LiKe I cArEd?¿?.... OoPs LeT mE tRy AgAiN!"

"Why do they call it 'French Kissing' if Americans do it the best?¿?"


"~*~Dont hate this girl, hate that one~*~"

"*.:.Don't flatter yourself....I was looking at your friend.:.*"

"**guyz are nottin without their gurlz, gurlz are everything without their guyz**

"My BoYfRiEnd SaId ThAt If I CrUsHed On 1 mOrE gUy He'Ll LeAvE mE!¡! mAn I sUrE aM gOnNa MiSs HiM!¡!¡"

"i might be sexy, i might be sweet, but without you im incompelete

"Hey look on the bright side... not everyone hates you as much as i do.."

"WhEn i WaLk By Ur AsKiN Ur Boy, iS sHe PrEtTiEr DeN mE!? GoT DeM GuYz SaYiN UmM, WeLL--> HONESTLY? ~*~"

"~*~ Sorry Ronald Mcdonald, You did not make me smile :( ~*"

"Cry me a river, build me a bridge, then do us all a favor and jump off it!!"

"OMG! You killed ____!!! How much do I owe u?"

"Not all guys are players, but all players are guys, and their favorite game is to make you cry."

"I ReFuSe 2 sTaR iN YoUr PsYcHoDrAmA!!"

"Never say you love me... Cuz for me love doesn'e last forever!"

"kute enuf to make you look twice, sweet enuf but not too nice, a lil crazy but not too wild, the kinda gurl that`ll make ya smile:)"

"*I love him,oh yes I do. He's for me and not for you and if by chance you take mi place,I'll take mi fist and smash yo face!"

"You want mi numba so you can call and talk crap to me? Ha iight den...get it off yo man's caller ID."

"Aww gurlie be as bangin as me? Ho, u trippin I do it naturally."

"Thick silver chains,laced up wanz,baggy jeans,nice car rimz,I told you once and I'll tell ya again dat'z the only way I like mi men!"

"Mi biznezz ain't concernin you so unless you mi thong don't be up mi butt!!"

"If you want me u betta respect me,but if you don't respect me guess who won't get me."

iight.....dat's it fo now.....Catch ya later!!!
