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Welcome to Michael's first official Web Page!!!

by: Michael de Asa
Web Page Developer

I'm trying to learn HTML thru Joe Burns' website, and the website help me a lot!!!

These are the things I have learned...

How to create a Web page

You can use a Notepad, Word Processor, or Microsoft Word
But I prefer to use Notepad because it is easier to use and understand...

Note: When saving a HTML document in notepad, always select first "SAVE AS" and save your document with a suffix.

example: "michael.html"

How to use Flag Formats

There are three(3) Flag Formats that you can use...

Bold <b> = Bold
Italic <i> = Italic
Typewriter <tt> = Typewriter


I can write in BOLD and/or ITLAIC or both!!!

And also in Typewriter!!!

Single Flags

There are three(3) Single Flags you can use...

<hr> = Horizontal Reference or line.
<br> = Breaks the text and starts again.
<p > = Paragraph



<br> Breaks the...
(See the difference?!?):p

<p> Paragraph
The quick...

brown fox...
(Notice that???):)

Heading Commands

There are Six(6) Heading Commands you can use...

<H1> thru <H6>, <H1> is the Highest, while <H6> is the smallest...

Note: Later versions of browsers (3.0 and above), 7 & 8 are present.

Font Size

You can use <font size="+6">, which is the largest font size and <font size="-6">, which is the smallest.



Aligning Text

You can center or align right or align left your text by using these commands...




How to create a Hyper-Text Link and Mail-to Command

To create a hyper-text link, you can use this command line...

<a href="">Click here to MSN</a>

The following command will be like this in your browser...

Click here to MSN

To create a Mail-to command, you can use this command line...

<a href="">Email Michael de Asa</a>

The following command will be like this in your browser...

Email Michael de Asa

Will the ALIGN="---" commands work
when you are using Tables?

Click here to top!!!
caption contents
first header cell contents last header cell contents
first row, first cell contents first row, last cell contents
last row, first cell contents last row, last cell contents